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Совершенствуй свой Английский Broke in the Big Apple

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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(495) 585-37-05

        Мы предлагаем вам рассылку, где публикуются практические материалы для увеличения словарного запаса и для усвоения грамматики. В данном уроке рассматриваeтся лексика на тему Broke in the Big Apple.

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Broke in the Big Apple

Kevin talks about being very young, poor, and struggling to live in NYC


Todd: So Kevin, I thought we would talk about money today, and you have many interesting stories about being broke (без денег; разорившийся).

Kevin: Yes. I have been broke a number of times (много раз). Anything in particular (конкретно; именно) that you would like to hear? I've got quite a bunch.

Todd: So tell me when was the first time you were really broke?

Kevin: The first time I was really broke was, I was 19, and I moved to  (переехать в) New York City. I followed a girl that I met in Glacier National Park, I was working out there as a singing waiter. Went out to New York, followed her, and I ended up (закончить; оказаться) living in an apartment with three other people and the share (доля) of my rent was $500 a month. Now that was 20 years ago, and $500 a month 20 years ago to a 19 year old kid with no education, no experience (опыт)... that was a lot. So I worked three jobs. I worked from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the George Washington Street Bus Terminal and subway station (станция метро) handing out (раздавать) flyers, American Express Moneygram flyers, then I would take the subway to Midtown, to FAO Schwartz, you know the big toy store...

Todd: Oh yeah, right.

Kevin: ...from the movie, "Big"...

Todd: Yeah, it's really famous.

Kevin: ...where he dances on the piano. Yeah, and I was... I would wrap (заворачивать; обертывать) presents there. And then I would work there from 11 to 4, and then I would take the subway back down to The Village where I was living, and I would work from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. as a waiter and bus boy.

Todd: That's brutal (жестокий; зверский). That's pretty harsh (суровый).

Kevin: Yeah, it's really brutal. Well, how I ended up being broke was, the restaurant was a New Orleans style restaurant, and I got fired (быть уволенным) for talking to the customers too much. Truth is, the customers were interested in the fact that I was from New Orleans and it was a New Orleans style restaurant. And for... I lasted (продержаться; выдержать) two more months. And I only had enough money everyday to buy a slice (кусок; ломтик) of cheese pizza and a pack of cigarettes. And...

Todd: That's it?

Kevin: That's it.

Todd: One slice of pizza and a pack of cigarettes.

Kevin: Well, and a Hostess Fruit Pie lunch. But one time, during lunchtime at FAO Schwartz, I went down to the vending machine (торговый аппарат) and I got my Hostess Fruit Pie and I took a bite in it and it was hollow (пустой; полый). There was no fruit in it and I really had a small panic attack, and I called the toll free number (бесплатный номер телефона) on it, and I complained (жаловаться), "You just don't understand how much of my daily nutritional intake (набор питательных элементов) that pie represented", and all he did was apologize (извиниться) and I was hoping they would send me a case of pies, but they didn't.

Todd: No such luck.

Kevin: That's right. When I went home, I was probably about 30 pounds (фунт) lighter than before I left. And I was really poor. So that's the first time I was really broke.


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Суббота:    18.00-19.30

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