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Грамматика английского языка. Выпуск 30
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average Joe
Definition: Someone who is just like everyone else; a normal person.
Example: 1) Mickey is your average Joe - he likes football, hates opera, and thinks it's a crime to do any work on weekends.
Synonyms: regular guy

Definition: Describing someone or something very plain, average; not particularly outstanding in any notable way; typical.
Example: 1) Tom is your run-of-the-mill recruit; he does everything the drill sergeant says, but on weekends, he spends his time at the gambling hall and pub.
Synonyms: average Joe

Definition: An unagreeable person; an idiot or a fool.
Example: 1) I hate that putz who lives next door--he always makes weird faces from his window.
Synonyms: dweeb

Definition: A dumb guy; someone slow-witted.
Example: 1) Homer is the biggest boob that I know--only he would do something that stupid.

Definition: An awkward or silly person; a loser.
Example: 1) My brother is a pretty nice guy but I wish he wasn't such a doofus.
2) Joe spilled his lunch all over his pants again -- what a doofus!
Etymology: 'Doofus' is probably a combination of 'dodo' (the name of an extinct flightless bird famous for its lack of intelligence) and 'goofus' (another name for a silly person).

Definition: A social misfit; an awkward and unattractive person.
Example: 1) He's such a dork; no one wants to sit next to him in class.
Synonyms: dweeb, nerd, loser, geek

Definition: An overly intellectual person with poor social skills; an unfashionable and unpopular person.
Example: 1) I like Stephan, even though he is a bit of a nerd.

Definition: A nerd; someone who is interested only in schoolwork or computers.
Example: 1) Stephan spends all day on his computer and never talks to anybody. What a dweeb!
Synonyms: dork, loser, putz, nerd

Herbal Teas and Other Healthy Beverages

Herbal Teas and Other Healthy Beverages

We are all familiar with the traditional cups of tea, coffee and cocoa, but these drinks contain large amounts of caffeine and tannin, both of which can be harmful to your health if taken too frequently.

I would like to introduce you to a few tasty beverages that positively benefit your health.

Drinking a herb tea means that you are absorbing the goodness of health-giving plants and being refreshed at the same time. There are hundreds of different varieties but I will give you just a few popular teas to start you off.

You can buy herb tea bags but it's much more interesting to buy the herbs loose and experiment with different combinations to suit your own taste.

Rose Hip and Hibiscus
Both contain generous amounts of vitamin C. The tea made from these is a deep rich red and has a citrus taste. Delicious hot or cold. To make 3 cups bring water to the boil and heat the teapot with a little hot water. Rinse. Add 1 rounded teaspoon Rose Hip and 1 rounded teaspoon ground Hibiscus to the pot. Pour three cups of boiling water over this and cover. Leave to stand for 5 minutes.

Peppermint and Hibiscus
This is a delightful tea hot or cold. To make three cups, simply bring water to boil, heat the teapot, rinse and add 1 rounded teaspoon Peppermint and 1 rounded teaspoon ground Hibiscus to the pot. Pour three cups of boiling water over this and cover. Leave to stand for 5 minutes.

Lemon Verbena
The tea made from this is very delicate. To make three cups, boil the water, heat the teapot, rinse, add two teaspoons of the leaves and three cups of boiling water. Leave to stand covered for 2 minutes only. The tea is then at its best. Standing any longer makes the tea bitter.

Basil and Orange
Many of you will, no doubt, have used basil when cooking but this herb makes a lovely tea when mixed with orange peel. To make three cups, bring water to boil, heat the teapot, rinse, put in two teaspoons basil and a complete curl of a thin orange peel (make sure there is no white pith on the peel). Cover and leave to stand for 5 minutes.

Good for calming the nerves. Great for babies when teething and wakeful, but only give them half a cup. To make three cups, bring water to boil, heat the teapot, rinse and add two teaspoons chamomile flowers plus three cups of boiling water. Leave to stand, covered, for 5 to 7 minutes. Serve with a very little honey if you wish, especially if giving this to a baby.

Grain Coffee
There are many different varieties of grain coffee on the market. The cheapest is Barley Cup and I think this is the one to try if you want a satisfying drink instead of regular coffee or cocoa. All you do is add 1 good teaspoon per cup, pour boiling water over this and add a little milk. Or you can make this with half milk and half water if you like. It's certainly worth a try.

Rooibos Tea
Naturally caffeine-free and rich in a variety of minerals, Rooibos tea is the perfect beverage for healthy active people of all ages. Unlike coffee and regular tea, it is also low in tannin, a substance which may affect the body's metabolism by interfering with iron and protein absorption. The mineral content of Rooibos is an added benefit - iron, potassium, zinc, manganese and sodium may help to maintain healthy skin, teeth and bones.

  • Rooibos is completely pure and natural as it contains no additives, preservatives or colorants.
  • Rooibos contains significant antioxidants that can help fight free radicals (a by-product of normal cell function).
  • As Rooibos contains no oxalic acid it can be consumed freely by people suffering with kidney stones.
  • Rooibos tea is a pick-me-up in the morning, an excellent thirst-quencher during the day and at night.

Unknown words:
harmful - вредный
beverage - напиток
benefit - помогать, приносить пользу
herb - трава
hip - шиповник
to rinse - ополаскивать
peppermint - мята перечная
bitter - горький
basil - базилик
peel - кожица, корка, цедра
chamomile - ромашка
barley - ячмень
thirst - жажда
quencher - тушитель; утолитель

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English4U - журнал для изучающих английский язык

Уважаемые посетители сайта, представляем вам периодическое издание ENGLISH4U - журнал для изучающих английский язык. Принципиальное отличие журнала от существующих изданий подобной тематики - формат образовательно-развлекательного издания, цель которого лаконично изложена в слогане: "Учитесь с удовольствием!".

Основные преимущества журнала ENGLISH4U:

  • Интересные материалы на живом (современном) английском
  • Доступная цена
  • Современный дизайн

Журнал предназначен для широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык, а именно, для тех, чей уровень знания языка определяется характеристикой "средний", кто стремится повысить свой уровень знаний или сохранить его на определенном уровне. Как показывают наши исследования, это молодые люди в воздасте от 15 до 30 лет, с активной жизненной позицией, учащиеся или работающие. Они четко осознают важность знания иностранного языка, поэтому всячески стараются закрепить или улучшить уровень знания языка. Они ценят время, поэтому склонны совмещать виды деятельности (формат образовательно-развлекательной прессы идеален для них, т.к. позволяет одновременно расширять кругозор и приобретать знания).

Разделы журнала: Сinema, Voyage, Fiction, Unisex, Music, Business English, Psychology, Nota Bene, Life up! etc.
Внимание! Бесплатные презентационные экземпляры издания в формате PDF вы можете скачать прямо сейчас: English4U #17 и English4U #19

1. Подписка для жителей УКРАИНЫ на 2007 год

Стоимость месячной подписки - 7 грн. 80 коп.
Периодичность журнала в 2007 году - 1 раз в месяц.
Число страниц - 40
Журнал включен в каталог подписных изданий Укрпочты на 2007 год (раздел "Образование и педагогика", подписной индекс - 91029)
Акция! Все получат подарок! Подпишись на 2007 год в любом отделении почты Украины или подписном агентстве Украины и ГАРАНТИРОВАННО получи в подарок сборник анекдотов на английском языке. Подробности акции с информацией о том, когда и как будут высланы призы будут напечатаны в 1-м номере за 2007 год (пожалуйста, не теряйте свои квитанции об оплате - по ним вы будете получать свои призы).

Для того, чтобы подписаться на журнал через Укрпочту, необходимо:
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2. Подписка на 2007 год теперь доступна и для жителей РОССИИ

На журнал English4U теперь можно подписаться и в любом отделении почты России, но в России журнал называется English Home.
Периодичность - ежемесячно.
Формат - А4
Число страниц - 36
Подписной индекс English Home - 86186
Цена - 39 руб./мес.
В любом отделении почты РФ журнал можно найти в объединенном каталоге "Пресса России" (зеленый) на странице 290.
Сейчас уже можно заказать презентационный журнал "English Home" с доставкой по России. Все подробности читайте на сайте нашего партнера www.EnglishHome.ru/englishhome.html.
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