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Слововбиватель (радикальное запоминание английских слов)

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Слововбиватель - радикальное запоминание английских слов.
Сайт рассылки - english.inrussia.org.

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Web-страница c выпуском: http://english.inrussia.org/0_lessons/51.htm

1. Слово

finish ['fini] - заканчивать,

как и его синоним stop, запоминается моментально. Никаких особенностей у него нет - это обычный правильный глагол.

А вот использование глагола

hear [hi] - слышать

сначала бывает сопряжено с некоторыми трудностями. Во-первых, это неправильный глагол: формы прошедшего времени и страдательного причастия в прошедшем времени одинаковы - heard [h:d].

I have just heard this news.
- Я только что усышал эту новость.

I hear you are crying.
- Я слышу, как ты плачешь.

Then I heard the telephone.
- Затем я услышала телефонный звонок.

I wish everybody will hear the young lady's voice and remember hir words.
- Я хочу, чтобы все услышали голос этой девушки и запомнили ее слова.

Во-вторых, часто путают hear (слышать) и listen (слушать).

* * *

Слово "дорога" может переводиться на английский язык двумя способами. "Дорога, путь" - way.

Milky Way - Млечный Путь;
speedway - спидвей, мотогонки по льду;
railway - железная дорога (дословно, рельсовый путь).

Второе слово -

road [rud] - дорога, шоссе, путь

country road - проселочная дорога;
a road to her heart - путь к ее сердцу;
railroad - железная дорога (американский вариант).

Аll roads lead to Rome.
- Все дороги ведут в Рим.

If we sit in the road, we stop the lorries.
- Если мы сядем на дороге, мы остановим грузовики.

Anything can happen on the road.
- В дороге все может случиться.

Обычно предлоги запоминаются довольно быстро, т.к. встречаются гораздо чаще, чем все остальные слова. Но

against ['genst] - против, напротив

хоть и является предлогом, встречается не очень часто.

Tonight I will play against you.
- Сегодня вечером я буду играть против Вас.

What are you going to protest against?
- Против чего вы собираетесь протестовать?

2. Слово

should [ud] - следует

относится к так называемым модальным глаголам. Т.е., оно не требует вспомогательного глагола в вопросительном предложении, после него не ставится to, отрицательная форма - shouldn't [udnt].

Should I do it?
- Следует ли мне это делать? Мне это надо делать?
You should invite him.
- Тебе следует пригласить его.
He said they shouldn't arrive at Moscow. It would be better to go straight to Tula.
- Он сказал, что не следует приезжать в Москву. Было бы лучше ехать прямо в Тулу.

И последний глагол

find (found) - находить.

Как видите, глагол неправильный.

Where can I find Mr Johnson?
- Где я могу найти мистера Джонсона?
I'm sorry, I couln't find anything.
- Извините, но я не смог ничего найти.
My son found it near the school.
- Мой сын нашел это около школы.

3. И повторение слов.

question (cущ) - вопрос;
back (cущ) - спина; задняя часть;
watch (гл)
- смотреть, наблюдать.

watch TV - смотреть телевизор;
answer the question - ответить на вопрос;
at the back of the room - в задней части комнаты.

4. The text.

Two weeks later, on a Thursday evening, the hills near our village were quiet. There was nobody on the village square or in the village srteets. The supermarket and cafe were shut. There was no black smoke from the new mine and it was hard to find Mr Beech. This was because there was an important film on television called, Stealing the Hills. shut [t] - закрыт;
find [faind] - найти;
important [im'p:tnt] - важный;
Julie and I sat in front of the television with our parents. On the film we told the story of our protests against the new mine, the black smoke and the big lorries driving through our village.  
We watched Mr Beech running away with his angry dogs when John Morton asked him difficult questions. We saw the babies and children ill because of the dirty, black smoke. Everybody heard about Mr Beech bribing the people of the village - our lovely village. On the television everybody said, "This was a lovely village, a beautiful village."  
Before the film finished, it showed the hills next to the Country Park. Julie said (on film), "Look, Mr Beech is stealing our hills and ruining our village. We must stop him!" next to -рядом с;
When the film finished Julie and I danced about. Now everybody - everybody in the country knew about Mr Beech. dance [dns] - танцевать;
Then I heard the telephone. "It is for you, Susan," Mum said.  
It was Mr Beech on the telephone. "Susan," he said. He was very angry. "You will be sorry you made that film. You wait and see!" you wait [weit] - погоди!
Dad saw my unhappy face and so he took the telephone. "No, Mr Beech, you'll be sorry. You'll leave this village tomorrow! No, tonight. Go now! We don't want you in our village!"  

On Friday morning there was a meetingin the big room next to the church. David North and his wife, Mary, were there. John Morton was there, too. Everybody said "Thank you" to David North and John Morton for making the television film. church [:] - церковь;
Mr George sat at the back of the room. "Now, we saw the film - we all know about Mr Beech, but how can we throw him out of our village?" he asked.  
We shouldn't buy food at his supermarket," Julie's Mum said.  
"Yes, it's too expensive," another woman said.  
"We should sit in the road and stop the big lorries," my Dad said.  
"We should all stop working at the mine," another man said.  
"What? What about money for food?" somebody asked.  
"We can all pull together - we can helpour family and friends with money and food," Mr George said. food [fu:d] - еда, пища;
Everybody stopped shopping at the supermarket and all the men stopped working at the mine. Men, women and children sat in the road to the mine and stopped Mr Beech's new men.  
Everybody wanted Mr Beech to close the mine and leave the village. The supermarket didn't sell any food because everybody went to the next village for their shopping. Mr Beech lost a lot of money - he left the village because he lost his money!  
Now there is no black smoke over our village and the babies and children are well again.  
A month after the mine closed, a new factory opened in the village. Julie and I work there, making dresses, jackets and coats for big shops in the city. Dad now works in a new shopping centre in the village. dress [dres] - платье;
['kit] - куртка;
coat [kut] - пиджак.
The river is clear now and the Country Park is green and beautiful again. When we're not working, Julie and I often walk there and sit and look at our lovely hills. We talk about the protests against Mr Beech. "We did it," Julie says. "Mr Beech tried to steal our hills but we stopped him!"  
Yes, we stopped him. Now our village is happy and our hills are beautiful and green again.  

english.inrussia.org - главная страница сайта.

english.inrussia.org/moscow/nikiforova.htm - занятия в Москве (м.Краснопресненская).

english.inrussia.org/moscow/hallavi.htm - занятия в Москве (Юго-Запад).

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