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Изучаем английские идиомы

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Изучаем английские идиомы

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Pronunciation: 3rd September - A poem

Take some time to read the poem and try to practise it.

I take it you already know of tough and bough and cough and dough?
Some may stumble, but not you, on hiccough, thorough, Slough, and through?
So now you are ready, perhaps, to learn of less familiar traps?

Beware of heard, a dreadful word, that looks like beard, but sounds like bird.
And dead, it's said like bed, not bead; for goodness' sake, don't call it deed!
Watch out for meat and great and threat. (They rhyme with suite and straight and debt.)

A moth is not a moth in mother, nor both in bother, broth in brother.
And here is not a match for there, nor dear and fear, for bear and pear.
And then there's dose and rose and lose - just look them up - and goose and choose
And cork and work and card and ward and font and front and word and sword

And do and go, then thwart and cart, come, come! I've hardly made a start.
A dreadful language? Why man alive! I've learned to talk it when I was five.
And yet to write it, the more I tried, I hadn't learned it at fifty-five.

Now listen, and practise

Audio File: http://lingvanet.com/FileResources/FileResourcesView.aspx?Id=1051

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Test: Sunday 5th September

Here is today's test. The results of the test will be published on Wednesday 8th September

Instructions: please identify 5 sentences from the list below which contain a grammatical error.

1. It's rather windy today; you better wear a coat.

2. How long have you been seeing your girlfriend?

3. I can't imagine he'll be coming to the party tonight; I saw him last night and he said he wasn't feeling too good.

4. Have you ever been to Greece?

5. If I had played the lottery, I would have won 10 million pounds.

6. Can you see the ship yet? It shouldn't be arriving very shortly.

7. Basically, the first thing you must do to switch the machine on is to flick the switch.

8. How many times have you been going to the swimming pool this week?

9. Did you caught a fish on your fishing trip yesterday?

10. I haven't sent the letter who you requested yet.

When you have decided five answers, write them like this

Example: 1, 4, 5, 7, 10

There is an audio file for you to listen to:


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Пока что - все.

С уважением, Александр Люкс.

В избранное