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Слововбиватель (радикальное запоминание английских слов) Lesson 69.

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Слововбиватель (word-hammer) - радикальное запоминание английских слов

Сайт рассылки - English4.ru - Курс английского языка для начинающих

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1. New words:

even [i:vn] - даже;

Don't go and see that film. It was even worse than I thought.
- Не ходи на этот фильм. Он оказался даже хуже, чем я думал.

Even in the sun it was cold for her.
- Даже на солнце ей было холодно.

The boy was horribly dirty. Even his ears were black.
- Мальчик был ужасно грязным. Даже его уши были черными.

Even if I have to die, I will die standing.
- Даже если мне суждено умереть, я умру стоя.

highway ['haiwei] - большая дорога, магистраль, шоссе;

The car stopped right in the centre of the highway.
- Машина остановилась прямо на шоссе.

The villages called this road "our highway".
- Селяне называли эту дорогу "наша магистраль".

We can't cross the highway here.
- Мы не можем пересекать шоссе в этом месте.

grow up [gru p] - расти, взрослеть;

Chimamanda was born in Nigeria [nai'iri] in 1977 and grew up in the university town of Nsukka.
- Чимаманда родилась в 1977 году в Нигерии и выросла в университетском городке Нсукка.

When you grow up, you can buy as much ice-cream as you like.
- Когда ты вырастишь, ты сможешь покупать себе столько мороженого, сколько захочешь.

Yesterday when I saw him riding past with the other cadets, I understood that he had grown up.
- Вчера когда я увидела его скачущем на лошади рядом с другими курсантами, я поняла, что он стал взрослым.

toy - игрушка;

All the evening the child sat in silence and played with his toys.
- Весь вечер ребенок сидел молча и играл со своимим игрушками.

His toy car goes faster than mine.
- Его игрушечная машина ездит быстрее, чем моя.

My son doesn't like to play with toys very much. All he wants is an interesting book to read.
- Мой сын не очень любит играть в игрушки. Всё что он хочет, так это читать какую-нибудь интересную книгу.

smart - 1. нарядный; 2. умный.

The dress was short and smart.
- Платье было коротким и нарядным.

You are looking very smart today. Are you going to an interview?
- Ты выглядишь очень нарядной сегодня. Собираешься на собеседование?

She was not only pretty, but smart too.
- Она была не только хорошенькой, но и умной.

That's a very smart new computer you have upstairs!
- Тот новый компьютер, что у тебя в комнате наверху, очень крутой!

Please note that very few sensors are used in our equipment, but these sensors are really smart.
- Пожалуйста, заметьте, что в нашем оборудовании используется очень мало сенсоров, но эти сенсоры действительно быстрые.

end - конец;

Even at the end of the winter the temperature sometimes reaches minus twenty-five degrees.
- Даже в конце зимы температура иногда достигает минус 25 градусов.

What happened at the end of the film?
- Что произошло в конце фильма?

A horrible end is better than horror without end.
- Ужасный конец лучше, чем ужас без конца.

change [ein] - менять(ся);

It's time to change the software.
- Пора менять программное обеспечение.

Can you change twenty pounds for me?
- Вы можете мне поменять 20 фунтов?

Whilst I was away, the picture on the screen changed.
- Пока меня не было, картинка на экране изменилась.

Слово way можно перевести на русский язык по крайней мере двумя способами (в зависимости от ситуации):

way - 1. путь, дорога;

Follow me! I know the way.
- Следуйте за мной! Я знаю дорогу.

The way to the top of the mountain was long and dangerous.
- Путь к вершине горы был долог и опасен.

way - 2. способ, образ;

It doesn't matter what way you do it. He's not going to like it.
- Не важно каким способом вы это делаете. - Ему все равно не понравится.

His way of life didn't surprise me.
- Его образ жизни меня не удивлял.

2. Word-formation (словообразование).

Суффикс -ment образует существительные от глаголов. Например,

to agree соглашаться agreement согласие
to excite вызывать (чувства) excitement волнение
to pay платить payment оплата
to move двигать(ся) movement движение
to base базироваться basement базис; подвал

3. The text.

Bill Gates. The Road Ahead

Chapter 1. The First Part of the Road.

I wrote my first program for a computer when I was thirteen years old. A program tells a computer to do something. My program told the computer to play a game. This computer was very big and very slow. It didn't even have a computer screen. But I thought it was wonderful. I was just a kid, but the computer did everything I told it to do. And even today, that's what I love about computers. When I write a good program, it always works perfectly, every time.
kid (ам.) - ребенок;
The computer was our toy. We grew up with it. And when we grew up, we brought our toy with us. Now the computer is in our homes and in our offices ['fisiz]. It has changed our lives [laivz] and it is changing them again, because now the computers are coming together to make a new system. In this system, computers all over the world are beginning to work together. Our computers will be our telephones, our post office, our library, and our banks.
library ['laibrri] - библиотека;
When we talk about this new system, we call it the Internet. This book will try to answer questions about the future of the Internet – what it will be like, and how we will use it. Sometimes when we talk about the future of the Internet, we call it the "Information Highway".

* * *

The Information Highway, when it comes, is going to bring new ways of doing things. New ways are strange, and sometimes people worry about them, but they are also exciting. I'm very happy that I will be a part of this strange new time.

worry ['wri] - беспокоиться;
I've felt this happiness and excitement before. After I wrote that first program at the age of thirteen, my friend Paul [p:l] Allen and I spent a lot of time using computers. Back then computers were very expensive. It cost forty dollars an hour to use one. We made some of our money during the summers, when we worked for computer companies.
excitement - волнение;
age [ei] - возраст;
cost - стоил;
My friend Paul knew a lot more about the machines than I did. I was more interested in the programs. But I learnt from him. One day in 1972, when I was sixteen and he was nineteen, he showed me something that he was reading. It was about a company called Intel that had a new microprocessor [,maikru'pruses] chip.
learnt [l:nt] - учился;
A microprocessor chip is the part of the computer that thinks. This new one wasn't very smart, but we wanted to see if we could write a program for it. In the end, we made a program for it, but we didn't make much money from it.
The next microprocessor from Intel came out in the spring of 1974. It was much smarter than the earlier one. When we read about it, I told Paul that the days of the big computers were finished.
But it was another new idea that excited us more. In December of that year, we saw a picture of the Altair 8800. The Altair was a microcomputer (a small computer) with the new Intel microprocessor chip. When we saw that, we thought "Oh no! People are going to write real programs for this chip!" I was sure of this, and I wanted to be part of it.
It took us five weeks of hard work, but in the end we did it. We had a program for the Altair and we had something more. We had the world's first company that wrote programs for microcomputers. In time we named it "Microsoft."
Starting a company isn't easy. Sometimes it means that you can't do other things that you like. I loved college. I liked having conversations and sharing ideas with so many smart people. But I knew that I had to choose. That spring, Paul decided to leave his job and I decided to leave college. I was nineteen years old.

conversation - разговор;
choose - выбирать.

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