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Курсы английского: изучение английского онлайн. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ГРАММАТИКА.

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7 секретов успешного изучения английского


Добрый день дорогие друзья.

Тема сегодняшнего урока английского языка : Употребление артикля с неисчисляемыми существительными


Употребление артикля с неисчисляемыми существительными


a)  Употребление английского артикля и местоимений some и any с именами существительными  вещественными.

Имена существительные вещественные употребляются:

    - без артикля, когда речь идет о веществе в общем смысле:  We can’t live without water. Gas is cheaper than electricity.

и когда одно вещество противопоставляется другому: Which do you prefer: tea or coffee

   - с местоимениями some и any, когда речь идет о каком-то неопределенном количестве вещества: Bring me some water.    Isn’t  there any sugar in the sugar basin?

    - с определенным артиклем, когда речь идет об определенном количестве вещества, когда имеется определение, выделяющее определенное количество вещества, или из ситуации ясно, о каком именно количестве идет речь: 

 I forgot to pay the bill and now the gas has been cut off. The milk I bought yesterday has turned sour. The ore discovered by the expedition is of a high quality. The nickel  was probably inessential in the reaction.

    - с неопределенным артиклем, когда имеется в виду порция вещества:

    Could you give me a coffee and a sandwich?

    Употребление артикля при наличии классифицирующего и описательного определений, а также прилагательного в превосходной степени не отличается от его употребления с нарицательными существительными: Silk which is used for the aviation industry must be of the highest quality.  Bulgaria exports tobacco, which is one of the stable agricultural products of the country.  This is the best wine I have ever drunk.

b) Употребление артикля и местоимений some и any с именами существительными отвлеченными.

     В английском языке артикль не употребляется перед названиями научных дисциплин, видов спорта, искусств:

    J.Bonner earned a BA in chemistry and mathematics from the University of Utah.  Do you play chess?

    Имена существительные отвлеченные употребляются:

    - без артикля, когда они выражают отвлеченные понятия в общем смысле:

    While there is life there is hope.   Knowledge is power.

    - с определенным артиклем, когда они имеют при себе определение, относящее это понятие к какому-либо лицу или предмету: He was the hope of his parents.   I like the music of this ballet.

    - с местоимениями some и any, когда речь идет о неопределенной степени качества:

    There is some difference between these two samples.  He did not show any fear.

    - с неопределенным артиклем, когда речь идет о разновидности качества или чувства:

    He has a cleverness quite of his own.    He showed a patience that I had never expected of him.

    - с неопределенным артиклем, когда имеются существительные period, population, distance, height, salary и др. с последующим предлогом of + числительное + существительное:   

He has been working here for a period of 2 years.


c)  Отсутствие артикля перед именами существительными нарицательными - исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми.

Артикль отсутствует: 

     - перед существительным, имеющим при себе другой определитель:  My room is large.   This book is interesting.

   - перед исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе, когда в единственном числе следовало бы употребить неопределенный артикль: This plant is engaged in the manufacture of pumpsThey are hard working students Squares have four sides. 

   These are such interesting books!  

Следует также помнить, что в английском языке многие существительные имеют как отвлеченное, так и конкретное вещественное значение. Например:

medicine                                                 a medicine

glass                                                        a glass

iron                                                         an iron

opera                                                       an opera

painting                                                   a painting

radio                                                       a radio

tin                                                            a tin

А теперь протестируйте свои знания по сегодняшнему уроку английского языка:

Упражнения (ответы находятся в конце урока)

Упр.1.1.4.a. В выделенных словах укажите правильные варианты употребления артикля the.


a.      ”Where’s coffee / the coffee?”  It’s in the cupboard.

b.     Tennis / The tennis is a very popular sport

c.      We went for a swim in the river. Water / The water was very cold.

d.     I don’t like swimming in cold water / the cold water.

e.      You must visit the art gallery. Paintings / The paintings are very beautiful.

f.       Money / The money doesn’t always bring happiness / the happiness.

g.      English / The English is the language of international business.

h.      Women / The women are often better teachers than men / the men.

i.        In Britain coffee / the coffee is more expensive than tea / the tea.

j.       We had a very nice meal in that restaurant. Cheese / The cheese was especially good.

k.     Most people / The most people still believe that marriage / the marriage and family life / the family life are the basis of our society.

l.        They got married but marriage /  the marriage wasn’t successful.

m.    I know someone who wrote a book about life / the life of Gandhi.

n.      Life / the life would be very difficult without electricity / the electricity.

o.     Do you know people / the people who live next door?

p.     Are you interested in art / the art or architecture / the architecture?

q.     Two of the biggest problems facing our society are crime / the crime and unemployment / the unemployment.

I hate violence / the violence.


Упр.1.1.4.b. Обратите внимание на разницу в употреблении артиклей в следующих парах предложений:

My daughter is at school.                               The meeting will be held at the school.

He was rushed to hospital immediately.         I’m going to the hospital to visit him.

То есть, употребление артикля перед словами типа university, school, hospital, church, prison и т.д. подразумевает, что говорящий имеет в виду здание. Употребление этих же существительных без артикля означает, что они рассматриваются как учреждения в общем смысле. 

 Поставьте a, an или the, где необходимо.


a.      Our children attend ……….. very good school.

b.     Some people think they know about education just because they were once at ……… school.

c.     People who spend time in ………….. prison rapidly become institutionalized.

d.     As soon as the riot broke out, police surrounded ………. prison.

e.      A lot of people think ………… prison should be just like any other building.

f.       The trial attracted a lot of attention and …………. court was crowded.

g.     A lot of people have been taken to …………. court for failing to pay local taxes.

h.     Though it’s a small town, it has ……… school, ……. church and ……… court.

i.        ____ youngest brother is at ____  school now.

She is at ____ school. If you go to ___ school by ____ tram, you will be just in ___ time to meet her.


Упр.1.1.4.c. Поставьте a, an или the, где необходимо.

a.      ___ thermometer is ___ instrument for measuring ____ temperatures.

b.     ___ temperature to-day is not so high as it was yesterday.

c.      ___ observation and ___ experience are two great teachers.

d.     ___ air is necessary for ___ life.

e.      ___ length, ___ breadth and ___ height of ___ cube are equal.

f.       Every machine requires some sort of ___ power to operate it.

g.      ___ history is his subject. Especially ___ history of ___ Middle Ages.

h.      There was ___ expression in his eyes that I could not understand.

i.        He finished his work without ___ difficulty.

j.       ___ task presented ___ difficulty, which we could not overcome at first.

He was not discouraged by ___ difficulty of ___ task.


Упр.1.1.4.d. Подчеркните правильный вариант в каждом предложении.


Пример: I’ve got some cigarettes but I haven’t got light / a light.

                Light / the light travels faster than sound / the sound.

a.      We’re having lamb / the lamb for lunch.

b.     The sheep gave birth to lamb / a lamb in the middle of the night.

c.      Would you like cake / a cake?

d.     No, thanks. I don’t like cake / a cake.

e.      This suit is made of very fine cloth / the very fine cloth.

f.       Can you get cloth / a cloth, please?   I’ve just spilt tea / a tea on your carpet.

g.      I went to a talk / talk on Russian revolution / the Russian revolution last night. It was very interesting.

h.      There has been a talk / talk of redundancies at the British Shipping Company.

i.        Service / a service in restaurants isn’t as good as it used to be.

j.       The Health Service / Health Service is suffering from severe cutbacks.

k.     The Times / Times is one of Britain’s oldest newspapers.

l.        Time / the time and tide / the tide wait for no man. (поговорка)

m.    I don’t usually like poetry / the poetry.

n.      But here’s a poem / poem I do like.

o.     Do you want an ice / ice in your whisky?

Ice / the ice at the North and South Poles is said to be melting little by little.


Упр.1.1.4.e. Поставьте a(an) или some, где необходимо. Подчеркните неисчисляемые существительные, которые можно использовать в словосочетании a piece of


a.        Can I offer you _______ advice?

                              _______ suggestion?

b.     I’ve just heard _______ interesting news.

                              _______ interesting announcement.

                              _______ interesting information.

c.     There’s going to be ________ thunderstorm.

                                   ________  bad weather.

d.     She is carrying  ______ luggage.

                            _______ suitcase.

e.      We’ll need _______ accommodation.

                       _______ room for the night.

f.       He’s got ______ strange equipment.

                   ______ strange machine in his laboratory.

g.     Do you mind if I put on _____ music?

                                          _____ tape?


ОТВЕТЫ на тесты английского



a.       ”Where’s the coffee?”  It’s in the cupboard.

b.     Tennis is a very popular sport

c.      We went for a swim in the river. The water was very cold.

d.     I don’t like swimming in cold water.

e.      You must visit the art gallery. The paintings are very beautiful.

f.       Money doesn’t always bring happiness.

g.      English is the language of international business.

h.      Women are often better teachers than men.

i.        In Britain coffee is more expensive than tea.

j.       We had a very nice meal in that restaurant. The cheese was especially good.

k.     Most people still believe that marriage and family life are the basis of our society.

l.        They got married but the marriage wasn’t successful.

m.    I know someone who wrote a book about the life of Gandhi.

n.      Life would be very difficult without electricity.

o.     Do you know the people who live next door?

p.     Are you interested in art or architecture?

q.     Two of the biggest problems facing our society are crime and unemployment.

r.       I hate violence.


Упр.1.1.4.b.   a. a; b. -; c. -; d. the; e. a; f. the; g.  -; h. a, a, a; i. the, -; j. -, the, -, -.


Упр.1.1.4.c.   a. a, an, -;  b. -; c -, -; d -, -; e. the, the, the, a; f. -; g. -, the, the; h. an; i. -; j. the, -; k. the, the.



a.      We’re having lamb for lunch.

b.     The sheep gave birth to a lamb in the middle of the night.

c.      Would you like a cake?

d.     No, thanks. I don’t like cake.

e.      This suit is made of very fine cloth.

f.       Can you get a cloth, please?   I’ve just spilt tea on your carpet.

g.      I went to a talk on the Russian revolution last night. It was very interesting.

h.      There has been talk of redundancies at the British Shipping Company.

i.        Service in restaurants isn’t as good as it used to be.

j.       The Health Service is suffering from severe cutbacks.

k.     The Times is one of Britain’s oldest newspapers.

l.        Time and tide wait for no man. (поговорка)

m.    I don’t usually like poetry.

n.      But here’s a poem I do like.

o.     Do you want ice in your whisky?

p.     The ice at the North and South Poles is said to be melting little by little.



a.       some advice;  a suggestion

b.      news; an interesting announcement; some interesting information.

c.      a thunderstorm; some bad weather.

d.      some luggage; a suitcase.

e.      some accommodation; a room for the night.

f.       some strange equipment; a strange machine in his laboratory.

g.      some music; a tape.



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