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The Steadfast Tin Soldier

The Steadfast Tin Soldier

By Hans Christian Andersen

THERE were once five and twenty tin soldiers, all brothers, for they were the offspring of the same old tin spoon. Each man shouldered his gun, kept his eyes well to the front, and wore the smartest red and blue uniform imaginable. The first thing they heard in their new world, when the lid was taken off the box, was a little boy clapping his hands and crying, "Soldiers, soldiers!" It was his birthday, and they had just been given to him; so he lost no time in setting them up on the table. All the soldiers were exactly alike with one exception, and he differed from the rest in having only one leg. For he was made last, and there was not quite enough tin left to finish him. However, he stood just as well on his one leg as the others on two; in fact he is the very one who is to become famous. On the table where they were being set up were many other toys; but the chief thing which caught the eye was a delightful paper castle. You could see through the tiny windows, right into the rooms. Outside there were some little trees surrounding a small mirror, representing a lake, whose surface reflected the waxen swans which were swimming about on it. It was altogether charming, but the prettiest thing of all was a little maiden standing at the open door of the castle. She, too, was cut out of paper, but she wore a dress of the lightest gauze, with a dainty little blueribbon over her shoulders, by way of a scarf, set off by a brilliant spangle as big as her whole face. The little maid was stretching out both arms, for she was a dancer, and in the dance, one of her legs was raised so high into the air that the tin soldier could see absolutely nothing of it, and supposed that she, like himself, had but one leg.

"That would be the very wife for me!" he thought; "but she is much too grand; she lives in a palace, while I only have a box, and then there are five and twenty of us to share it. No, that would be no place for her! but I must try to make her acquaintance!" Then he lay down full length behind a snuffbox which stood on the table. From that point he could have a good look at the little lady, who continued to stand on one leg without losing her balance.

Late in the evening the other soldiers were put into their box, and the people of the house went to bed. Now was the time for the toys to play; they amused themselves with paying visits, fighting battles, and giving balls. The tin soldiers rustled about in their box, for they wanted to join the games, but they could not get the lid off. The nutcrackers turned somersaults, and the pencil scribbled nonsense on the slate. There was such a noise that the canary woke up and joined in, but his remarks were in verse. The only two who did not move were the tin soldier and the little dancer. She stood as stiff as ever on tiptoe, with her arms spread out; he was equally firm on his one leg, and he did not take his eyes off her for a moment.

Then the clock struck twelve, when pop! up flew the lid of the snuffbox, but there was no snuff in it, no! There was a little black goblin, a sort of Jack-in-the-box.

"Tin soldier!" said the goblin, "have the goodness to keep your eyes to yourself."

But the tin soldier feigned not to hear.

"Ah! you just wait till to-morrow," said the goblin

In the morning, when the children got up, they put the tin soldier on the window frame, and whether it was caused by the goblin or by a puff of wind, I do not know, but all at once the window burst open, and the soldier fell head foremost from the third story.

It was a terrific descent, and he landed at last, with his leg in the air, and rested on his cap, with his bayonet fixed between two paving stones. The maidservant and the little boy ran down at once to look for him; but although they almost trod on him, they could not see him. Had the soldier only called, "here I am," they would easily have found him; but he did not think it proper to shout when he was in uniform.

Presently it began to rain, and the drops fell faster and faster, till there was a regular torrent. When it was over, two street boys came along.

"Look out!" said one; "there is a tin soldier! He shall go for a sail."

So they made a boat out of a newspaper and put the soldier into the middle of it, and he sailed away down the gutter; both boys ran alongside, clapping their hands. Good heavens! what waves there were in the gutter, and what a current, but then it certainly had rained cats and dogs. The paper boat danced up and down, and now and then whirled round and round. A shudder ran through the tin soldier, but he remained undaunted, and did not move a muscle, only looked straight before him with his gun shouldered. All at once the boat drifted under a long wooden tunnel, and it became as dark as it was in his box.

"Where on earth am I going to now!" thought he. "Well, well, it is all the fault of that goblin! Oh, if only the little maiden were with me in the boat, it might be twice as dark for all I should care!"

At this moment a big water rat, who lived in the tunnel, came up.

"Have you a pass?" asked the rat. "Hand up your pass!"

The tin soldier did not speak, but clung still tighter to his gun. The boat rushed on, the rat close behind. Phew, how he gnashed his teeth and shouted to the bits of stick and straw.

"Stop him, stop him, he hasn't paid his toll! he hasn't shown his pass!"

But the current grew stronger and stronger; the tin soldier could already see daylight before him at the end of the tunnel; but he also heard a roaring sound, fit to strike terror to the bravest heart. Just imagine! Where the tunnel ended the stream rushed straight into the big canal. That would be just as dangerous for him as it would be for us to shoot a great rapid.

He was so near the end now that it was impossible to stop. The boat dashed out; the poor tin soldier held himself as stiff as he could; no one should say of him that he even winced.

The boat swirled round three or four times, and filled with water to the edge; it must sink. The tin soldier stood up to his neck in water, and the boat sank deeper and deeper. The paper became limper and limper, and at last the water went over his head-then he thought of the pretty little dancer, whom he was never to see again, and this refrain rang in his ears:-

"Onward! Onward! Soldier!

For death thou canst not shun."

At last the paper gave way entirely and the soldier fell through-but at the same moment he was swallowed by a big fish.

Oh! how dark it was inside that fish; it was worse than being in the tunnel, even; and then it was so narrow! But the tin soldier was as dauntless as ever, and lay full length, shouldering his gun.

The fish rushed about and made the most frantic movements. At last it became quite quiet, and after a time, a flash like lightning pierced it. The soldier was once more in the broad daylight, and some one called out loudly, "a tin soldier!" The fish had been caught, taken to market, sold, and brought into the kitchen, where the cook cut it open with a large knife. She took the soldier up by the waist, with two fingers, and carried him into the parlor, where every one wanted to see the wonderful man, who had traveled about in the stomach of a fish; but the tin soldier was not at all proud. They set him up on the table, and, wonder of wonders! he found himself in the very same room that he had been in before. He saw the very same children, and the toys were still standing on the table, as well as the beautiful castle with the pretty little dancer.

She still stood on one leg, and held the other up in the air. You see she also was unbending. The soldier was so much moved that he was ready to shed tears of tin, but that would not have been fitting. He looked at her, and she looked at him, but they said never a word. At this moment one of the little boys took up the tin soldier, and without rime or reason, threw him into the fire. No doubt the little goblin in the snuffbox was to blame for that. The tin soldier stood there, lighted up by the flame, and in the most horrible heat; but whether it was the heat of the real fire, or the warmth of his feelings, he did not know. He had lost all his gay color; it might have been from his perilous journey, or it might have been from grief, who can tell?

He looked at the little maiden, and she looked at him; and he felt that he was melting away, but he still managed to keep himself erect, shouldering his gun bravely.

A door was suddenly opened, the draught caught the little dancer and she fluttered like a sylph, straight into the fire, to the soldier, blazed up and was gone!

By this time the soldier was reduced to a mere lump, and when the maid took away the ashes next morning she found him, in the shape of a small tin heart. All that was left of the dancer was her spangle, and that was burnt as black as a coal.

Unknown words:
offspring - отпрыск, потомок
lid - крышка
waxen - восковой ( сделанный из воска )
swan - лебедь
maiden - девица, девушка
gauze - газ ( материя ); марля
dainty - изысканный, изящный
ribbon - лента, ленточка; тесьма
to set off - оттенять, выгодно подчеркивать
spangle - блестка; звезда
to stretch out - протягивать
snuffbox - табакерка
to rustle - шелестеть; шуршать
nutcrackers - щипцы для орехов
somersault - кульбит, прыжок кувырком
to scribble - писать быстро и небрежно
slate - грифельная доска
stiff - неподвижный; натянутый, холодный
on tiptoe - на цыпочках
to feign - притворяться, делать вид
puff - порыв ( ветра )
head foremost - головой вперед
descent - спуск
bayonet - штык
to tread - (trod, trodden) топтать, наступать
torrent - стремительный поток
gutter - водосточный желоб
current - поток, течение
it rains cats and dogs - дождь льет как из ведра
to whirl - вертеть(ся); кружить(ся)
to shudder - вздрагивать; бросать в дрожь
undaunted - бесстрашный, смелый, храбрый
to drift - относить ветром, течением
to cling - (clung, clung) цепляться; крепко держаться
to gnash - скрежетать ( зубами )
toll - плата ( за услуги, напр., за пользование дорогой, за перевозку груза по железной дороге и т.п. )
roaring - бурный, шумный
rapid - стремнина
to dash - бросаться, ринуться; мчаться, нестись
to wince - вздрагивать, морщиться ( от боли )
to swirl - кружить(ся) в водовороте
to sink - тонуть
limp - мягкий, нежесткий
onward - вперед
to swallow - глотать, проглатывать
frantic - безумный, неистовый, яростный
flash - вспышка, сверкание
to pierce - пронзать
unbending - непоколебимый, непреклонный, несгибаемый
fitting - подобающий
without rhyme or reason - ни с того ни с сего
perilous - опасный, рискованный
grief - горе, печаль
erect - прямой; вертикальный
draught - сквозняк
to flutter - трепетать
sylph - сильф ( существо, дух, обитающее в воздухе )
to blaze up - вспыхнуть
lump - ком; крупный кусок
maid - служанка, горничная
ashes - зола, пепел

Share a drink with me, huh?

Share a drink with me, huh?

wet one's whistle
Definition: To have a drink, most commonly implies alcohol.
Example: 1) This looks like a classy bar. I think that I'll going to wet my whistle.
Etymology: In England, a whistle structure was molded into the rim of ceramic drinking cups. Whenever a patron needed service or a refill, he would blow on it.

Definition: An episode of heavy drinking; a period of any kind of unusually intense behavior.
Example: 1) After losing my job, I was so depressed that I went on a three day bender.
Etymology: Comes from the 19th century sense of the word 'bender', which was used for anything great or spectacular.

hair of the dog
Definition: A drink of alcohol taken to alleviate the effects of a hangover.
Example: 1) After drinking so much on Thursday night, I stopped by the Ragged Lion on Friday morning for a hair of the dog before going to work.

Definition: To be intoxicated; to be very drunk.
Example: 1) After he lost his job, Doug went to his neighborhood bar and got blitzed.
2) I was incredibly completely blitzed after drinking all that vodka.
Etymology: This slang phrase comes from the German word 'Blitzkrieg', which means 'lightning war'. The idea is that the alcohol you have consumed is acting like an invading army, brutally assaulting you on all fronts.

Definition: Intoxicated with drugs or alcohol; a state of incoherence.
Example: 1) Erin gets stoned at every party she goes to.
Synonyms: baked, wasted, plastered

Definition: Drunk, stoned, high; what happens to you if you drink too much or take drugs.
Example: 1) Sam spent eight hours at the bar, and by the end of the night he was wasted.
2) We were really wasted at the concert. Black Sabbath rules!
Etymology: This word comes from 1950s hipster talk. 'Waste' is trash or something that is ruined or lifeless. The idea is that if you drink a lot of liquor or take a lot of drugs, your body and mind become lifeless.
Synonyms: plastered, blasted

plastered Definition: To be physically and mentally impaired because of excessive alcohol consumption; drunk and incoherent. Example: 1) Dylan got completely plastered at the frat party last night. Synonyms: wasted

Definition: Someone who drinks a lot of whiskey; a drunk.
Example: 1) Tom is quite a boozehound -- he has half a bottle of Johnnie Walker Red for lunch!
Etymology: A 'hound' is a hunting dog, and 'booze' is liquor. So a 'boozehound' is someone who pursues liquor like a dog hunting prey.
Synonyms: lush

Definition: Someone who drinks too much alcohol; an alcoholic.
Example: 1) If you're a lush, New Years must be one of your favorite holidays - because everyone wants to drink on New Years!
2) Tom is the biggest lush I've ever seen - he always has a drink in his hand.
Synonyms: boozehound, drunk

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