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Слововбиватель (радикальное запоминание английских слов)
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Слововбиватель -
радикальное запоминание английских слов.
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1. Самое легкое слово урока -
Pole [p
ul] - полюс;
the North Pole - Северный полюс;
the South Pole - Южный полюс;
at the Pole - на полюсе;
to the South Pole - к Южному полюсу.
Очевидно, что английское слово race по происхождению связано с русским "рейс".
race [reis] - гонка, состязание в скорости.
motor race - автогонки;
dog race - собачьи бега;
horse race - скачки;
boat race - лодочные гонки.I'm sure he will lose this race.
- Я уверен, что он проиграет эту гонку.Are you going to watch the race on TV?
- Ты будешь смотреть гонку по телевизору?The Scots couldn't finish the race.
- Шотландцы не смогли закончить гонку.
2. А вот необычное слово.
ski [ski] - кататься на лыжах.
Именно так и переводится - одно английское слово тремя русскими. Чтение слова необычно, т.к. заимствовано оно из скандинавских языков. Интересно написание прошедшего времени -
skied [ski:d] или ski'd.
Причем второй вариант встречается довольно редко.
Can you ski?
- Ты умеешь кататься на лыжах?Yesterday we skied in the forest.
- Вчера мы катались на лыжах в лесу.My relatives arrived to ski.
- Мои родственники прибыли, чтобы покататься на лыжах.
skier [ski]
- лыжник.
the best skier - самый лучший лыжник;
the fastest skier - самый быстрый лыжник;
to see how the skier fell - увидеть, как упал лыжник.She said her brother was a very good skier.
- Она сказала, что ее брат - очень хороший лыжник.He is usually a good skier, but today he lost.
- Обычно он хорошо ходит на лыжах, но сегодня он проиграл.In Canada I met a famous skier.
- В Канаде я встретил знаменитого лыжника.
[slu] - медленный.
slow bus - медленный автобус;
slow speech - медленная речь;
slow road - медленная дорога;The train was very slow.
- Поезд ехал очень медленно.Business was slow.
- Деловая активность была неинтенсивной.She was very slow to understand.
- До нее все медленно доходило.
slowly ['sluli]
- медленно.
She was speaking slowly.
- Она говорила медленно.The policeman crossed the road very slowly.
- Полицейский очень медленно пересек дорогу.
3. Для запоминания следующего слова давайте применим практически на 100 процентов эффективный вариант. - Придумаем смешное выражение "важный импотент". Хотя, наверно, не для всех оно смешное. Для кого-то может и грустное, но тем не менее.
Итак, помните? - Важный импотент.
- важный;
important meeting - важное собрание;
very important person (VIP) - очень важная персона;
important question - очень важный вопрос.He remembered only important letters.
- Он помнил только важные письма.I was invited to an important dinner.
- Меня пригласили на важный обед.It's very important to save such information.
- Очень важно сохранить такую информацию.
dark [da:k] - темный;
dark street - темная улица;
dark and dangerous place - темное и опасное место;
too dark - слишком темно.It was too dark to find the way to the police station.
- Было слишком темно, чтобы найти путь к полицейскому участку.As usual we met in the dark square.
- Обычно мы встречались в темном сквере.I don't like this photograph because it is too dark.
- Мне не нравится эта фотография, потому что она слишком темная.
- сильный;
strong character - твертый характер;
strong heart - храброе сердце;
strong building - прочное здание.He was drunk and used strong words.
- Он был пьян и использовал крепкие выражения.This week the pound [paund] is strong.
- На этой неделе фунт (стерлингов) стабилен.My uncle was a very strong skier before the accident.
- Мой дядя был хорошим лыжником до этого несчастного случая.The position of the King's army was extremely [iks'tri:mli] strong.
- Позиции королевских войск были чрезвычайно удобными (сильно укрепленными).
wait [weit] (for) - ждать;
wait in a different place - ждать в другом месте;
wait for the television show - ждать телевизионную программу;
wait for tea - ждать ужин (tea зд.=supper).Wait a minute!
- Подождите минутку!Should I wait for the shop to open?
- Мне надо подождать пока откроется магазин?I'm waiting for the right answer to the question.
- Я жду правильного ответа на вопрос.
[ip] - корабль.
on the ship - на корабле;
at the back of the ship - в задней части корабля;
a black ship - черный корабль.The 'Fram' was the most beautiful ship I knew.
- "Фрам" был самым красивым кораблем, который я знал.Let's get all these dogs onto the ship.
- Давайте погрузим всех этих собак на корабль.We will go there by ship.
- Мы отправимся туда на корабле.
behind [bi'haind] - за, сзади, позади.
behind you - за тобой;
behind the window - за окном;
behind the back of his relatives - за спиной у своих родственников.Behind him was a big map.
- Позади него была большая карта.What is there behind you?
- А что там позади тебя?Behind the door he saw some big dirty boxes of vegetables.
- За дверью он увидел несколько больших грязных ящиков с овощами.
- длинный.
Порекомендовал бы запомнить это слово, используя пару противоположных по значению слов: short - long.
Short - long, short - long, short - long. Или long - short, long - short, long - short.
for a long time - долгое время;
long nose - длинный нос;
long story - длинный рассказ.He was a tall [t
:l] man, with a long face.
- Он был высоким человеком с вытянутым лицом.The men talked for a long time.
- Мужчины долго говорили.We have to go for a long way [wei] south before we get to Alaska.
- Нам надо долго идти на юг, прежде чем мы достигнем Аляски.
excite [ik'sait] - возбуждать, волновать, сильно обрадоваться, оживиться.
get excited - оживиться;
to excite the emotion - вызывать эмоции;
to excite someone - взволновать кого-либо.The children get excited about the school holidays.
- Дети сильно радуются каникулам в школе.The dog was excited when I threw the ball.
- Собака оживилась, когда я бросила мячик.The program can excite the interest of the children.
- Программа может вызвать интерес у детей.
Кстати, попробуйте ради интереса перевести на русский язык предложение
The dog was excited when the owner threw the stick.
Однокоренное слово
[ik'saiti] - возбуждающий, волнующий,
exciting show - захватывающее шоу;
exciting plans - захватывающие планы;
exciting story - восхитительный рассказ.What an exciting day, Captain!
- Какой восхитительный день, капитан.The book was so exciting that I couldn't put it down.
- Книга была такой восхитительной, что я не могла от нее оторваться.The most exciting thing about the film is the battle [b
- Самая восхитительная вещь в этом фильме - битва.
4. The book
we are going to read is "The Coldest Place on Earth" [:
by Tim Vicary.
In the summer of
1910 (nineteen-ten), a race began. A race to be the first man at the South Pole,
in Antarctica. Robert Falcon ['f:lk
Scott, an Englishman,
lelf London in his ship, the 'Terra Nova', began the long journey
south. Five days later, another ship, 'Fram', also
began to travel south. And on this ship was Roald Amundsen, a Norwegian [n
The race began in the summer of 1910. | |
On June 1st, in London, a black ship, the 'Terra Nova', went down the river Thames to the sea. Thousands of people stood by the river to watch it. They were all excited and happy. | Thames
[temz] - Темза (река); by зд. - у; |
the 'Terra Nova', Captain Robert Falcon ['f![]() ![]() |
captain ['k![]() clothes [kl ![]() ![]() tall [t ![]() |
man on the ship, Titus Oates ['tait![]() ![]() |
"What an exciting day, Captain!" he said. "Look at those people! I feel like an important man!" | |
Scott laughed. "You are important, Titus," he said. "And you're going to be famous, too. We all are. Do you see this flag?" He looked at the big British flag at the back of the ship, and smiled at Oates. "That flag is coming with us," he said. "In the Antarctic, I'm going to carry it under my clothes. We're going to be the first men at the South Pole, and that flag is going to be first, too!" | carry
['k![]() |
* * * Five days later, on June 6th, a man opened the door of his wooden house in Norway. He was a tall man, with a long face. He waited outside the house for a minute. Everything was very quiet. He could see no houses, only mountains, trees, and water. It was nearly dark. The sky was black over the mountains. |
['n![]() tall [t ![]() mountain ['mauntin] - гора; nearly ['ni ![]() |
The man smiled, and walked quickly away from the house, down to the sea. In the water, a big wooden ship waited for him. The man got onto the ship, and talked and laughed quietly with his friends. |
ship's name was 'Fram', and the man was Roald Amundsen [ru![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"North Pole, here we come, Capitain," he said. | |
"Yes. Amundsen said. His friends could not see his face in the dark. "'Fram' is going to the Arctic." | |
Everyone on the 'Fram' was ready to go to the North Pole, to the Arctic. Amunsen wanted to go there, too. But first he wanted to go South. His friends didn't know that. | ready ['redi] - готов; |
At midnight on June 6th, the 'Fram' moved quietly away from Amundsen's house, out to the sea. | midnight ['midnait] - полночь; |
The 'Fram' went to an island in the south of Norway. It was a very little island, with only one small wooden house, two trees - and nearly a hundred dogs. | nearly
['ni![]() |
"Look at that!" Bjaalnd said. "It's an island of dogs! There are dogs in the water, near the trees, on the house - dogs everywhere!" | |
men came out of the house. "Hassel [h![]() ![]() |
"Ninety-nine, Roald," said Hassel. "The best ninety-nine dogs from Greenland. And they're very happy! They don't work; they just eat and play all day! They're having a wonderful summer here!" | |
"Good, good." Amundsen laughed. "But that's finished now. Hey, Bjaaland! Stop laughing - come down here and help me. Let's get all these dogs onto the ship!" | |
It was not easy. The dogs were fat and strong, and they didn't want to go on the ship. But at last, after three hours' hard work, all ninety-nine were on the ship, and the 'Fram' went out to sea again. | |
The men were not happy. The weather was bad, the dogs were dirty, and some of the men were ill. They began to ask questions. | |
are we bringing dogs with us?" asked one man, Johansen ['ju:h![]() ![]() |
Horn [keip h![]() |
"Don't ask me," said his friend, Helmer Hanssen, "I don't understand it." | |
The men talked for a long time. Then, on September 9th, Amundsen called everyone to the back of the ship. He stood quietly and looked at them. Behind him was a big map. It was not a map of the Arctic. It was a map of Antarctica. | |
looked at Helmer Hanssen ['helm![]() ![]() ![]() |
"Boys," he said. "I know you are unhappy. You often ask me difficult questions, and I don't answer. Well, I'm going to answer all those questions now, today. | |
began to work for this journey two years ago. Then, we wanted to be the
first men at the North Pole. But last year, Peary ['pi![]() |
['![]() ![]() |
"I don't understand this," Bjaaland thought. "Why is Amundsen talking about the North Pole, with a map of Antarctica behind him?" | |
Amundsen stopped for a minute, and looked at all the men slowly. No one said anything. | |
"We have to go for a long way south before we get to Alaska," he said. "Very near Antarctica, you know. And Captain Scott, the Englishman, is going to the South Pole this year. He wants to put his British flag there. An American flag at the North Pole, a British flag at the South Pole." | way [wei] - путь; |
Bjaaland began to understand. He started to smile and couldn't stop. He was warm and excited. | |
"Well, boys," Amundsen said slowly. "Do we want the British to put there flag at the South Pole first? How fast can we travel? We have a lot of dogs, and some of the most wonderful skiers on earth - Bjaaland here is the best in Norway! So I have an idea, boys. Let's go to the South Pole, and put the Norwegian flag there before the British! What do you say?" | Norwegian
[n![]() ![]() |
For a minute or two it was very quiet. Amundsen waited, and the men watched him and thought. Then Bjaaland laughed. | |
"Yes!" he said. "Why not? It's a ski race, isn't it, and the English can't ski! It's a wonderful idea, of course! Let's go!" | idea
[ai'di![]() |
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