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Feminist icon Frida Kahlo
Frida's life began and ended in Mexico City, in her home known as the Blue House. She gave her birthdate as July 7, 1910, but her birth certificate shows July 6, 1907. This is just one of the many lies Frida told about her life.
At age 6, Frida was stricken with polio, which caused her right leg to appear much thinner than the other. At about age 18, Frida Kahlo was involved in a serious bus accident which left her with a broken spinal column, a broken collarbone, broken ribs, a broken pelvis, and 11 fractures in her right leg. In addition her right foot was dislocated and crushed, and her shoulder was out of joint. For a month, Frida was forced to stay flat on her back, encased in a plaster
cast and enclosed in a boxlike structure.
Frida's enormous strength and will to live allowed her to survive and make a remarkable recovery (she regained her ability to walk). But she did have relapses of tremendous pain and fatigue all throughout her life, which caused her to be hospitalized for long periods of time, bedridden at times, and also caused her to undergo numerous operations. She also turned to alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes to ease the pain of her physical suffering.
After the accident, Kahlo turned her attention from a medical career to painting. Drawing on her personal experiences, her works are often shocking in their stark portrayal of pain. Fifty-five of her 143 paintings are self-portraits, often incorporating symbolic portrayal of her physical and psychological wounds. She was deeply influenced by indigenous Mexican culture, which surfaced in her paintings' bright colors, dramatic symbolism, and unapologetic rendering of often harsh and gory
Although Kahlo's work is sometimes classified as surrealist and she did exhibit several times with European surrealists, she never considered herself a surrealist. Her preoccupation with female themes and the figurative candor with which she expressed them made her something of a feminist cult figure in the last decades of the 20th century.
Her paintings attracted the attention of fellow artist Diego Rivera, whom she later married. Their marriage consisted of love, affairs with other people, creative bonding, hate, and a divorce in 1940 that lasted only for one year. Their marriage has been called the union between an elephant and a dove, because Diego was huge and very fat, and Frida was small (a little over 5 feet) and slender. Frida did not hide from Diego the fact that she was bisexual; Diego tolerated her relationships with women
better than her relationships with men (she had an affair with Leon Trotsky), which made him fiercely jealous. The couple divorced, but remarried in 1940.
Despite Diego's affairs with other women (one was with Frida's sister), he helped in many ways. He suggested to Frida that she should begin wearing the traditional Mexican clothing, which consisted of long, colorful dresses and exotic jewelry. This, along with Frida's thick, connecting eyebrows, became her trademark. He also loved her work and was her greatest admirer. Frida, in turn, was Diego's most trusted critic, and the love of his life.
All over the world, people loved Frida. When she went to France, she was wined and dined by Picasso, and appeared on the cover of the french Vogue. In America, people loved her beauty and her work. In Mexico, her homeland, she had many great admirers.
In 1953 Frida had to have her right leg amputated below the knee due to a gangrene infection. This caused her to become deeply depressed and suicidal. She attempted suicide a couple of times. On July 13, 1954, Frida died. No official autopsy was done. Suicide is rumored. Her last words in her diary read "I hope the leaving is joyful and I hope never to return".
Despite her life of suffering and pain, Frida Kahlo was a vibrant, extroverted character whose everyday speech was filled with profanities. She had been a tomboy in her youth and carried her fervor throughout her life. She was a strong smoker, drank liquor (especially tequila) in excess, and sang off-color songs and told equally dirty jokes to the guests of the wild parties that she hosted. Frida amazed people with her beauty and everywhere she went, people stopped in their tracks to
stare in wonder. Men were fascinated with her, and because of this Frida had numerous, scandal filled affairs.
Kahlo was noted for her unconventional appearance, including pronounced eyebrows and a thin moustache which she did not remove (although in reality she had no mustache and her eyebrows were separate; she simply added embellishments in her self-portraits), and her choice of flamboyantly styled clothing, drawn largely from traditional Mexican dress.
Unknown words: polio - полиомиелит, детский паралич
spinal column - позвоночник, спинной хребет; позвоночный столб
collarbone - ключица
pelvis - таз
fracture - перелом
to encase - полностью закрывать, заключать
to regain - обретать снова; восстанавливать
relapse - повторение; рецидив
fatigue - усталость, утомление
bedridden - прикованный к постели ( болезнью )
stark - застывший; абсолютный; решительный; голый
indigenous - местный
gory - окровавленный; жестокий, чудовищный
dove - голубь
autopsy - вскрытие ( трупа )
profanity - ругательство, брань; сквернословие
fervor - жар, пыл, страсть
off-colour - непристойный; неприличный
embellishment - украшение; декорирование
flamboyant - яркий, бросающийся в глаза; ярко раскрашенный
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