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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No45 (46) от 2008-10-11
Подписчиков: 1259 чел.

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Надеюсь, что вам понравились  предложения от Питера.
 Сейчас продолжим  работать с модальными глаголами.

CAN,  COULD,  MAY,  WOULD:  request,  permission,  offers  and invitations.

    We often use can or could when we ask someone to  do
 Can you wait a moment, please? Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the station? Do you think you could  lend  me  some money? I wonder if you could help me.
To ask for something you can say CAN I HAVE...? COULD I HAVE....? MAY I HAVE...?

-/in a shop/   Can I have these postcards, please?
-/at table/ Could I have the salt, please?

Asking for and giving permission
WE OFTEN USE can, could, may to ask permission to do something.
/on the telephone/ Hello, can I speak to Tom, please?
Could I use your telephone? Yes, of course.
Do you think I could borrow your bike? Yes, help yourself.
May I come in? Yes, please, do.
To give permission, we use CAN, OR MAY/ but not could/.
You can /or may/ smoke if you like.

Use CAN/ CAN'T to talk about what is already allowed or not allowed.
 You can drive for an year in Britain with an international licence. If you are under 17, you can't drive a car in Britain.

We sometimes use CAN when we offer to do things :
-Can I get you a cup of coffee? That's very nice of you.
-/in a shop/ Can I help you, madam? No, I'm being served. For OFFERING AND INVITING we use would you like....? / WOULD YOU LIKE a cup of coffee?
Would you like to come to the cinema with us tomorrow evening?
I'd like is a polite way of saying what you want, or what you want  to do.
I'd like some information about hotels, please.
I'd like to try on this jacket, please.
1. You want to borrow your friend's camera. What do you  say  to  him/ her? /Could I______________________________________
2. You have a car and you want to give somebody a lift.  What  do  you say?  Can I ______________________________________
3. You have to go to the airport but you don't know how to get  there. You ask a passer-by. Could you ________________________
4. You are telephoning the owner of a flat which was advertised  in  a newspaper. You are interested in the flat and you want to come and see it today. Do you think__________________
5. You are at an interview. You want to smoke a cigarette. What do you ask first? May I ......?

А теперь домашнее задание.

16. You ….feel  very  happy. You have been working hard for your degree.
a. have , b, should, c must d. need to
17.The gloves were  dirty so they …. be washed.
a. had to, b, must, c, should, d can
18. My sister-in- law  …meet me at the station.
a. will have / b/ have to. c. should, d. is to
19.Perhaps  it would  have been possible to see in him ….new Prometheus.
a. any, b, a, c, the, d -.
20. He looked  as if he had  turned to ….stone.
a .a, b. the, c -, d. no
21. There was scarcely ….white hair  on her head and her eyes sparkled with fun.
a. the, b -, c. a, d, no.
22. I thought he was ….Turkey as he spoke  fluent Turkish.
a .a, b.-,c. the, d-no
23. He was not ….Maxim I first met, not the stranger who set alone at the table at the restaurant.
a. -, b. a, c the, d some
24. I will not put ….with your rudeness any longer.
a. up, b, out, c through, d off
25. She looked at me ….horror.
a. a. with. b. in. c. out of. d. by
26. I’m very content  ….your progress.
a. with. b. at. c about d, in.

В следующий раз будет немного информации от Питера. А пока желаю настойчивости и старания.
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Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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