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25 августа
2005 года

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Welcome to the world of WATER, of which every living entity shares a part, and yet about which we know significantly little...

What do you think is the most mysterious substance on Earth? Is it something rare and precious, like gold? Is it something strong, like titanium? Is it the main source of most of our atomic energy, like uranium? Can you fancy that it might be something as simple as H2O?

Water is within our body, every living thing contains certain amount of it. We're naive enough to believe that we have learned all we should know about water at the chemistry lessons.

Water is much more than we know. Many scientists and leading researchers, from around the planet, keep reporting that there is much more to know about this ancient substance that gave birth to the life on Earth and generously continues to support and sustain our lives. This information is leading us to alter our perceptions, and thereby our relationships and responsibilities, to this miraculous element.

What we do know is that we live on a water planet, unique and unlike any other in our Solar System. The major part of the surface of this planet is water. Our bodies are about seventy percent of this life giving substance. There are about 326 trillion gallons of water on planet Earth. Only three percent is fresh water and nearly eighty percent of what is fresh, is frozen in the polar ice caps and glaciers around the globe.

And we supposing to know everything about water and nothing left to be investigated about water itself, until the groundbreaking work of a pioneer Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto turned everything upside down and led to a new consciousness of the Earth's most precious resource. His book, "The Message from Water," is based on the findings of his worldwide research about the impact of human emotions and other spiritual conditions on the state of water. The "messages" from water he has brought are telling us to look inside ourselves. Water can be a good indicator - it shows direct response to our mood and attitude. Water 'knows' who we are and what we feel and what we think - and changes its molecular structure correspondingly. And this road runs both ways. We affect the state of water, and the quality of our own life depends on the quality of our water, both within and all around us. It has been proved that water, in it's natural and healthy state of purity and integrity, is intelligent and highly responsive to all other forms of life.

Water is a very malleable substance. Its physical shape easily adapts to whatever environment is present. But its physical appearance is not the only thing that changes; its molecular shape also changes.

Emoto had been visually documenting these molecular changes in water by means of his photographic techniques. He freezed droplets of water and then examined them under a dark field microscope that has photographic capabilities. His work clearly demonstrates the diversity of the molecular structure of water. We know that each snowflake, which is actually a frozen drop of water, has a very unique shape and structure. All snowflakes falling from the sky are beautiful and refined. But can you imagine an ugly snowflake? Or a 'horrified' one? Did you know they can be even more good-looking when 'pleased' and 'loved'? Did you know that water from different places is different not only in the way it tastes?

The research by Masaru Emoto revealed many fascinating differences in the crystalline structures of water from many different sources and different conditions around the planet. Water from pristine mountain streams and springs show the beautifully formed geometric designs in their crystalline patterns. Polluted and toxic water from industrial and populated areas and stagnated water from water pipes and storage dams showed definitively distorted patterns and randomly formed crystalline structures.

With the recent popularity of music therapy, Emoto decided to see what effects music had on the structuring of water. He placed distilled water between two speakers for several hours and then photographed the crystals that formed after the water was frozen. Water appeared to show certain preferences in music! It seems to 'like' classic and folk music as well as spirituals, but looks really disgusting after having been exposed to Heavy metal. If therefore distilled water doesn't 'like' Heavy metal, it has to be concerned that the human cellular water shows similar tendencies.

Different mantras and meditation of monks help to construct the most beautiful crystals. At a stagnant lake in Japan, Emoto held a meditation and little fire ceremonies for the lake with a group of people. This lake shortly afterwards started to build the first simple water crystals. The following summer everybody in the local news was wondering why the lake didn't start to stink for the first time in years! So, many spiritual chanting rituals get a new scientific meaning. They build higher structural order in human cellular water and this strongly stimulates the self healing power in the whole organism.

After seeing water react to different environmental conditions, pollution and music, Emoto and colleagues decided to see how thoughts and words affected the formation of untreated, distilled water crystals, using words typed on paper by a word processor and taped on glass bottles overnight. The water in the glasses was then frozen and photographed.

One of the most interesting aspects of it is that water is 'clever' enough to 'read' in different languages (Emoto used English, German and Japanese characters). Water recognized the terms in all these languages and formed very similar looking crystals in response. The most harmonious and impressive crystals were built when using the combination 'love and appreciation'. And again it didn't matter to the water in what language the expression was used. Since the terms 'love and appreciation' in combination develop the strongest and fastest self healing power, it could be a good idea to stick them on your own drink water bottles. You can even place a sample of distilled water on a photograph and you will get an 'opinion' of the water to the relevant motive. It likes dolphins because after spending 4 hours on a photograph of leaping dolphins it builds the most beautiful and harmonious crystals. The photo of Mother Teresa also makes water produce nice crystals. At the same time water is not so good to Hitler. It seems to know history somehow!

The photographs by Emoto show the incredible reflections of water, as alive and highly responsive to our emotions and thoughts. It is quite clear that water easily takes on the vibrations and energy of its environment.

Distilled water in front of a switched on television set (political program), in a microwave, in front of a PC or close to a switched on mobile phone shows pictures of cancer like ulcers without crystals. Worst effect has - according to the pictures -first of all the microwave, followed by the mobile phone, then the PC and the TV set.

Whereas constructive nature programs (without being watched by anybody else but the water) cause the forming of simple crystals. Apparently it depends on the information which is transmitted together with the vibrations. One thing is for sure, the human being that exists within a feeling of love and gratitude is less influenced by negative waves of gadgets.

Another nice example: Emoto irradiated distilled water samples with aromatic chamomile and fennel oil (with a bio-energetic tool). The water built crystals which were similar to the shapes of chamomile and fennel blossoms. Just like tendencies and characteristics are reflected in the physiognomy of a person, plants take on the shape, which matches their inner vibrations. Everything is connected with everything.

Masaru Emoto's extraordinary work is an awesome display, and a powerful tool, that can change our perceptions of ourselves and the world we live in, forever. We now have profound evidence that we can positively heal and transform ourselves and our planet by the thoughts we choose to think.

correspondingly - соответственно
malleable - гибкий
droplet - маленькая капля
pristine - чистый
pattern - узор, рисунок
stagnated - застоявшийся
dam - запруда, плотина, дамба
distorted - искаженный
cellular - клеточный
incredible - невероятный
ulcer - язва
chamomile - ромашка
fennel - фенхель
awesome - необычайный, удивительный

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    Интернет-магазин ENGLISH4U первым в УКРАИНЕ предлагает:
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    ХИТЫ продаж прошедшей недели:
  • WoW-movie: Mr. and Mrs. Smith (Мистер и миссис Смит)
  • The Heinemann TOEFL
  • English4U #15 (журнал для изучающих английский язык)
  • Voice of America (Часть первая)
  • Sweet November (Сладкий ноябрь), Романтика
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  • A Walk to Remember (Спеши любить)
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