widening your vocabulary

5 top tips for widening your vocabulary
1. Be selective in what you learn. Remember, you are much more likely to use
words or phrases if you think they
are useful or interesting so avoid the temptation to make long lists.
2. Make meaning families. If, for example, you are interested in music, try to
group words and phrases which will
actually help you to talk about music. For example, learning all the names of
the instruments in an orchestra won't
really help you make conversation - but learning the names of a few instruments,
and adjectives to describe how
their music makes you feel will allow you to talk about music.
3. Describe new words in your own words. By actively explaining what a new word
or phrase means, you will be
thinking about the word or phrase - and helping to fix it in your memory.
4. Read more English. One advantage of reading is that you will meet lots of
new vocabulary. By using the text to help
you work out what new vocabulary means, you can identify new words and phrases
which will be useful for you.
5. Look for synonyms. When you read, you are unlikely to find the same words
repeated over and over. Writers go
to great lengths to avoid repeating words or phrases when discussing an idea.When
you are reading, look for the
number of different words the writer uses to express the same idea.
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