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Слововбиватель (радикальное запоминание английских слов)
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Слововбиватель (wordhammer) - радикальное запоминание английских слов
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Web-страница c выпуском: http://english4.ru/0_lessons/65.htm.
1. Давайте вспомним о существовании так называемых "модальных глаголов" (can, must, should). Напомню их особенности:
- после них перед последующим глаголом в неопределенной форме не ставится to:
I can _ bring it.
- для образования вопросительных и отрицательных форм не требуются вспомогательные глаголы, т.е., они сами выступают в роли вспомогательных:
Should I wake you up?
We mustn't reply.- у них нет форм будущего времени:
Tomorrow you must come back.
- у форм 3-го лица ед.числа (после "он/она/оно") в наст. времени у них не добавляется окончание -s:
She should explain the situation.
My boyfriend must meet you there.
2. Еще одним представителем этой немногочисленной группы является
may [mei] - можно (позволено); мочь.
May I come in? - Мне можно войти?
Yes, you may. - Да, можно.
may not - нельзя.
We may not go upstairs.
- Нам нельзя подниматься наверх.
И производное слово
maybe - может быть.
Maybe your cousin was wounded.
- Может быть твой двоюродный брат был ранен.
В разговорной речи глагол may часто заменяется глаголом can.
Everybody may watch this film.
= Everybody can watch this film.
- Этот фильм можно смотреть всем.
У глагола may есть форма прошедшего времени - might [mait], но она встречается сравнительно не часто. Чаще можно увидеть словосочетание
might be - может быть (но маловероятно).
I might be wearing these shorts.
- Может быть я надену эти шорты (но скорее нет).
3. И здесь можно было бы составить схемку:
might be - может быть (но скорее нет); |
maybe - может быть (нейтрально); |
must be - должно быть. |
He might be alive.
- Может быть он жив (но я сильно сомневаюсь).He maybe alive.
- Может быть он жив.He must be alive.
- Он должно быть жив.
Посмотрите еще раз, и занесите в свою память:
might be / maybe / must be
4. Помните предлог by? -
go by bus - ехать автобусом;
go by plane - летать самолетами;
get there by train - добраться туда поездом.
Итак, условно говоря, by может быть показателем творительного падежа. Но. Этот предлог применяется только в том случае, если предмет "использует" Вас: Вы - в машине, Вы - в поезде, Вы - в такси. Если же "используете" этот предмет Вы сами, то следует применять другой предлог - with:
to write with a pen - писать ручкой;
to kill with a hammer - убить молотом;
to unlock the door with the second key - отомкнуть дверь вторым ключом.
NB Русские существительные стоят в творительном падеже.
5. Грамматики пока хватит. Перейдем к лексике.
Первые три слова - эмоционально окрашены, что, как Вы помните, способствует их лучшему запоминанию.
vampire ['v
] - вампир;
Her servant became a vampire.
- Ее слуга стал вампиром.The body of the vampire smelt horrible.
- Тело вампира издавало ужасный запах.Does garlic protect people from vampires?
- Чеснок защищает людей от вампиров?tomb [tu:m] - могила;
Next to the church there was an old tomb.
- Рядом с церковью была старая могила.We were tired and decided not to look for the count's tomb until the morning.
- Мы устали и решили не искать могилу графа до утра.The next day the servants came back from the churchyard and said that the captain's tomb was empty.
- На следующий день слуги вернулись с церковного кладбища и сказали, что могила капитана пуста.pale - бледный;
His pale body shivered from the terrible cold.
- Его бледное тело дрожало от страшного холода.The pale colour of her face showed she was ill.
- Бледный цвет ее лица говорил о том, что она больна.In the mirror I could see his pale hands shaking.
- В зеркало я видел, как тряслись его бледные руки.
6. Встречавшееся ранее слово <wooden - деревянный> произошло от существительного
wood - древесина, дерево (как материал); лес;
The walls of the castle were made of wood.
- Стены замка были сделаны из дерева.They didn't have enough wood to build the ship.
- У них не хватало дредисины, чтобы построить корабль.To make a fire we need some wood, but we don't have any.
- Чтобы развести огонь, нам нужны дрова, но у нас ничего нет.believe [bi'li:v] - верить;
We can escape. Believe me!
- Мы можем убежать. Верь мне!It doesn't matter to me if you believe in God or not.
- Для меня не важно, веришь ли ты в Бога или нет.Eleanor couldn't believe that her husband was dead.
- Элеанор не могла поверить, что ее муж мертв.side - сторона;
In 1959 people could take photos of the dark side of the Moon.
- В 1959 году люди смогли сфотографировать обратную стороны Луны.We didn't know anything about that side of her life.
- Мы не знали ничего о той стороне ее жизни.After fifteen minutes we found ourselves on the other side of the river.
- Через 15 минут мы оказались на другой стороне реки.I saw her walking along the side of the road.
- Я видел, как она шла вдоль обочины дороги.There are two sides to every story.
- У каждого рассказа есть 2 стороны.drop - сущ. капля; гл. ронять, бросать, капать;
He dropped all his papers into the fire.
- Он бросил все свои бумаги в огонь.The chemist gave me eyedrops to use.
- Аптекарь дал мне глазные капли.Be careful and don't drop the mirror.
- Осторожно, не урони зеркало.Suddenly she dropped her diary.
- Неожиданно она уронила свой дневник.A drop of water fell on my head.
- Капля воды упала мне на голову.hold (held) - держать;
hold out - протягивать;She held my bag while I went to the shop.
- Она держала мою сумку, пока я ходила в магазин.As a gentleman he held the door open for her.
- Как джентльмен он придержал для нее дверь.May I hold your hand?
- Можно мне держать тебя за руку?silent ['sail
nt] - молчаливый;
silence ['sailns] - тишина, молчание;
Silence is golden.
- Молчание - золото.Be silent in the cinema, please.
- Пожалуйста, соблюдайте тишину в кинотеатре.I'm sure the children are never silent in the classroom.
- Я уверена, что дети в классе не могут сидеть тихо.piece [pi:s] - кусок;
May I have a piece of cake, please?
- Можно мне кусочек пирога?Could you put a piece of ice in my coke, please?
- Не могли бы Вы бросить кусочек льда в колу?Put a piece of coal on the fire.
- Брось кусок угля в камин.
* * * Some days later there were strange stories in the newspapers, stories about young children who went out at night and did not go home until the next morning. And when they did go home, they talked about a "beautiful lady." All these children had drops of blood and two little wounds on their necks. |
[![]() |
Van Helsing read these stories, and he brought the paper round to me. "What do you think of that?" he asked. | |
"I don't know," I said. "These two little wounds sound like poor Lucy's wounds, but how can that be?" | |
Then Van Helsing replied. "You haven't understood. The vampire which is taking blood from these children is ... Lucy herself." | |
I was very angry. "That's not true!" I cried. | |
"Then come with me," he said. "And I will show you." | |
So that night he took me to Lucy's tomb. He had the key and we went inside. I was very afraid. In the dark, with the dead flowers lying on Lucy's coffin, the tomb was a terrible place. Slowly, Van Helsing began to open the coffin. Then he turned to me, and said, "Look." | |
I came nearer and looked. The coffin was empty. | |
For me, it was a terrible surprise, but Van Helsing only shook his head. "Now we must wait outside," he said. | surprise [s![]() |
We waited all night. I was cold and afraid, and angry with myself and with Van Helsing. Then, suddenly, something white moved in the trees near the tomb. We went nearer, and we found a little child on the ground, by the tomb. Van Helsing held it out to me, and I looked at its neck. "There are no wounds on the child's neck," I said. | ground [graund]
- земля, грунт; |
"No," Van Helsing replied. "We are just in time." | |
The next day, Van Helsing and I went back into the tomb again and opened the lid of the coffin. This time Lucy's body lay there. She died more than a week ago-but she did not look dead. Her mouth was red and her face was more beautiful than ever. Then Van Helsing pulled back her mouth and showed me her long, sharp teeth. |
sharp - острый; |
"Now do you believe me?" he said. "Lucy is now one of the Un-dead, and with these teeth she will soon kill one of these poor little children. We must stop her before she does." He stopped for a minute and thought. "But we must send for Arthur. He, too, must see - and believe this." | send - отправлять; |
Arthur was very unhappy, and also angry. He could not believe that Lucy was now one of the Un-dead, but in the end he agreed to come with us to the tomb. | also
- также; end - конец; |
It was just before midnight when we got to the churchyard. The night was dark, but now and then, a little moonlight came through the clouds. Van Helsing opened the door of the tomb and we all went in. | midnight
- полночь; cloud [-au-] - облако; |
"Now, Jack," he said to me, 'you were with me yesterday afternoon. Was Miss Lucy's body in that coffin then?' | |
"It was," I replied. | |
Slowly, Van Helsing opened the coffin. Arthur's face was white when he moved nearer. We all looked down. The coffin was empty! | |
For a minute, no one spoke. Then Van Helsing said, "Now we must go outside and wait." | |
It was good to be outside again, away from the dark, smelly tomb. We stood and waited in silence. Then, through the trees, we saw something white. It was moving nearer to us. Its face was white, its mouth was red, and drops of blood fell from it. Suddenly it saw us and stopped. It gave us a look of terrible anger, and Arthur gave a little cry. "It's Lucy!" | |
She smiled. "Oh, Arthur, come to me. Leave those others, and come to me, my love," she said sweetly. | sweetly - сладко; |
Arthur took his hands from his face and opened his arms to her. She was moving nearer to him when Van Helsing ran between them, and held out his little gold cross. Lucy stopped and stood back from it. Then, with a look of terrible angry on her face, she went to the tomb and through the door. The door was closed, but she went through it! | arm - рука; cross - крест; |
"Now, Arthur, my friend," Van Helsing said, "do you understand?" | |
Arthur put his face in his hands and cried, "I do! Oh, I do!" | |
The next day, Arthur, Van Helsing and I went back to the tomb. Van Helsing had a bag with him, and when we were in the tomb, he again opened Lucy's coffin. The bodu lay there, horribly beautiful. Arthur was white and he was shaking. "Is this really Luce?" he asked. | |
"It is and it is not. But wait, and you will see the real Lucy again," Van Helsing replied. | |
He took from his bag a long piece of wood and a hummer. Arthur and I stood silent and watched. Then Van Helsing said to Arthur, "You loved Lucy. You must bring her back to us. You must take this piece of wood in your left hand, and the hammer in your right hand. Then you must drive the wood through Lucy's heart. It isn't easy for you, but it will soon be done. Can you do this for her?" | left
- левый; right - правый; |
"I can," Arthur replied strongly. | |
His face was very pale, but he held the piece of wood over Lucy's heart, and brought the hummer down hard. | |
The body turned from side to side and a horrible scream came from the open red mouth. Arthur did not stop. Harder and harder he hit the wood with the hummer, until, at last, the body stopped moving and lay quiet. | scream - вопль; hit - ударить; |
The hummer fell from Arthur's hand, and he stood there white and shaking. Van Helsing went over to him. "And now you may kiss her," he said. "See! The vampire is dead, and the real Lucy has come back." | |
It was true, Lucy's face was pale and still, but it was now quiet and restful. Arthur kissed her softly on the mouth, and then Van Helsing closed the coffin again, this time, for ever. | still = quiet. |
"Now, my friends," Van Helsing said, "we have only just begun. We must find the vampire that killed Miss Lucy. It will be difficult and dangerous. Will you help me?" | |
"Yes," we said. "We will." |
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