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5 октября 2004 года |
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Новый журнал для изучающих английский языкУважаемые подписчики, представляем вам новое периодическое издание ENGLISH4U - журнал для изучающих английский язык. Принципиальное отличие журнала от существующих изданий подобной тематики - формат образовательно-развлекательного издания, цель которого лаконично изложена в слогане: "Учитесь с удовольствием!". Основные преимущества журнала ENGLISH4U:
Журнал предназначен для широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык, а именно, для тех, чей уровень знания языка определяется характеристикой "средний", кто стремится повысить свой уровень знаний или сохранить его на определенном уровне. Как показывают наши исследования, это молодые люди в воздасте от 15 до 30 лет, с активной жизненной позицией, учащиеся или работающие. Они четко осознают важность знания иностранного языка, поэтому всячески стараются закрепить или улучшить уровень знания языка. Они ценят время, поэтому склонны совмещать виды деятельности (формат образовательно-развлекательной прессы идеален для них, т.к. позволяет одновременно расширять кругозор и приобретать знания). Разделы журнала:
Сinema, Voyage, Fiction, Unisex, Music, Business English, Psychology, Nota Bene, Life up! etc. Подписной индекс - 91029(172-я страница в подписном каталоге Укрпочты на 2005-й год)Подробнее о журнале вы можете узнать на нашем сайте http://www.ENGLISH4U.com.ua/ | ||
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Заказывайте прямо сейчас! Новинки 5-го октября:
Заказывайте прямо сейчас! АКЦИЯ! К каждому заказу в нашем магазине, поступившему с 4 октября до 31 декабря, будет бесплатно добавляться пилотный выпуск журнала "ENGLISH4U". Не упустите свой шанс познакомиться с журналом раньше других!
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SEVEN SECRETS for those who learn English | ||
LEARN ABOUT WORD STRESSWord Stress is golden key number one for speaking and understanding English. Word Stress is very important. You can try to learn about Word Stress. This is one of the best ways for you to understand spoken English - especially English spoken fast. What is Word Stress? Take 3 words: photograph, photographer and photographic, for example. Do they sound the same when spoken? No! They sound different, because one syllable in each word is "stressed" (stronger than the others). PHOtograph This happens in ALL words with 2 or more syllables: TEACHer, JaPAN, CHINa, aBOVE, converSAtion, INteresting, imPORtant, deMAND, etCETera, etCETera, etCETera. The syllables that are not stressed are 'weak' or 'small' or 'quiet'. Native speakers of English listen for the stressed syllables, not the weak syllables. If you use Word Stress in your speech, you will instantly and automatically improve your pronunciation and your comprehension. If you have an English teacher, ask her to help you understand Word Stress. Try to hear the stress in words each time you listen to English - on the radio, or in films for example. Your first step is to hear and recognise it. After that, you can use it! More about Word Stress (with audio files): SENTENCE STRESSSentence Stress is golden key number two for speaking
and understanding English. With Sentence Stress, some
words in a sentence are "stressed" (loud) and other
words are weak (quiet). Look at the following sentence: Do we say every word with the same stress or force? No! We make the important words big and the unimportant words small. What are the important words in this sentence? Yes, you're right: WANT and GO. We WANT to GO. It's impossible to explain everything about Sentence Stress right now. The important thing for you is that you know it exists and try to learn about it. Sentence Stress is very important! More about Sentence Stress (with audio files): LISTEN! LISTEN! LISTEN!Students sometimes say: 'I don't listen to the BBC news on the radio because it's too fast for me and I can't understand it.' That's a pity! When it's too fast for you, when you can't understand it, that is exactly when you NEED to listen to it!!! How can you improve if you don't listen and practise? When you were a baby, did you understand your own language? When you were 3 weeks old, or 2 months, or 1 year, did you understand everything? Of course not! But you learned to understand by listening. Think about it. You learned to understand your own language by listening, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. After that, you learned to speak. Then you learned to read. And then you learned to write. But listening came first! More about listening: DON'T LISTEN!Just before I said LISTEN! LISTEN! LISTEN! Now I say DON'T LISTEN! What do I mean? Do you know the difference between the verbs TO LISTEN and TO HEAR? TO LISTEN is active. TO HEAR is passive. Sometimes you can LISTEN too hard. Sometimes you can TRY too hard. Sometimes it is better only to HEAR. Let the radio play. Let the cassette play. But DON'T listen. Just HEAR. Your subconscious will listen for you. And you will still learn. If you listen and try to understand, you may block on one word and get frustrated. Don't worry! Just HEAR! Believe me, you will still be learning. The important thing is to let the radio or cassette or television or record PLAY. Let it play. And you - you do nothing. Your brain will HEAR, your subconscious will LISTEN and you will LEARN! More about not listening: IMPROVE YOUR VOCABULARY WITH 5 WORDS A DAYVocabulary is easy! How many days in a year are there? 365, normally (on Earth). If you learn only 5 new words a day, you will learn 5 x 365 = 1,825 new words in a year. ONE THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE WORDS. That is a lot of new words. And we are not counting all the other words you will learn in other ways - reading, conversation etc. Buy a notebook and write in 5 new words EACH day, EVERY day. Learn them! You will soon have an excellent vocabulary. More about Vocabulary: 30 MINUTES A DAY BETTER THAN 3.5 HOURS A WEEKIn fact, 30 minutes of English study once a day is better than 5 hours once a week! Study regularly. Study often. LITTLE + OFTEN is better than LOT + SOMETIMES. It's easier, too. You can easily find 30 minutes each day. How? You can get up 30 minutes earlier. Or have a shorter lunch break. Fix a particular time every day - and keep it! Some games and quizzes to look at every day: REVISE! REVISE! REVISE!If you revise, you'll improve your learning by 100%. What does "to revise" mean? It means "to look again".
You should be systematic about this. When you learn
something, you should note it. Then you should look at
it again, 3 times: Each time you revise, test yourself. Learn, revise, test. Revise, test. Revise, test. With best wishes, | ||
Анекдоты | ||
Two men were changing in the locker room after a game of tennis. One notices the other one is putting on pair of stockings and suspenders. | ||
До скорого! Хозин Дмитрий, dmitry@english4u.com.ua http://www.English4U.com.ua/ Украина, г.Днепропетровск, 49018, а/я 1239 |
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