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Совершенствуй свой Английский Smoking

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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        Мы предлагаем вам рассылку, где публикуются практические материалы для увеличения словарного запаса и для усвоения грамматики. В данном уроке рассматриваeтся лексика на тему Smoking.

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Todd: So Al, I must congratulate you, I hear you no longer (уже не) smoke.
Al: That's true, I'm now, six months ago I stopped smoking.
Todd: Good man. So how did you do it?
Al: I just, I went out and I had the best New Year's Eve (новогодняя ночь) I've ever had in my life, where I went to a music party, a club, and I smoked and drank as much as I wanted for about 12 hours. I finally left at 9 in the morning on New Year's Day, my lungs (легкие) dry and and then decided I'm never going to do this and stopped.

Todd: Wow, I mean, you must have had, you know, addictions (зависимость), you must have wanted to have a cigarette a couple days later.
Al: You know, I've stopped smoking several times and had very bad cravings (желание, тяга) before, and this time it was, a couple of times I felt like I might like one, but no, I didn't have any nicotine cravings (тяга к никотину). I was ready this time I think.
Todd: So you just think where your body reaches a point (достигать стадии) where you can take no more.

Al: Yeah definitely (определенно), and your mind reaches a point where you're sickened (чувствовать тошноту) by your own disgusting behavior (ужасное поведение)
Todd: Right, so what do you think about smoking now?
Al: I hate it. I'm completely, I'm totally anti-smoking, and I used to be very liberal about people's rights to smoke and now I think it should be completely . It should be illegal (незаконно) to buy tobacco.
Todd: Wow, they should just make it illegal.
Al: Make it illegal. It kills people.
Todd: So what is your message to smoker? If someone out there is smoking today, they're a smoker, they want to quit (бросить), what's your message to them?

Al: I read a really good, I'm reading a really cool book at the moment about therapy and in one of these stories in this book one guy says, imagine you have a pet dog, and you love this pet dog, and the pet dog is you body, now would you give poisoned (отравленный), say you went to the pet store (зоомагазин) and you saw these cans of dog food with a poison mark (с отметкой яд) on them, poisoned flavored dog food containing poison, would you buy that poison dog food and feed it to your dog? No, you wouldn't. That's exactly what you're doing to your body when you smoke. You're deliberately (намеренно) poisoning yourself so stop it.
Todd: Well, good message and so for all of you people out there who are smoking, STOP!


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