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В сегодняшнем номере рассылки "Курсы английского: изучение английского онлайн" мы продолжим рассматривать тему "Правила согласования местоимений"


Английская грамматика


3)  Когда два английских слова соединены разделительными союзами either … or, neither … nor, not onlybut also, то число сказуемого и местоимения определяется по той части подлежащего, которая ближе к сказуемому:

Either the student or the teacher will give you his book.

Neither the professor nor the assistant-professors discuss their preparation for lectures with students.

4)  Собирательные существительные английского языка, такие как group, team, family могут употребляться как в единственном, так и во множественном числе:

5)  Выражение all of + noun имеет единственное число, если существительное неисчисляемое:

All of the money is in bank.

и множественное число, если существительное исчисляемое:

All of the books have been thrown away.

6)  Местоимения английского языка several, many, both, few являются множественными и согласуются с глаголом во множественном числе.

7) При сочетании both, neither, either с существительным возможны два варианта:

both books,  neither student и т.д. и both of (neither of) the (these, those, my, Tom’s …) books и т.д.

8) Местоимение no употребляется перед существительными в единственном и множественном числе. No = not a или not any:

I have no ticket = I haven’t a ticket.

I found no mistakes in your work. = I didn’t find any mistakes in your work.

I have no time to study this approach. = I haven’t any time to study this approach.

В качестве местоимения-существительного употребляется местоимение none, которое заменяет как исчисляемое существительное в единственном и множественном числе, так и неисчисляемое существительное:

-         Are there any defects in the sample?

-         No, there are none.


Упр. 1 Найдите ошибки в согласовании местоимений или формы глагола.


a.   Neither the reporters nor the editor have received their paycheck.

b.   Everyone have to use their identification number to activate the computer.

c.   In the bus sit the  musicians, each holding their instrument.

d.   The boy’s new jeans is so old that they look  like a rag.

e.   Anyone who abuse their children should be punished for their actions.

f.     No one are as ambitious as who want to be rich.

g.   Both London and Paris is crowded in the summer because it is so famous.  

h.   The list of special courses are available at the front desk because they are requested by so many students.

i.     The hundred thousand dollars were found because the thief dropped them while escaping.


Упр. 2 В каждом предложении подчеркнуты два местоимения. Одно из них неправильное. Найдите ошибку и исправьте ее.


a.   Each of the companies claims their products will outlast its competitors.

b.   The recording equipment and their carrying case were never put back in their proper place.

c.   His family was shocked when James killed themselves.

d.   That chain of discount stores will lose customers if it doesn’t improve their service department.

e.   The New York Times, renowned for their news coverage, recently increased its readership.

f.     Neither the students nor their teacher was happy with his test grades.

g.   Just offstage stood the conductor and its assistants with their equipment.

h.   The secretary put the letter back in her envelope and filed it.

i.     Unlike his predecessor, the president feels it is in their country’s best interest to reduce taxes.

j.     Alaska’s North Scope has found itself full of geologists and its seismic equipment.


Упр. 1    a. has received; b.has to use his; c. his; d. are; e. his; f. is, wants; g. are, they are; h. is, it is; i. is, it. 


Упр. 2   a. their – its; b. its; c. themselves – himself; d. their – its; e. their – its; f. his – their; g. its – his; h. her – its; i. their – his; j. its – their.


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