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Английские предлоги!

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О, эти английские предлоги! Выпуск 38 - Practice 3


Английские предлоги, использование, практика, упражнения

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Выпуск 38 - Practice 3. Gavin Maxwell "Ring of bright water". Joke

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Gavin Maxwell "Ring of bright water"

Immediately ___ the war's end I bought the Island of Soay, some four thousand acres of relatively low-lying 'black' land cowering below the bare pinnacles and glacial corries ___ the Cuillins of Skye. There, seventeen miles ___ sea ___ the railway, I tried to found a new industry ___ the tiny and discontented population ___ the island, ___ catching and processing for oil the great basking sharks that appear ___ Hebridean water ___ the summer months. I built a factory, bought boats and equipped them ___ harpoon guns, and became a harpoon hunter myself. ___ five years I worked ___ that landscape that before had been, ___ me, ___ a nebulous and cobwebby romance, and ___ the time it was all over and I was beaten I had in some way come to terms with the Highlands - or with myself, for perhaps in my own eyes I had earned the right to live ___ them, and the patent unauthenticity of the Maxwell tartan no longer disturbed me.

   of   of   at   by   after  of   in   for   to   in   of   during   of   by  in  among   for   by   for   with  in   to   with   of   for   in   in   at   for   from  to   in   to    with   of   for   of   with


Some people will complain ___ anything ___ a flight. They will ask the pilot to stop causing so much turbulence, or ask the stewardess to open the window to let some air ___ (both real requests by passengers ___ Virgin Atlantic flights). Other potentially "hilarious" pranks would include the bus driver who pretends he's having an epileptic seizure ___ the wheel, the motorcyclist who pops a wheelie ___ a parade of clowns, and the oil tanker captain who cries "ICEBERG!"

to   on   about   to   of   to   on   at  for   in   of   at   of   into   on   in


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Gavin Maxwell "Ring of bright water"

Immediately after the war's end I bought the Island of Soay, some four thousand acres of relatively low-lying 'black' land cowering below the bare pinnacles and glacial corries of the Cuillins of Skye. There, seventeen miles by sea from the railway, I tried to found a new industry for the tiny and discontented population of the island, by catching and processing for oil the great basking sharks that appear in Hebridean water during the summer months. I built a factory, bought boats and equipped them with harpoon guns, and became a harpoon hunter myself. For five years I worked in that landscape that before had been, for me, of a nebulous and cobwebby romance, and by the time it was all over and I was beaten I had in some way come to terms with the Highlands - or with myself, for perhaps in my own eyes I had earned the right to live among them, and the patent unauthenticity of the Maxwell tartan no longer disturbed me.


Some people will complain about anything on a flight. They will ask the pilot to stop causing so much turbulence, or ask the stewardess to open the window to let some air in (both real requests by passengers on Virgin Atlantic flights).
Other potentially "hilarious" pranks would include the bus driver who pretends he's having an epileptic seizure
at the wheel, the motorcyclist who pops a wheelie into a parade of clowns, and the oil tanker captain who cries "ICEBERG!"

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Источник - 120 английских предлогов - http://www.english-2days.narod.ru/e_prepositions.html

Блог - http://120prepositions.blogspot.com


Nina Dobrynina.2011.All rights reserved.

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