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Английский для каждого

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Английский для каждого

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Английский для каждого

От знаний к опыту,
от опыта - к мастерству.
25 ноября
2002 года


Архив рассылки: http://www.English4U.dp.ua/arhiv.php

    Содержание выпуска:
  1. Business English (английский в бизнесе)
  2. Joke (анекдот)
Business English
Capitalist Economics: Adam Smith

The year was 1776. The Declaration of Independence stated that everyone had the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Certainly those early Americans felt they knew how to make a country prosper. They felt that the key was freedom, and they fought to get it. There was an economist who understood the American dream and helped shape it, even though he was not American. His name was Adam Smith. He published his book, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, in 1776, the same year that the Declaration of Independence was signed. Adam Smith, too, felt he knew what would cause a nation to prosper. Like the founding fathers of America, he believed in the power of freedom.

Adam Smith believed that people would work hard if they knew they could make a lot of money by doing so. He made the desire for money the foundation of his theory. He pictured farmers working long hours growing food to sell locally and to other countries. He pictured business people working long hours to make shoes, tools, and other products to sell locally and internationally. As long as they were free to make as much money as they could, Adam Smith felt that farmers and business people would work long hours. The result, Smith believed, would be plenty of food to cat and products of all kinds available to buy. He said that people trying to improve their own situation in life would benefit society as a whole (like an invisible hand) by producing needed goods, services, and ideas. Adam Smith's invisible hand concept referred to the idea that countries would prosper as individuals within the country prospered, because the way to make money was to provide needed goods and services to others through trade. The invisible hand turns self-directed gain into social benefit.


Family Likeness

"The new member claims to be related to you and says he can prove it!"
"The man is a fool."
"Yes, but that may be mere coincidence."

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Хозин Дмитрий, dmitry@english4u.dp.ua

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