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Английский для каждого

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Английский для каждого

От знаний к опыту,
от опыта - к мастерству.
29 января
2003 года

Доброго времени суток!

Как вам раздел "Holydays"? К следующему выпуску придумаю что-нибудь еще более интересное. (советы по поводу новых разделов рассылки принимаются по адресу sovety@english4u.dp.ua)

Архив рассылки: http://www.English4U.dp.ua/arhiv.php

    Содержание выпуска:
  1. Holydays (Праздники)
  2. Jokes (Анекдоты)
New Year

The first and last days of the year have always been regarded as special days - days when people look back on the year that's gone and look forward to the coming year. Many people make New Year resolutions to lead better lives in the future.

New Year celebrations start on the last day of the old year, New Year's Eve. There is usually plenty to eat and drink. Most people stay up until midnight to see the Old Year out and the New Year in. Some people see the New Year in by going to social gatherings where the New Year is begun by singing of "Auld Lang Syne". This is an ancient Scottish folk song. Its author is the famous poet, Robert Burns. He heard the chorus and probably the first verse, which he wrote down and then added more verses of his own.

Many more people celebrate at home by observing the worldwide folk custom of "first footing". This is for a man or a boy to be the first to enter the house after midnight and to wish all inside "Happy New Year". The first footer in some places must be dark, and in other places he must be fair. In most places he must not enter empty handed and it is considered lucky if he carries a small piece of coal. A woman first footer is thought to be unlucky.


His Teacher Has Spoken To Him

Tommy had just returned from his first day at school. He proudly announced that the master had spoken to him.
"Well," said his father, "what did he say to you?"
"He told me to keep quiet," replied Tommy.

he told me to keep quiet - он сказал, чтобы я перестал говорить

A Full Description

"What's the formula for water, Jones?" asked the teacher.
"H I J K L M N O," spelled out the pupil.
"What's that?" cried out the teacher.
The boy slowly repeated the letters.
"Whatever are you driving at?" said the master. "Who gave you that idea?"
"You, sir" said Jones. "You said yesterday it was H to O."

what are you driving at? - зд. что это значит?
who gave you that idea? - кто тебе это сказал?
H2O - звучит подобно H to O (произносится H two O). Ученик подумал, что это названия букв от H до O.
Это интересно...
Только лучшие фильмы на CD(MPEG4) на английском языке с английскими, русскими субтитрами: "Унесенные ветром", "Особое мнение", "Дневник Бриджит Джонс" и другие. www.Qstudy.ru
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