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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No35 (93) от 2009-10-10
Подписчиков: 1941 чел.

121b, 122c 123a, 124b 125b, 126a 127b. 128b,  129c,  130b,  131a, 132b, 133c, 134c, 135a,
Сегодня всем  подписчикам предлагаю сделать текст.
Tom McClean got out of his boat on the Irish coast yesterday, walked up the beach and asked the first person he met: 'Where is the nearest pub? I've just rowed across the Atlantic!'
So after a 72-day, 2000-mile voyage from Newfoundland in his 20 ft. boat, living on meat cubes, sardines, cheese, biscuits    5 and vitamin pills, Tom was ready for his bacon and eggs.
Tom is a paratrooper in the same regiment as captain John Ridgeway and sergeant Chay Blyth who, together, had earlier rowed across the Atlantic in 92 days. One day he heard Captain Ridgeway say that it was impossible for a man to row across the 10 Atlantic on his own. Tom told his friends that he didn't agree and... 'one of them bet me five shillings that I wouldn't try it.'
He took with him 'A Beginner's Guide to the Sea' and two books on navigation. He had three radios on board, but he put only one call, to check his position. He had had a little experi-    15 ence of rowing... on a boating lake in a public park.
According to another report: He knocked at the first cottage he came to and told the Irish housewife who answered the door: 'I've just rowed across the Atlantic!' Mrs. Maggie Lavelle, of the little fishing village of Blacksod, was just putting the kettle 20 on when Tom McClean knocked at the door and told her of his voyage.
Mrs. Lavelle said: 'I didn't find it hard to believe. He was soaked to the skin. I brought him in and gave him a cup of tea.' Then Tom walked a mile to the nearest telephone at Blacksod    25 Lighthouse to let his friends know that he was safe...
Choose the best answer.
1.    This text is based on at least
A   one newspaper report. В    two newspaper reports. С    three newspaper reports. D   four newspaper reports.
2.    Why did Tom ask for the nearest pub?
A   He wanted to eat something different. В   Не wanted to have a cup of tea.
С   Не wanted to meet people.
D   He wanted to telephone his friends.
3.    Captain Ridgeway had said that it was impossible
A   to cross the Atlantic in a rowing-boat.
В    to cross the Atlantic in one's own boat.
С   to row across the Atlantic alone.
D   to row across the Atlantic in less than 92 days.
4.    Who won the bet? (Hnel2)
A   Captain Ridgeway
В    One of Tom's friends С    Sergeant Blyth D   Tom McClean
5.    Who is meant by 'he'? (line 13)
A   Captain Ridgeway В    One of Tom's friends С   Sergeant Blyth D   Tom McClean
6. Tom is a paratrooper in the same regiment as captain John Ridgeway and sergeant Chay Blyth who, together, had earlier rowed across the Atlantic in 92 days.
А Том - актер той же любительской актерской группы, что и капитан Джон Риджуэй и сержант Чей Блит, которые вместе уже переплывали ранее Атлантический океан за 92 дня.
В Том - парашютист, который вместе с капитаном Джоном Риджуэем и сержантом Чеем Блитом чуть ранее, чем в прошлом, пересекли Атлантический океан за 92 дня.
С Том - парашютист в том же полку, что и капитан Джон Риджуэй и сержант Чей Блит, которые ранее уже пересекали Атлантику за 92 дня.
True or false.
1.    Though Tom is a paratrooper he had a good experience of rowing.
2.    According to newspapers it is quite difficult to say what really hap-
pened to Tom MacClean.
3.    Tom started his journey because he wanted to win five shillings in the bet.
Complete each sentence with one of the endings
1.    One day he heard Captain Ridge way say that...
2.    Mrs. Maggie Lavelle was just putting the kettle on when Tom
3.    Tom got out of his boat on the Irish coast yesterday, walked up the
beach and...
4.    Then Tom walked a mile to the nearest telephone at Blacksod
Lighthouse to...
5.    Tom told his friends that he didn't agree with the Captain's words
A ... one of them bet him 5 shillings that he wouldn 't try it. В ...asked the first person he met: "Where is the nearest pub? I've just
rowed across the Atlantic". С ...let his friends know that he was safe. D ... knocked at the door and told her of his journey. E ...it was impossible for a man to row across the Atlantic on his own.

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А. Соболевская

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