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Учим английский легко!

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Учим английский легко! Интервью с полиглотом или Peeping into a multilingual head

Если Вам интересно узнать, какие бывают жизненные обстоятельства полиглотов, и как им удается удерживать навыки общения на нескольких языках, тогда эта статья для вас. Интервью с человеком, который владеет шестью языками, публикуем на языке международного общения.

One of my international friends, who was born and has been living in Dubai his whole life, descends from India. His family emigrated from India before his birth, and he was raised in Arabic country being a Hindu. Pawan (that’s his name) found himself in a situation where he needed to learn several languages - to speak one at home, one with friends, one with colleagues and one with relatives in India. Thus, he knows Arabic to communicate quite well (but not perfect) in business setting and in daily “out of the home” environment and Hindi - for home use with parents, Sindhi - with relatives in India, Marathi and Punjabi - for specific use in India, and at last English - as a means of international and universal communication. How could one deal with this mixture of languages in one head??? Далее »

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