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Совершенствуй свой Английский Couch Surfing

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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Couch Surfing 

Todd: So, Jonathan, I though we would talk a bit about your travels and this new thing called couch surfing (каучсерфинг-одна из крупнейших гостевых сетей (существует в виде он-лайн сервиса). Члены сети бесплатно предоставляют друг другу помощь и ночлег во время путешествий и организуют совместные путешествия). Can you explain what couch surfing is?
Jonathan: Couch surfing is a fairly (довольно) new website, and what it does is it allows travelers from different parts of the world to meet people in the destinations (направления) they're going to. People offer a couch (кушетка, диван) in their home or perhaps space on their floor, and in return you're expected (ожидается, что) in your own hometown to offer (предлагать) the same kind of things to people who might visit you.
Todd: So basically, people sign up (зарегистрироваться), and if they find somebody that has, you know, a couch in some city, they can go and stay with that person for free (бесплатно)?

Jonathan: Yes, it is for free, but people aren't expected to abuse (злоупотреблять) it. It's not for people who are cheap and want to save money. It is for people who are like-minded (единомышленник) and want to perhaps share their experiences (поделиться опытом) and meet someone from the local culture (местная культура). You're not going to have a good experience if you show up (появиться) and just and expect to freeload (жить на чужой счёт).
Todd: So, have you actually done this -- couch surfing?
Jonathan: Yes, I've done it a couple of times. I stayed with (останавливался у) a new friend who lives southwest of Tokyo. I went down to the area to see the beach (пляж) and so on there, and she's become a very good friend of mine. We have a lot in common (много общего), and we've gone out several times drinking and such.

Todd: So, you just went to this person's house. You e-mailed them, and they e-mailed you back and they said it's OK for you to come and stay?
Jonathan: Yes, most people who are on couch surfing are very interested in meeting people from around the world, talking about their own local culture or the attractions (достопримечательности) in their area, and then the person who is visiting, the couch surfer, should do something in return. Tell them about their own country that they're from, perhaps cook a dish (приготовить блюдо) from their native country for their host.

Todd: What about security (безопасность)? I mean people a little bit worried (беспокоиться) about safety and security with this?
Jonathan: I think some people do worry but couch surfing has a system where you an vouch (поручиться) for people which you have stayed with. You can leave references (рекомендация) and you can become verified (проверять) as a host or a couch surfer by registering through the system. So if there's someone that you're a little bit suspicious (подозрительный) of, you don't need to offer them a couch. It's not necessary (не обязательно).
Todd: So how do people get started in couch surfing? They just go to the website?

Jonathan: Yes, they can go to the website and they can register. Of course when you start out, if you have no references and no friends people might be reluctant (неохотно) to let you stay at their home, but you can fill out a profile and have friends on the site, in the same way as many social networking (социальные сети) sites today that are popular.
Todd: OK, wow, well thanks Jonathan. That sounds pretty interesting.
Jonathan: No problem.


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