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Английский для каждого

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7 июня
2005 года

Доброго времени суток!

Архив рассылки: http://ENGLISH4U.com.ua/modules.php?name=Posting

    Содержание выпуска:
  1. ОЧЕНЬ смешные АНЕКДОТЫ на АНГЛИЙСКОМ языке
  2. Новости сайта, новинки нашего магазина
  3. Eurovision 2005: Press Conference of the Winner
  4. Образовательно-развлекательный журнал ENGLISH4U

A guy was driving when a policeman pulled him over. He rolled down his window and said to the officer,
"Is there a problem, Officer?"
"No problem at all. I just observed your safe driving and am pleased to award you a $5,000 Safe Driver Award. Congratulations. What do you think you're going to do with the money?"
The driver thought for a minute and said, "Well, I guess I'll go get that drivers' license." The lady sitting in the passenger seat said to the policeman, "Oh, don't pay attention to him - he's a smart butt when he's drunk and stoned." The guy from the back seat said, "I TOLD you guys we wouldn't get far in a stolen car!"
At that moment, there was a knock from the trunk and a muffled voice said, "Are we over the border yet?"

One day, a man on a golf course, was having a really lousy game. Just as he was about to hit the ball, he heard a voice behind him. "Ribbit 9 iron, ribbit 9 iron." He turned around and there was a frog on the green. "OK frog, we'll just see how much you know," said the man. He used the 9 iron and hit a hole in one. The man decides to take the frog with him to the next hole. "What do you think, frog?" "Ribbit 3 wood, ribbit 3 wood." After golfing the most amazing game of his life, the man takes the frog to the casino. "What do you think frog?" "Ribbit black 21, ribbit black 21." After winning around 40,000 dollars, the man takes the frog up to his hotel room and sits it on the bed. "OK frog, you've done so much for me, is there anything I can do for you?" "Ribbit kiss me, ribbit kiss me." So, the man leaned over and kissed the frog. It turned into a beautiful woman named Monica.
"And that, your honor, is how she got into my room, or my name isn't William Jefferson Clinton!"

Новости сайта, новинки нашего магазина

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    Самые обсуждаемые темы последних дней:
  1. anekdoty
  2. English Radio
  3. puzzle
  4. Немецкий?
  5. Kat for moderators!!
  6. I'd like to get some practice in English
  7. Какие книги на английском лучше читать?
  8. GMAT
  9. -> TOEFL
  10. Eurovision Kyiv 2005
    Интернет-магазин ENGLISH4U первым в УКРАИНЕ предлагает:
  • фильМЫ на английском языке с субтитрами
  • аудиоКНИГИ с прилагаемыми текстами в формате mp3
  • аудиоКУРСЫ в формате mp3
  • русские фильМЫ на английском языке
    ХИТЫ продаж прошедшей недели:
  • English4U #10 (журнал для изучающих английский язык)
  • English4U #9 (журнал для изучающих английский язык)
  • English4U #8 (журнал для изучающих английский язык)
  • English4U #7 (журнал для изучающих английский язык)
  • English4U #6 (журнал для изучающих английский язык)
  • Intersection (Перекресток) - Ричард Гир, Шарон Стоун
  • Finding Nemo (В поисках Немо)
  • Something's gotta give (Любовь по правилам и без) - Джек Николсон, Дайан Китон, Киану Ривз, Джон Фэроу
  • Voice of America (Часть первая)
  • Sweet November (Сладкий ноябрь), Романтика
  • The Godfather (Крестный отец)
  • Лингафонный КУРС Intermediate English + аудиокурс для экономистов
  • Men In Black (Люди В Черном) - Уилл Смит, Томми Ли Джонс
  • Down with love (К чёрту любовь) - Эван МакГрегор, Рене Зеллвегер
  • Peter Pan (Питер Пэн)
  • Pretty Woman (Красотка) - Джулия Робертс, Ричард Гир !
  • Dogville (Догвилль) - Николь Кидман !
  • A Walk to Remember (Спеши любить)
  • Ice Age (Ледниковый период)
  • Forrest Gump (Форрест Гамп)
  • Harry Potter and The Philosopher'S Stone (Гарри Поттер и философский камень)
  • Shrek (Шрек)
  • Bridget Jones's Diary (Дневник Бриджет Джонс)
  • Fight Club (Бойцовский клуб)
  • My, Myself and Irene (Я, снова я и Ирэн)
  • Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrets (Карты, деньги, два ствола)
  • Meet the Parents (Знакомство с родителями)
  • The Truman Show (Шоу Трумана)
  • The Orthers (Другие)

НОВАЯ АКЦИЯ! К каждому заказу в нашем магазине, поступившему с 1 мая до 31 июня 2005 года, будет БЕСПЛАТНО добавляться СВЕЖИЙ выпуск журнала "ENGLISH4U".

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В прайс-листе указаны цены на все имеющиеся на сегодняшний день ФИЛЬМЫ, АУДИОКНИГИ и АУДИОКУРСЫ, а также описаны способы оформления заказа. (Советуем заказывать диски наложенным платежом, т.к. такой способ доставки на 100% гарантирует получение Вами фильмов)

Eurovision 2005: Press Conference of the Winner

Helena thanks the world
Press conference reaction

An emotional Helena was welcomed to the press conference by an excitable press pack - many of whom were Greek, of course. Before she could take questions, the cheering journalists insisted that she stand on the press conference table with a flag draped around her. She was happy to oblige.

"First of all I'd like to thank the EBU and Eurovision for this beautiful competition," Helena said, after sitting down. "I'm very happy that it's finally come to Greece. I'm so happy, as an ambassador of the Greek tourist industry, to invite you all to Greece next year."

But the thanks didn't end there.

"I'd like to thank Christos Dantis for writing such a beautiful song - I wouldn't have represented Greece with this song, if I hadn't believed in it - and I want to thank my dancers and choreographer, and the Greek Tourism Ministry for whom I'm proud to be an ambassador. I'd also like to thank Kyiv for organizing the contest so beautifully and thanks to all countries who voted for us. I hope you want it to be in Greece as much as I do!"

Helena also acknowledged the support of her friends, fans and the members of the Greek delegation "This is My Big Fat Greek Family," she said. "There are too many Greeks everywhere!"

As for her emotions on stage during the Final, Helena says they changed with every passing moment: "My first emotion was that I was so happy because, before the music started I heard people shouting, 'Helena! Helena!'" she said. "Then just before I started, I felt so nervous. But then I felt so beautiful - I was the only girl with five dancers and they treated me like a princess. And at the end, it seemed to have happened so fast. I thought, 'Did I sing yet, or not?'"

Helena was asked whether she agreed that her performance was similar to Ruslana's the previous year.

"Ruslana made all the countries feel more proud of their traditions and nationality," she said. "She gave a lot of inspiration in that way. But 'My Number One' is a very typically Greek song done in a modern way."

She also spoke warmly of the reception she's received from her home country, Sweden, and other nations.

"I got 12 points from Sweden," she said. "It's a big honour for me - I'm happy to be raised as a Swedish-born Greek. I'd love to make the song in the language of all the countries. Languages are very easy for me. It's sometimes important if they don't understand English and if you want to have a big hit."

She was also asked whether she thought there was a trend developing, given that a woman has won the contest for the third successive year. Perhaps women have an advantage?

"They used to say that Eve was made out of part of Adam's body," she said. "This means that we women might have some secret that the men don't have!"

One journalist described her as the new Madonna - only taller, younger and prettier.

"I'm a very big fan of Madonna," she said. "I'd love to have a career like her but it's hard! I'm going to try very hard and, if something happens, we'll know it came from Europe, and not from America this time."

Helena reserved special praise for Malta's representative Chiara, who yet again has come so close to winning the contest.

"I think Chiara has to come to the Eurovision Song Contest once more to get first place," she said. "She's such a lovely person. Last night in my hotel, I was watching the TV and her song came on. And it was so soothing, I fell asleep."

Songwriter of 'My Number One' Christos Dantis admitted that he felt sure that the song would do well.

"If we'd had a song called 'My Number One' that came third, it would have been absurd," he said. "So it was a gamble."

One journalist commented that Christos seems to come every five years. So what's his plan for 2010?

"Let's concentrate on 2006 first! And then for 2010, who knows? Cyprus?" he said.

Once again, Helena took the opportunity to invite everyone to Greece in 2006.

"Greece is more than ready to host next Eurovision Song Contest in Athens," she said. "After all, Greece did invite the world for the Olympics. But I think having Eurovision will be even better!"

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