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Слововбиватель (радикальное запоминание английских слов) 73

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Слововбиватель (word-hammer) - радикальное запоминание английских слов

Сайт рассылки - English4.ru - Курс английского языка для начинающих

Зеленым цветом показаны звуковые ссылки. Они, как и рисованные транскрипционные значки, доступны только в режиме онлайн. Web-страница c выпуском: http://english4.ru/0_lessons/73.htm (обновление урока 73).

New words:

frighten ['fraitn] - пугать;

Why do you look so frightened?
- Почему ты выглядишь таким испуганным?

Such behaviour [bi'heivj] can frighten anybody.
- Такое поведение может напугать кого угодно.

Perhaps the perspective of sharing a room with this stupid guy frightened Mike.
- Возможно перспектива жить в одной комнате с этим болваном испугала Майка.

middle - середина;
middleman - посредник;

The car stopped at the middle of the road.
- Машина остановилась на середине дороги.

He was a usual representative of the middle class.
- Он был обычным представителем среднего класса.

The travel business is a business of the middlemen.
- Туристический бизнес - бизнес посредников.

trouble [trbl] - неприятность, беспокойство;

What's the matter? Are you in trouble with the police again?
- В чем дело? У тебя опять неприятности с полицией?

Come in and share your troubles with me over a cup of tea.
- Заходи, поделись со мной своим проблемами за чашкой чая.

At school I was always getting into trouble.
- В школе я всегда попадал в неприятности.

yet [jet] - еще (не);

She hasn't come yet.
- Она еще не пришла.

The library isn't open yet.
- Библиотека не открыта еще.

The servants haven't carried the cases yet.
- Слуги еще не принесли чемоданы.

straight [streit] - (нар.) прямо; (пр.) прямой;

Go straight ahead, then turn right.
- Идите прямо вперед, а затем поверните направо.

The road to the church was straight.
- Дорога к церкви была прямой.

She has a very straight nose.
- У нее очень прямой нос.

kind [kaind] - вид, сорт;

What kind of person is your brother?
- Что за человек твой брат?

This is a different kind of computer memory.
- Это другой вид компьютерной памяти.

In future they will use other kinds of learning software.
- В будущем будут применяться другие виды обучающих программ.

advertising ['dvtaizi] - реклама, рекламирование;

Nobody likes TV advertising.
- Телевизионная реклама Никому не нравится.

There's no need for you to pay for advertising in our newspaper.
- Вам не нужно платить за рекламу в нашей газете.

Have you heard anything about hidden advertising in the movies?
- Вы слышали что-нибудь о скрытой рекламе в фильмах?

lie - (n) ложь; (v) лгать;

It was a big mistake to lie to us.
- Лгать нам было твоей большой ошибкой.

Who taught you to tell lies?
- Кто научил тебя лгать?

He decided not to lie any more, and this changed his lie.
- Он решил больше не лгать, и это изменило его жизнь.

pants - (амер.) брюки; (брит.) мужские трусы;

Are you so poor that can't buy new pants for yourself?
- Ты такой бедный, что не можешь купить себе новые брюки?

Don't forget to take your pants with you.
- Не забудь взять с собой новые брюки.

I kept the keys in the pocket of my pants.
- Я хранил ключи в кармане своих брюк.

cost (cost) - стоить;

How much does it cost?
- Сколько это стоит?

Their child's new toy costs about 40 pounds!
- Новая игрушка их ребенка стоит окола 40 фунтов!

In 1992 in Britain the bread cost about 30 p.
- В 1992 году хлеб в Британии стоил около 30 пенсов.

song - песня;

It seems to me your new song is becoming popular.
- Мне кажется, твоя новая песня становится популярной.

I am not able to understand all the words of this song.
- Я не могу понять все слова этой песни.

Please choose which song would you like to hear today.
- Пожалуйста, выберите, какую песню вы бы хотели услышать сегодня.


Bill Gates. The Road Ahead

Chapter 6. Markets and Money.

When Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations in 1776, he talked about a world where every buyer knew every seller's price, and every seller knew how much to ask for.

market - рынок;
wealth [wel] - богатство;

We do not have that world yet. Sometimes you buy something for $500 and then see it in another store for $300, and you feel stupid. It happens with many different things, but for the same reason. You didn't have enough information.
The Internet will bring buyers and sellers together. You will be able to find anything, using your computer. And as this happens, the middlemen, the people who sell things for other people, will have to do more for both the buyers and sellers to keep their jobs.
both ... and - и ... и;
This idea will frighten a lot of people. But it will stop frightening most of them when it becomes part of our lives. We will ask for more, and get more, from the middlemen.
The travel business is a business of the middlemen. The people at the travel office will have to work harder to keep their customers. It will be easy to get travel information through the Internet, and many people will start to plan their own travels.

business ['biznis];


own [un] - собственный;

On the Internet, lots of people will buy things straight from the companies that make them. Because of this, advertising will change. And when you think that something you bought isn't very good, or when you really love it, you'll be able to tell other customers about it on the electronic bulletin boards. Before you buy something, you'll be able to read what other people are saying about it on the bulletin boards, too.
Of course, you don't have to listen to everything everyone on a bulletin board says. Sometimes a few users try too hard to tell people how they feel. Their messages become angry. I've seen this happens with bulletin board, and it kills them.
There's another problem too, with the bulletin boards. Today, if someone keeps telephoning you and you don't want to hear from them, the police and the telephone company will work together to stop them. But no one will get angry at the telephone company. They will get angry at the person who is telephoning.
It's different with newspapers. If a newspaper tells lies about you, the newspaper is in trouble.
The Internet companies are somewhere in the middle, between newspapers and telephone companies. They give us information, but they also bring us information that they didn't write, like the messages on a bulletin board. There have been some problems with the bulletin boards. Some users have become angry at what other users have put there. Does this mean that the Internet company gets into trouble? It isn't clear yet.
clear - ясный;
I think that, in the end, we will put the information on the Internet into different groups. In some groups, there will be information that the company has read, and changed if necessary. In other groups, the messages will still come straight from other Internet users.
necessary ['nesisri] - необходимо;
But the bulletin board won't be the only place to find out about things that you want to buy. Today, you can see people in the movies drinking one kind of beer or eating at a restaurant you know. This is a new kind of advertising. In the movie True Lies, Arnold Schwarzenegger sees our Windows program in Arabic on a computer screen. We paid for that. In the future, when you see something you like in a movie, you will be able to ask questions about it or even buy it through the computer. If there's a nice hotel in the movie, you'll be able to find out where it is and how much the rooms cost. You'll be able to stop the movie while you do this, and then start it again when you have finished.

find out - разузнать, выяснить;
beer - [bi] пиво;
restaurant ['restr:];

Another idea that will change shopping has already started. Levi Strauss & Co is trying a new system for its jeans. At many of its stores, you can tell them how big you want your pants at the stomach and how long your legs are, and their computer sends these numbers to their factory. There, another computer tells the cutting machines, and they make a perfect pair of pants, just for you.

Levi Strauss [li'vai st:s];

stomach ['stmk] - живот;

[p] - пара;

In time, it's possible that everyone will have their personal clothing information in their computer. It will be easier to buy someone a present when this happens. You will know that the clothes will be the right size.
size - размер;
You will also be able to tell your computer about other things you want to buy. Your computer will tell you when it finds something interesting. It will also use this to tell companies about you. This will help both you and the companies.
Advertising today costs companies a lot of money. There are some companies – Coca Cola, for example – who want everyone to see their advertising. But most companies want to get their advertising to one group of people or another. Toy companies want children, or the parents of young children, to see their advertising, for example. Car companies want drivers to see their advertising. And companies that make expensive cars want rich drivers to see their advertising.
When companies know more about you, you won't have to look at advertising for things that don't interest you. And the companies will know that the right people are seeing the things they sell.
Your computer will tell the companies about what you're interested in buying. Or what you're interested in hearing.
Companies that sell music will have new ways of doing business. You will be able to pay for a song each time you listen to it. Or the company will be able to give you a low price for playing it ten times, or maybe you will sometimes be able to play some songs for free. Movie companies will do something like this, too.
low [lu] - низкий;
price - цена;
maybe - может быть;
There will also be pay-messages. These will give you money if you look at them. Of course, most of these won't give you much money, perhaps a quarter or a dollar. But when someone wants you to notice them specially, you will probably get more. These pay-messages will be another kind of advertising.
quarter ['kw:t] - 25 центов;
notice ['nutis] - заметить;
probably ['prbbli] - наверно;
Banks will also have to change. There are about 14,000 banks for personal banking in the United States. Most people use a bank near their home or office. But as the Internet becomes better it won't be very important to have your bank near you. There will be electronic banks – computers to watch your money – and these banks will be everywhere because they'll be in your computer, too.
Many companies will have to change when the Internet arrives. Some old jobs will disappear but many new ones will take their places. And buyers and sellers will both win.
disappear - исчезнуть;
both - оба.

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