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Программы для изучающих английский язык - То, что мы слушаем на лекции или на семинаре, мы схватываем с первого раза лишь на 16 процентов (тесты показали), остальное "добиваем" ночами, перечитывая и зазубривая материал по несколько раз. Ну, а то, что человек слышит в дружеской беседе, не напрягая при этом память и не скрипя мозгами, он может запомнить даже на все сто процентов. Кто сказал, что детей надо
учить играючи, а взрослые, мол, и так поймут?! Взрослым, практически всем, учиться намного сложней, чем детям. У детей хорошо развита интуиция, они часто "вылазят" на простом подражании. А вот взрослые, как правило, мучаются с достаточно нудными определениями, усложненными таблицами и графиками и порой, к сожалению, устаревшей литературой. Тесты и игрушки, выложенные здесь, могут помочь в запоминании иностранных слов и грамматики.
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YOKO ONO: Every man has a woman
YOKO ONO: Every man has a woman
Artistically misunderstood, derisively known as the most famous widow in the world and vilified as the catalyst for the breakup of the most famous music group of all time, Yoko Ono in actuality is an uncompromising artistic visionary who was already an avant-garde superstar before she met John Lennon. Today, Yoko is finally recognized as an influential artist who pushes the boundaries of the art, film, music and theatre media.
Early life
Yoko Ono came from Tokyo, where she was born in February 18, 1933 in one of Japan's wealthiest banking families. After the war, Ono's family moved to the US. She soon enrolled in Sarah Lawrence College. In 1956, she married composer Toshi Ichiyanagi. They divorced in 1962. On November that same year, Ono married Anthony Cox. Cox was a jazz musician, film producer, and art promoter. They divorced in 1969. After it, Cox abducted their daughter Kyoko and vanished. Ono and her daughter were finally
reunited in 1998.
Ono was among the first artists to explore conceptual and performance art. An example of her performance art is "Cut Piece", during which she sat on stage and invited the audience to use scissors to cut off her clothing until she was naked. An example of her conceptual art includes her book of instructions called Grapefruit. This book includes surreal, Zen-like instructions, for example: "Hide and Go Seek Piece: Hide until everyone forgets about you. Hide until everyone dies."
Ono was also an experimental filmmaker. She made sixteen films between 1964 and 1972, and gained particular renown for a 1966 film called simply No. 4, but often referred to as "Bottoms". The film consists of a series of close-ups of human buttocks as the subject walks on a treadmill.
Life with Lennon
They first met when Lennon visited a preview of an exhibition of Ono's at the Indica Gallery in London. After he and Ono had only intermittent contact - she would send him cards saying "dance" or "watch for me in the sky". He, meanwhile, kept by his bed a copy of her book, Grapefruit. "Imagine a raindrop," it read, "imagine the clouds dripping." Those two years of heartfelt imagining would ultimately spawn the lyrics to Lennon's song Imagine. They began an affair approximately
two years later, eventually resulting in Lennon divorcing his first wife, Cynthia. They married in 1969.
Ono is often accused by Beatles fans of breaking up the band. There are Lennon fans who blame Ono for the experimental phase (considered difficult and bizarre) that Lennon explored in his work immediately before the Beatles' breakup. On the other hand, many fans consider-as Lennon consistently attested-that Ono had a profound and beneficial influence on his body of work. Ono is also sometimes blamed for Lennon's heroin addiction, as she is widely believed to have introduced
him to the drug. Both suffered from addiction on and off for a few years.
Musical career
Ono's music changed after her marriage; while many of her early songs retain the surreal quality of her art and films, her later songs are usually more conventional - for example, the seven pop songs that she contributed to the album, Double Fantasy.
Ono not only influenced Lennon, but also an entire generation of bands, from Talking Heads and Blondie to The B-52's.
Life after Lennon
Since John's death, Yoko has remained active, releasing three music albums, engaging in two concert tours (one which featured her and John's only son Sean leading the backup band) and composing two off-Broadway musicals--the most recent being Hiroshima.
Political activism
Since the 1960s, Ono has been a consistent and outspoken supporter of peace and human rights. In 2002, Ono inaugurated her own peace award by giving $50,000 prize money to artists living "in regions of conflict." Israeli and Palestinian artists were the first recipients. In 2004 Ono remade her song "Every Man Has a Woman Who Loves Him" to support same-sex marriage, releasing remixes that included "Every Man Has a Man Who Loves Him" and "Every Woman Has a Woman Who Loves Her."
Still provocative
Last year, she memorably caused something of a furore in Liverpool with an exhibition entitled My Mummy Was Beautiful, with an image showing a woman's naked breasts and vagina which was displayed on posters across the city. "I wasn't trying to insult Liverpool," she says. "In fact, when I thought of the idea and I visualised this beautiful mom's breasts and vagina all around the city I thought, 'Ah, it would be so beautiful', and it's like giving them love, because we are all born from [our]
mother's body, and that's the first thing that we were nurtured by - mothers' breasts." Why, then, does she think that some people saw the exhibition as borderline pornographic? "Somehow people try to inhibit that memory," she sighs. "Women are put in a position of feeling embarrassed about their bodies. It's so ridiculous, but also astounding - we have to always be apologetic about having created the human race."
Yoko Ono, at the age of 72, is as compelling and seemingly unstoppable as she ever was. 'Wow, this is great! I survived! I'm 70 and, you know, life is beautiful or whatever.'
Of her artistic inspiration she said, "I'm always inside myself and listening to what's coming into my head. I'm like a conduit of some message coming through me. I'm interested in everything, equally, every day. I'm in love with life, the world, every moment."
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