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Слововбиватель (радикальное запоминание английских слов)

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Слововбиватель (wordhammer) - радикальное запоминание английских слов

Сайт рассылки - english.inrussia.org

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Web-страница c выпуском: http://english.inrussia.org/0_lessons/64.htm

New words:

neck - шея;

to touch the neck - дотронуться до шеи;
a long neck - длинная шея;
with a dirty neck - с грязной шеей.

wound [wu:nd] - рана, ранение;

serious wound - серьезное (тяжелое) ранение;
little wounds - маленькие ранки;
strange wounds on her neck - странные раны на ее шее.

garlic ['ga:lik] - чеснок;

garlic flowers - цветки чеснока;
smell of garlic - запах чеснока;
to look for some garlic - искать чеснок.

wear [w] (wore [w:], worn) - носить (одежду);

Are you going to wear a dress or shorts?
- Ты собираешься одеть платье или шорты?

When I was a child I wore a school uniform ['ju:nif:m].
- В детстве я носил школьную форму.

Her grandmother has worn the same clothes for years.
- Ее бабушка годами носит одно и то же.

body ['bdi] - тело;

dead body - мертвое тело;
the bodies of her servants - тела ее слуг;
to find the body - найти тело.

Кроме того, вспомните такие слова, как nobody, somebody, everybody. Их знание, конечно, облегчит Вам запоминание самого слова body.

wake (woke, woken) - будить, просыпаться;
wake up - просыпаться.

We woke up early in the morning.
- Мы проснулись рано утром.

When are you going to wake up?
- Когда ты собираешься просыпаться?

Everybody was woken by her cry.
- Все были разбужены ее криком.

Чаще всего используется именно вариант wake up. Хотя в тексте этого урока присутствует просто <wake - будить>.

note - записка, заметка, замечание, (муз.) нота;

I've got just some notes.
- У меня есть несколько замечаний.

The note came two hours later.
- Записка пришла двумя часами позже.

In her little note I could find lots of stupid things.
- В ее небольшой записке я смог найти много глупостей.

В примерах не было слова note со значением "нота", т.к. это не слишком часто встречающийся музыкальный термин.

downstairs ['daun'stz] - внизу (дома), вниз по лестнице;
upstairs ['p'stz] - вверху (дома), вверх по лестнице;

There are three rooms upstairs.
- Наверху находятся три комнаты.

If you go downstairs you will find a lovely kitchen and a large sitting-room there.
- Если вы спуститесь вниз, то там найдете красивую кухню и большую гостиную.

Go upstairs and don't make a noise.
- Ступайте наверх и сидите тихо.

Эти два слова наверняка заставили Вас вспомнить слово stairs.

bring (brought [br:t]) - принести; привести

You must bring the hammer back immediately.
- Ты немедленно должен принести молоток обратно.

You should bring with you good locks for your cases if you travel to Russia.
- Если вы едете в Россию, вам следует привести с собой хорошие замки для своих чемоданов.

Americans wanted to bring peace to Afghanistan.
- Американцы хотели принести мир в Афганистан.

Who brought this stone to our church?
- Кто принес этот камень в нашу церковь.

The pretty stranger asked to bring her a mirror.
- Прекрасная незнакомка попросила принести ей зеркало.




When I heard from Arthur the terrible news of Lucy's strange illness, I went to her immediately. I could see that she was very ill. She lay in bed all day and did not move. She was as white as a ghost and she was very thin. When night came, she was afraid to sleep, ad in the morning, on her neck there were two strange little wounds. ghost [gust] - привидение;
I did not know what was wrong with Lucy. She was losing blood. But how? Was it through these little wounds in her neck? wrong [r] - неправильный;
I decided to send for my old teacher Professor Van Helsing from Holland. Perhaps he could help. send - отправить, послать;
He came immediately, and when he saw how ill Lucy was, he said, "We must give her blood at once."  
"She can have my blood!" cried Arthur. "All of it- to the last drop! " drop - бросать;
Van Helsing was right. With Arthur's blood in her, Lucy began to get better immediately. But before he left, Van Helsing did one more thing. He brought some flowers with a very strong smell, and he put a circle of them round Lucy's neck. "My dear," he said, "these are garlic flowers." circle [s:kl] - круг;
Lucy's mother was ill herself - her heart was not strong - and Arthur had to go back home because his father was dying. So for a week I watched over Lucy myself at night, and sometimes, when I sat by her bed, I heard strange noises at the window. Perhaps it was a tree, or the wind, I thought.  
I was working at my hospital during the day, and after a week I was very tired, so one night I did not go to Lucy's house. I needed to sleep, and I knew that Lucy's mother and the servants were there. Also, Van Helsing sent a few garlic flowers every day, for Lucy to wear at night. servant [s:vnt] - слуга;
sent - отправлял, посылал;
a few = some;
The next morning at the hospital I had a note from Van Helsing. "Watch Lucy carefully tonight," he wrote. "I shall be with you tomorrow." But that was now today! The note was too late!  
I did not wait for breakfast, but hurried to the house immediately. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. Just then Van Helsing arrived. hurry ['hri] - спешить;
"What happened?" he cried. "Did you not get my note? Quick! Perhaps we are already too late!"  
We knocked again, but there was still no answer. We went round to the back of the house and Van Helsing broke the kitchen window and we went in.  
It was dark in the kitchen, but we could see the bodies of the four servants on the floor. They were not dead, but asleep. 'Someone put something in their drinks, ' said Van Helsing. "Come! We must find Lucy. If we are not too late!"  
We ran up to Lucy's room , and stopped outside it. With white faces and shaking hands, we opened the door softly and went into the room.  
How can I describe what we saw? The bodies of two women - Lucy and her mother - lay on the bed. The faces of both women were white and on mother's face was a look of terrible fear. In her hand she held the flowers from Lucy's neck, and on the floor there was glass from the broken window. describe [dis'kraib] - описывать;
both [bu] - оба, обе;
fear [fi] - страх, ужас;
held - держал;
floor [fl:] - пол;
glass [gla:s] - стекло;
Van Helsing looked down at the two women. "The poor mother is dead," he said. "But for Lucy it is not too late! Go and wake servants!"  
I ran downstairs to wake them. "Put her in a hot bath," Van Helsing said. bath [ba:] - ванна;
After a time, Lucy began to show some life, and they took her and put her in a warm bed. From time to time she slept, but she did not fight to stay alive. She could not eat anything, and she was very. We sent for Arthur, and when he came, he was very unhappy. His father was now dead, and he could see that Lucy was very ill. One of us sat with Lucy all the time, and that night Arthur and Van Helsing slept in the sitting-room, while I watched over Lucy.

fight [fait] - сражаться;
weak [wi:k] - слабый;
- прош. вр. от <send - отправить>;

sitting-room - гостиная;
while [wail] - пока;

When Van Helsing came back up to me at six o'clock, Arthur was still asleep downstairs. Van Helsing went over to Lucy and looked at her. "The wounds on her neck have gone," he said. "She will soon be dead. Bring Arthur."  
When Arthur and I came back, Lucy opened her lovely eyes. "Oh, Arthur," she said softly. "Kiss me, my love."  
He moved his head nearer to her, but Van Helsing pulled him back. "No!" he cried. For a minute, Lucy's face was hard and angry. She opened her mouth, and her teeth looked very long and sharp. Then her eyes closed and she slept. Soon she woke again, took Van Helsing's hand and said softly: "My true friend." And then, quietly, Lucy died. sharp - острый;
'She's gone,' said Van Helsing, and Arthur put his head in his hands and cried.  
Later, I went back into Lucy's room, and Van Helsing and I looked down together at her beautiful face.  
"Poor girl," I said. "It is the end." end - конец.
"No," he replied. "This is only the beginning."  

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