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Грамматика английского языка. Выпуск 37
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Funny Jokes

Three Sumo Wrestlers
There were three very fat and very unfit sumo wrestlers on an island, and they all wanted to get off.
So the first really stupid sumo swam half way got tired and came back.
Then the second sumo who was reasonably dumb swam half way got tired and came back.
Then the third sumo who was smarter than the other two walked across the bridge.

Tradition At Mountain
A Japanese, an Italian, and an American climb a great mountain. At the summit, the Japanese guy says that it is tradition to throw an offering off the mountain as a sign of respect for nature.
He throws some rice.
The Italian throws some pasta.
The American throws the Japanese guy off.

United States VS Japan
"There are many reasons why the United States finds itself playing second fiddle to Japan today in so many high-technology areas where American pre-eminence was once unquestioned. Some of the reasons are complex, but one can be put in a statistical nutshell:
Out of every 10,000 Americans, 20 are lawyers, 40 are accountants, and 70 are engineers. Out of every 10,000 Japanese, one is a lawyer, three are accountants -- and 400 are engineers."

Dishonoring the Japanese
Two Japanese businessmen are talking during their afternoon dip in the hot baths at the Geisha house.
The first businessman says, "Hirokosan, I have unpleasant news for you. Your wife is dishonoring you. I saw her the other night and she was out with another man."
Hirokosan can't believe what he hears, and asks for more information. "It is as I said, Hirokosan, and she is doing it with a foreigner who appears to be of the Jewish faith."
Shocked, Hirokosan goes home to confront his wife. He faces her and says, "I am told that you are dishonoring me with a foreigner of the Jewish faith".
She replies, "That's a lie! Where did you hear such meshugas?"

Unknown words:
summit - вершина
offering - подарок, подношение
pasta - паста, блюда из макарон
fiddle - скрипка
pre-eminence - преимущество, (огромное) превосходство
unquestioned - бесспорный; неоспоримый
in a nutshell - кратко, в двух словах
accountant - бухгалтер
dip - окунание, краткое погружение
to dishonor - бесчестить, позорить

Полезные материалы

Веселые, смешные и просто красивые картинки с английскими анекдотами, пазлами, головоломками, красивыми выражениями:

Fun pics

English idioms and american slang

It's Interesting

Love is...

ESL word puzzles and games


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Feet - important extremities

Feet - important extremities

Just see how they affect our everyday lives:

  • Put your best foot forward - step out or approach a task with confidence
  • Feet first - enter into a task or conversation without caution
  • Dip your toe in the water - test the environment or mood before committing oneself
  • Get a foot in the door - create an opening (career, sales, relationship) which cannot easily be closed
  • Put your feet up - relax, chill, feel at home
  • Barefoot in the Park - a feeling of sensuality (also a drama)
  • Great feets of achievement - you know what they say - 'big feet... big shoes'
  • High heels - fashionable shoe style worn mostly be females (enhances the appearance of the leg through muscular tensioning)
  • Head over heels - whilst this is the normal aspect, often used as a metaphor for the tumbling feeling of being in love
  • Both feet on the ground - solid, dependable, practical, sensible (boring)
  • Walking on air / water / the moon - sensation of happiness / deity / police presence
  • Stand on your own two feet - don't rely on others for support
  • Think on your feet - be prepared to (metaphorically) change direction according to changing circumstances
  • Get cold feet - having dipped a toe in the water, find the situation uninviting and withdraw
  • Six feet under - interred or buried to the customary depth
  • Crow's feet - fine lines appearing at the corners of the eyes resembling the shape of a bird's foot.
  • Back on your feet - not a contortionist's trick, but recovered after being ill and having to lie down a lot
Новости сайта English4U

    ХИТЫ продаж прошедшей недели:
  • Million Dollar Baby (Крошка на миллион долларов)
  • Memoirs of a Geisha (Дневники Гейши)
  • Daddy Day Care (Дежурный папа)
  • Anything Else (Кое-что еще...)
  • Spiderman (Человек-Паук)
  • Cheaper by the Dozen (Оптом дешевле)
  • You Stupid Man (Ну ты и придурок!)
  • Breaking the Waves (Рассекая волны)
  • Fahrenheit 9/11 (Фаренгейт 9/11)
  • What Women Want (Чего хотят женщины)

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