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Дата: 16.09.05 17:23
Специальность: преподщаватель анлийского языка
Ф.И.О. (или ник): Суслова Ольга Николаевна
Город: Москва
Оплата: от 800 руб./мес. Описание:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to apply for the post of English Teacher. I have some experience in teaching students.
I am twenty-nine years old, and was educated at Moscow Teacher Training University, Moscow Department of Training Professional Center. Then I went to London where I took the courses in General English, Business English and Management .
I am fluent in English. I have worked as English Teacher and Private Tutor.
Should you be willing to consider me for the position, I shall be available for interview any time and able to take up the position immediately.