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Совершенствуй свой Английский Eco Tips

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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        Мы предлагаем вам рассылку, где публикуются практические материалы для увеличения словарного запаса и для усвоения грамматики. В данном уроке рассматриваeтся лексика на тему Eco Tips.

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Eco Tips

Rachel: You were talking about Earth Hour and that's switching the lights off (выключать свет) is one way to save electricity and protect (защищать) the environment. What other things do you do in your life to save (беречь) for example water?
Steven: Well, as for me, I recycle (перерабатывать) all my waste (отходы). I also, as for water, before brushing teeth (чистить зубы), I have a cup. I just fill the cup and then use it. I don't know if you do it. Do you do it?
Rachel: Actually, I have to confess (признаваться), I don't save water very efficiently (эффективно, с толком). I usually leave the tap (кран) running when I'm brushing my teeth, so I will try. Do you have any other tips (советы) for saving water?

Steven: Well, start off buying a cup before you brush your teeth, and of course, try to close the tap. When you're trying to like throw trash (выкидывать мусор) or something, try to separate (разделять) your trash, and of course turn off (выключать) any electricity that you're not using. Unplug (выдернуть вилку из розетки) them because even if you don't use it, and you have a plug, it will use electricity.
Rachel: Thank you. So do you always unplug your laptop computer when you go to sleep or do you sometimes leave it running?
Steven: I actually plug my laptop. I will charge (заряжать) it fully and then I will unplug it and use it -- all the battery, so I guess I do, and especially I don't use my laptop. For my laptop I just use it for class, so pretty much yes.

Rachel: Well, my computer is very old, and I'm always scared (испугаться, бояться) if I turn it off that it won't start up again, so I leave mine on all the time. I think I'm the worst environmentalist (сторонник защиты окружающей среды). But I do recycle a lot of our trash, and I also have never owned a car, so I take public transport (общественный транспорт) everywhere. Do you have a car?
Steven: I do have a car. However I try not to use it, because if I use it I will just take the whole family: my parents and my sisters. And as for shopping, I will just take the public transportation because it's right almost really near to my house.

Rachel: In Costa Rica, do you actually need a car to travel between places or is public transport very good?
Steven: Compare Costa Rica with other countries, for example the United States or Japan, Costa Rica doesn't have the railroads (железная дорога). It doesn't have the subways (метрополитен). But we do have a good bus, transportation, and it's pretty much really cheap.
Rachel: So Steven you've inspired (вдохновлять) me to be more environmentally friendly, so I think I'm gonna go and buy a cup so I can brush my teeth and save water.
Steven: Great idea. Thank you Rachel.


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