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О, эти английские предлоги! Выпуск 49 - Практика 5 - Часть 2

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Английские предлоги: Практика 5 - часть 2

Выпуск 49 - Практика

рассылка сайта http://www.english-2days.narod.ru

Архив рассылки

В выпуске 49:

  • Отрывок из романа 'The Diary of a Nobody' by George and Weedon Grossmith


1. Вставьте в пропуски перечисленные ниже предлоги, в скобках указано их количество в тексте.

in(2), back(3), with(3), without(2), of(2), to(1), after(1), at(1), on(1), over(2), by(1), for(2), out(1), during(1), round(2)

The Diary of
a Nobody

Part 2

April 5.—Two shoulders ... mutton arrived, Carrie having arranged ... another butcher ... consulting me.  Gowing called, and fell ... scraper coming ....  Must get that scraper removed.

April 6.—Eggs ... breakfast simply shocking; sent them ... to Borset ... my compliments, and he needn’t call any more ... orders.  Couldn’t find umbrella, and though it was pouring ... rain, had to go ... it.  Sarah said Mr. Gowing must have took it ... mistake last night, as there was a stick ... the ‘all that didn’t belong ... nobody.  In the evening, hearing someone talking in a loud voice to the servant in the downstairs hall, I went ... to see who it was, and was surprised to find it was Borset, the butterman, who was both drunk and offensive.  Borset, ... seeing me, said he would be hanged if he would ever serve City clerks any more—the game wasn’t worth the candle.  I restrained my feelings, and quietly remarked that I thought it was possible for a city clerk to be a gentleman.  He replied he was very glad to hear it, and wanted to know whether I had ever come across one, for he hadn’t.  He left the house, slamming the door ... him, which nearly broke the fanlight; and I heard him fall ... the scraper, which made me feel glad I hadn’t removed it.  When he had gone, I thought ... a splendid answer I ought to have given him.  However, I will keep it for another occasion.

April 7.—Being Saturday, I looked forward to being home early, and putting a few things straight; but two of our principals ... the office were absent through illness, and I did not get home till seven.  Found Borset waiting.  He had been three times ... the day to apologise for his conduct last night.  He said he was unable to take his Bank Holiday last Monday, and took it last night instead.  He begged me to accept his apology, and a pound of fresh butter.  He seems, after all, a decent sort of fellow; so I gave him an order for some fresh eggs, with a request that on this occasion they should be fresh.  I am afraid we shall have to get some new stair-carpets after all; our old ones are not quite wide enough to meet the paint on either side.  Carrie suggests that we might ourselves broaden the paint.  I will see if we can match the colour (dark chocolate) on Monday.

April 8, Sunday.—After Church, the Curate came ... with us.  I sent Carrie in to open front door, which we do not use except on special occasions.  She could not get it open, and after all my display, I had to take the Curate (whose name, by-the-by, I did not catch,) round the side entrance.  He caught his foot in the scraper, and tore the bottom of his trousers.  Most annoying, as Carrie could not well offer to repair them on a Sunday.  After dinner, went to sleep.  Took a walk ... the garden, and discovered a beautiful spot for sowing mustard-and-cress and radishes.  Went to Church again in the evening: walked ... with the Curate.  Carrie noticed he had got on the same pair of trousers, only repaired.  He wants me to take ... the plate, which I think a great compliment.


2. Прослушайте текст и проверьте, какие предлоги нужно было вставить в пропуски. Оригинал можно найти в конце выпуска. Если аудиофайл не открывается, заходите на страницу http://www.english-2days.narod.ru/prep/49-Practice5-2.html.



(По страницам авторской книги "150 English Prepositions")


April 5.—Two shoulders of mutton arrived, Carrie having arranged with another butcher without consulting me.  Gowing called, and fell over scraper coming in.  Must get that scraper removed.

April 6.—Eggs for breakfast simply shocking; sent them back to Borset with my compliments, and he needn’t call any more for orders.  Couldn’t find umbrella, and though it was pouring with rain, had to go without it.  Sarah said Mr. Gowing must have took it by mistake last night, as there was a stick in the ‘all that didn’t belong to nobody.  In the evening, hearing someone talking in a loud voice to the servant in the downstairs hall, I went out to see who it was, and was surprised to find it was Borset, the butterman, who was both drunk and offensive.  Borset, on seeing me, said he would be hanged if he would ever serve City clerks any more—the game wasn’t worth the candle.  I restrained my feelings, and quietly remarked that I thought it was possible for a city clerk to be a gentleman.  He replied he was very glad to hear it, and wanted to know whether I had ever come across one, for he hadn’t.  He left the house, slamming the door after him, which nearly broke the fanlight; and I heard him fall over the scraper, which made me feel glad I hadn’t removed it.  When he had gone, I thought of a splendid answer I ought to have given him.  However, I will keep it for another occasion.

April 7.—Being Saturday, I looked forward to being home early, and putting a few things straight; but two of our principals at the office were absent through illness, and I did not get home till seven.  Found Borset waiting.  He had been three times during the day to apologise for his conduct last night.  He said he was unable to take his Bank Holiday last Monday, and took it last night instead.  He begged me to accept his apology, and a pound of fresh butter.  He seems, after all, a decent sort of fellow; so I gave him an order for some fresh eggs, with a request that on this occasion they should be fresh.  I am afraid we shall have to get some new stair-carpets after all; our old ones are not quite wide enough to meet the paint on either side.  Carrie suggests that we might ourselves broaden the paint.  I will see if we can match the colour (dark chocolate) on Monday.

April 8, Sunday.—After Church, the Curate came back with us.  I sent Carrie in to open front door, which we do not use except on special occasions.  She could not get it open, and after all my display, I had to take the Curate (whose name, by-the-by, I did not catch,) round the side entrance.  He caught his foot in the scraper, and tore the bottom of his trousers.  Most annoying, as Carrie could not well offer to repair them on a Sunday.  After dinner, went to sleep.  Took a walk round the garden, and discovered a beautiful spot for sowing mustard-and-cress and radishes.  Went to Church again in the evening: walked back with the Curate.  Carrie noticed he had got on the same pair of trousers, only repaired.  He wants me to take round the plate, which I think a great compliment.


Предыдущие выпуски рассылки:

Сводная таблица предлогов

Практика 1

Практика 2

Практика 3

Практика 4

Практика 5


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