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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No21 (79) от 2009-05-23
Подписчиков: 1478 чел.


11 If she had  locked her flat, burglars would not have broken it.
12 May be I will buy a car. And if I buy it, I will drive to Springfield next month to visit my friend.

13.I  may have a dollar, let me look in my wallet. If I  have a dollar, I will  lend it to you.
14.    I'm sorry you didn't come to the party. If you had come, you would have had  a good time.
15.    I didn't have enough money yesterday. If I  had had , I  would have gone to the park.
16.    I don't feel well. If I  felt better, I would  take a walk in the park today.
17.    Why didn't you tell when your plane was supposed to arrive? If you had told me, I would have picked you up at the airport.
18.    If I  had  known that you were ill last week, Iwould  have  gone to visit you.
19.    I am not going to buy a car. If I bought  a car, I would  go to Springfield to visit my friend.

Продолжим  примеры глаголов с Verb+ing/
GIVE UP( stop) , GO ON ( continue), PUT OFF ( postpone), CARRY ON ( continue) KEEP or KEEP ON ( do something continuously or repeatedly).
 Are you going to give up smoking? She kept on interrrupting  me while I was speaking.
 Note the passive form ( BEING DONE\ BEING SEEN\ BEING TOLD)
I  don’t mind being told what to do.
 You cannot normally use the INFINITIVE ( to do, to dance...) after these verbs and expressions:
 I enjoy dancing . ( not to dance)
 Would you mind closing the door?
 Tom  suggested going to the cinema.
Тщательно проработайте правила и примеры.

 Продолжим повторять условные предложения.

20.Unfortunately, I don't have enough money. But if I (to have)
enough money, I (to buy) a ticket to the rock concert.
21.If money (to grow) on trees, all of us (to be) rich.
22.If my brother (to have) time now, he (to help) them.

23. What a pity my husband is away! If he (to be) here, he (to help) us.
24.If I (to see) him yesterday, I (to ask) him about it.
25.If your instructions (to be received) a few days ago, the goods (to
be shipped) by the "SVIR" yesterday.
26.Robby, look at that man! If he (to work) harder at school, he
(not/to sweep) the streets now.
27.If Columbus (not/to have) such a passion for travelling, he (not/to
discover) America in 1492.
28.You look tired. If I (to be) you, I (to take) a holiday.
29.    - How did it happen that you missed your stop?
-I (not/to miss) it if the conductor (to announce) the stops.

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А. Соболевская

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