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В рассылке: Дневник Бриджит Джонс

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Cегодня в рассылке: "Bridget Jones's Diary"

Что почитать: Новые приключения Бриджит Джонс

С недавних пор, Англия без Гарри Поттера и Бриджит Джонс - уже не Англия. Но оставим Гарри до лучших времен и займемся сегодня Бриджит.

"Нам никогда не наскучит читать мемуары и дневники, потому что нам никогда не наскучит изучать людей"(Анатоль Франс)

Мало кто знает, что началась история "серенькой мышки" Бриджит с колонки писательницы-журналистки Хелен Филдинг (Helen Fielding) в "The Independent". Позже ее колонка переехала на "The Telegraph". Публиковала свои записи Хелен анонимно с тем, чтобы подзаработать на следующий роман, в результате же эта газетная история вылилась в один из самых успешных литературных проектов конца 20-го века. Сейчас "Дневник Бриджит Джонс" опубликован в более чем 20 странах. Кстати, как вам Итальянский вариант названия: "Diarrhea of Bridget Jones"? В 2001-м приключения Бриджит вышли и на кинопленке. Главные роли достались Рене Зельвегер, Колину Фирту и Хью Гранту.

Полезные ресурсы:

Интервью Хелен Филдинг Журналу Тайм

Ozon: Bridget Jones's Diary (English)

Ozon: Дневник Бриджет Джонс

Фильм на IMDb

Дневник "Edie Singleton"
Еще одна последовательница Хелен Филдинг, но только из Нью-Йорка.

Начало "Дневника" в New York Times (нужно пройти простую процедуру регистрации)

А вот как прошла первая встреча Марка Дарси и Бриджит Джонс:

Every time my mother's rung up for weeks it's been, "Of course you remember the Darcys, darling. They came over when we were living in Buckingham and you and Mark played in the paddling pool!" or, "Oh! Did I mention Malcolm and Elaine are bringing Mark with them to Una's New Year's Day Turkey Curry Buffet? He's just back from America, apparently. Divorced. He's looking for a house in Holland Park. Apparently he had the most terrible time with his wife. Japanese. Very cruel race."

Then next time, as if out of the blue, "Do you remember Mark Darcy, darling? Malcolm and Elaine's son? He's one of these super-dooper top-notch lawyers. Divorced. Elaine says he works all the time and he's terribly lonely. I think he might be coming to Una's New Year's Day Turkey Curry Buffet, actually."

I don't know why she didn't just come out with it and say, "Darling, do shag Mark Darcy over the turkey curry, won't you? He's very rich."

"Come along and meet Mark," Una Alconbury singsonged before I'd even had time to get a drink down me. Being set up with a man against your will is one level of humiliation, but being literally dragged into it by Una Alconbury while caring for an acidic hangover, watched by an entire roomful of friends of your parents, is on another plane altogether.

The rich, divorced-by-cruel-wife Mark--quite tall--was standing with his back to the room, scrutinizing the contents of the Alconburys' bookshelves: mainly leather-bound series of books about the Third Reich, which Geoffrey sends off for from Reader's Digest. It struck me as pretty ridiculous to be called Mr. Darcy and to stand on your own looking snooty at a party. It's like being called Heathcliff and insisting on spending the entire evening in the garden, shouting "Cathy" and banging your head against a tree. (Хитклиф и Кэти - герои романа "Грозовой перевал")

"Mark!" said Una, as if she was one of Santa Claus's fairies. "I've got someone nice for you to meet."

He turned round, revealing that what had seemed from the back like a harmless navy sweater was actually a V-neck diamond-patterned in shades of yellow and blue--as favored by the more elderly of the nation's sports reporters. As my friend Tom often remarks, it's amazing how much time and money can be saved in the world of dating by close attention to detail. A white sock here, a pair of red braces there, a gray slip-on shoe, a swastika, are as often as not all one needs to tell you there's no point writing down phone numbers and forking out for expensive lunches because it's never going to be a runner.

Apparently - по-видимому
notch - степень, уровень (top-notch lawyers)
against your will - против воли
humiliation - унижение, оскорбление
scrutinize - тщательно исследовать (scrutinizing the contents of the Alconburys' bookshelves)
fairy - фея, эльф (Santa Claus's fairies)
harmless - безобидный
braces - подтяжки
fork out - раскошелиться (forking out for expensive lunches)

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