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Выпуск 8
Здравствуйте, уважаемые подписчики! Сегодня в выпуске вы увидите следующие темы.
- Употребление артикля (продолжение )
- Устная тема Halloween (жаль что он уже прошел)
- Диалоги на все случаи жизни
- Поговорим о странах
- Упражнение
The Article
Сегодня мы рассмотрим употребление артикля THE
Артикль The... употребляется, когда речь идет о чём-то существующем в единичном экземпляре.
The world, the capital of.., the moon, etc.
- What is the highest mountain in the world?
- Madrid is the capital of Spain.
- The sun and the moon are planets.
- The only news I like is no news.
The используется для: the ground, the sea, the country, the countryside.
- On Saturday the whole family went to the country.
- The ground was wet and dirty.
- The sea looked pale and pink in the sunset.
- I don't want to live near the sea all my life.
Но, если речь идет о морском путешествии, то говорят: go to sea / be at sea,.
- In his youth he went to sea. He spent ten years at sea altogether.
Сравните: space, когда подразумевается космическое пространство.
- The rocket ship manoeuvred in space.
И the space (когда речь идет о каком-либо пространстве) Например:
- I wanted to put the table between the window and the bed but the space was too small. (а не space)
The используется со словами: the cinema, the theater, the radio, но television.
- We often go to the theater.
- When did you go to the cinema last?
- I don't like television, I prefer to listen to the radio.
But my children watch television day and night.
The обычно не употребляется со словами, обозначающими приёмы пищи.
- We had dinner at seven.
- What do you usually have for lunch?
Часто the употребляется для обозначения предмета вообще (тип растения, животного и т.д.)., не конкретного предмета:
- The tulip is my favourite flower.
- The elephant is the biggest of all animals.
(Здесь the tulip употребляется для обозначения целого класса тюльпанов, также как the elephant употребляется для обозначения целого класса слонов. )
Существительное во множественном числе употребляется без the.
- Tulips are my favourite flowers.
- Elephants are the biggest of all animals.
The также употребляется, когда мы говорим о виде машины, изобретения, о музыкальных инструментах и т.д.:
- When was the bicycle invented?
- The telephone is used for communication.
- My son likes to play the guitar.
- Can your daughter play the piono?
The употребляется со следующими прилагательными:
the old, the young, the rich, the poor,
the blind, the deaf, the sick, the dead,
the disabled, the unemployed, the injured
- After the concert money will be collected for the poor.
- Life is not easy for the unemployed.
Помните, что эти слова не могут использоваться отдельно, как существительные. Вы должны сказать:
a deaf woman , a young man. Или во множественном числе: deaf women , young men
The + прилагательные, обозначающие национальность.
The употребляется, когда речь идет обо всех людях этой национальности:
- The English are famous for their sense of humour.
- Why do the French think that France is the center of the world?
Слова, обозначающщие национнальность бывают трёх видов:
1. the English, the British, the Irish, the Swiss, the Welsh, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch
2. Слова, которые оканчиваются на -ese : the Chinese, the Portuguese etc.
3. Слова, которые оканчиваются на -s: the Russians, the Arabs, the Scots, the Turks
Остальные случаи мы рассмотрим в слудующем выпуске, я думаю что так будет понятнее.
Hallowe'en is a festival that takes plave on October 31. In the United States, children wear costumes on Halloween and go trick-or-treating. Many carve jack-o'-lanterns out of pumpkins. Halloween parties feature such activities as fortune telling, storytelling about ghosts and witches, and bobbing for apples.
Halloween developed from ancient New Year festivals of the dead. In the A.D. 800's the church established All Saints' Day on November 1 so that people could continue a festival they had celebreted before becoming Christians. The Mass that was said on this day was called Allhallowmas. The evening beofore All Saints's Day became known as All Hallow e'en, or Halloween.
trick-or treating - детская игра "жизнь или кошелек"
carve - вырезать
jack-o'-lanterns - светильники из выдолбленной тыквы
feature - (здесь) представлять
fortune telling - гадание, ворожба
ghosts - призраки
witches - ведьмы
bobbing for apples - шуточное народное состязаниеб суть которого сводится к тому, чтобы без помощи рук выловить ртом яблоко, плавающее в сосоуде с водой.
Halloween Customs
Trick-or treating is the main Halloween activity for most children in the United States. The youngsters dress in cosumes and masks and go from door to door saying "trick ot treat". The neighbours, to avoid having tricks played on them, give the children such trets as candy, fruit, and pennies.
Some children trick or treat for UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund. They collect money for the agency in official orange and black cartons. UNICEF uses the money to provide food, medical care, and other services for poor children troughout the world. Certain safety measures can help to prevent accidents on Halloween. A child who goes trick-ortreating should wear a light-coloured costume or one motorists. The costume should be made of a material that does not burn easily. Because some makes can block vision, many parents use makeup to with reflecting tape sewn on. Such a cosume can be easily seen by paint a mask on the child's face.
Younger trick-ot treaters should be accompained by an adult. Children should visit homes only in their own neighborhood. Many parents allow their children to eat only packaged candy. Some communities set aside certain hours for trick-or-treating so that people can prepare for the children, and motorists can be especially alert.
to avoid - избегать
UNICEF - ЮНИСЕФ, Фонд ООН помощи детям.
safety measures - меры предосторожности
accidents - дорожно-транспортные происшествия
light-coloured costume - флуоресцентные (светящиеся) краски
to block vision - ограничивать обзор
to set aside certain hours for trick-or-treating - выделять специальные часы для детской игры "кошелек или жизнь"
alert - внимательный осторожный
Jack-o'-lanterns are hollowed-out pumpkins with a face cut into one side. Most jack-o'-lanterns contain a candle or some other light. People in England and Ireland once carved out beets, potatoes, and turnips to use lanterns on Halloween. After this custom reached America, pumpkins began to be used. Today, jack-o'-lanterns are used as decorations.
Who was Jack O'Lantern? Accrording to an Irish legend, jack-o'-lanterns were named for man called Jack, who could not enter heaven because he was a miser. He could not enter hell either, because he had played jokes on the devil. As a result, Jack had to walk the earth with his lantern until Judggment Day.
hollowed-out pumpkins - выдолбленная тыква
beets - свекла
turnips - репа
a miser - скрягаб скупец
heaven - небеса, рай
hell - ад, преисподняя
Judgement Day - День Страшного Суда
A:Pardon me,do the buses stop here?
B:YES,most downtown buses stop at this corner.
A:I want to go to Washington Avenue. Can I take any bus that stops here?
B:You can take any bus except number 12. The number 12 turns off at Richmond Street.
A: How often do the buses run?
B:They are supposed to run according to the schedule that you can see over there.In fact,the buses don't always
run on schedule.
A:What are the usual intervals between the bus arrivals?
B:About every fifteen minutes. You won't have to wait any longer. A bus is coming.It's number 5. You can take it.
B:A transfer,please.(Driver giving a transfer)
A:How much is the fare?
Driver: One dollar.
A:Will you accept a dollar bill?
D: No. Only exact change is accepted-coins or tokens.-Stand back from the door.Move to the rear. Let the
passengers off.
A:I'm afraid of missing the public library.
D: Which one?
A:The library on Washington Avenue.
D:Okay.I'll tell you when you've
to get off.
(Several minutes later)
D: Get off at the next stop. Cross the
street.It's a big building. You can't
miss the library there.
Rider N:Would you point out the City Theater as we go by?
D:It's on Third Avenue. It's the next stop.
N:Thank you.
(At the stop)
D:Move along,please.There are many people waiting to get on.That's it. I'm closing the door.
Another bus will be along in about five minutes.
Продолжим говорить о Великобритании (в прошлом выпуске мы кратко знакомились о этой стране)
Теперь обсудим праздники в Великобритании
Holidays in Great Britain
There are fewer public holidays in Great Britain than in other European countries. They are Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday and summer bank Holiday. Public holidays in Britain are called bank holidays, because the banks as well as most of the offices and shops are closed. The most popular holiday is Christmas. Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present. It’s a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar square. Central streets are beautifully decorated.
Before Christmas, groups of singer go from house to house. They collect money for charity and sing carols, traditional Christmas songs Many churches hold a carol service on the Sunday before Christmas. The fun starts the night before, on 24-th of December. Traditionally this is the day when people decorated their trees. Children hang stockings at the end of their beds, hoping that Father Christmas will come down the chimney during the night and fill them with toys and sweets. Christmas is a family holiday. Relatives usually meet for the big Christmas dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding. And everyone gives and receives presents. The 26th of December, Boxing day, is an extra holiday after Christmas Day. This is the time to visit friends and relatives or perhaps sit at home and watch football.
New Year’s Day is less popular in Britain than Christmas. But in Scotland, Hogmanay is the biggest festival of the year. Besides public holidays there are some special in Great Britain. One of them takes place on the 5th of November. On that day, in 1605, Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I. He didn’t succeed. The King’s men found the bomb, took Guy Fawekes to the Tower and cut off his head.
Наипростейшее упражнение.
Ответы здесь www.english5ballov.narod.ru/topics/keys8.html
1 What was ______ you were playing when we came in?
a books
b the books
c good music
d the music
e the man
2 It's ______ in Lyon. But it is too expensive to eat there very often.
a the window
b the oldest boy
c the North Pole
d the best restaurant
e stamps
3 I like ______ in Florida in March.
a art
b the piano
c the tiger
d the weather
e the telephone
4 I think ______ was the most important invention in history.
a books
b the books
c the tiger
d the music
e the wheel
5 It's great learning English on ______ .
a the Internet
b the books
c good music
d the music
e the wheel
6 We must try to save ______ . Join the World Wildlife Fund.
a art
b the piano
c the tiger
d the English
e the telephone
7 You cannot carry everything. Put ______ down.
a books
b the books
c the North Pole
d the best restaurant
e the man
8 I'm sure I know ______ standing over there.
a the window
b the telephone
c the North Pole
d the best restaurant
e the man
9 My son is ______ in his school.
a the window
b the oldest boy
c the tiger
d the weather
e stamps
10 Austria is a member of ______
a the Internet
b the European Union.
c good music
d the music
e the wheel
11 I think Elvis Costello is still producing ______.
a books
b the books
c good music
d the music
e the man
12 I cannot play ______
a art
b the piano
c English
d the English
e the country
13 I collect ______
a the telephone
b the piano
c the tiger
d the weather
e stamps
14 I like reading but ______ are so expensive.
a books
b the books
c the North Pole
d the best restaurant
e the man
15 ______ is a boring language!
a the Internet
b the European Union.
c English
d the English
e the wheel
16 I would like to go to ______ though it would be very cold!
a the window
b the oldest boy
c the North Pole
d the weather
e stamps
17 She's studying ______ at college. She wants to be a professional illustrator of books.
a art
b the European Union
c English
d the English
e the country
18 Did you leave ______open?
a the window
b the telephone
c the tiger
d the weather
e stamps
19 On the whole, ______ are very reserved. Very different from the warm, friendly Spanish.
a the Internet
b the European Union.
c English
d the English
e the wheel
20 I would like to live in ______ .I need peace and clean air.
a the Internet
b the telephone
c English
d the English
e the country
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Автор рассылки Ирина
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