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How to write the business letter

Business letters are used as ways of communicating between companies. They may be used to request information, send information, sell products or for dozens of other reasons. Either way, business letters must look professional.

A letter from your company is often the first impression that a potential client receives about your business. You want that this impression to be a good one and the way to do that is to format your business letters correctly and professionally.

Each basic part of a business letter is listed below with a complete explanation of its purpose. An example letter is provided as a reference at the end of this article.


The heading of a letter is the address of the sender. Most businesses have a letterhead with this information already imprinted. If you do not have a pre-printed letterhead, you can create one on your computer that looks very professional. You should include the name of the company, the address, phone and fax numbers and e-mail address. You may also choose to include your company's logo. If you are not using a letterhead, you should enclose a return address (this is simply the address of the letter's sender).

Date Line The date line is just what it implies, the date. The month should be written out in full, followed by the date and the year, also written out in full. Example: January 1, 2000. If you are using a company letterhead, the date line should be typed three lines below the heading. If you are using a return address, type the date line directly below the return address, leaving no spaces.

Inside Address The inside address is the name and address of the person or business that you are sending the letter to. The person the letter is addressed to is also called the addressee. Type the inside address five lines under the date line. The inside address should contain the same information that will be used on the envelope.


The salutation is the letter's greeting. It should be typed two lines underneath the inside address. Include the addressee's name and courtesy title along with the greeting.

Example: Dear Mrs. Pipes

Body of Letter

The body of the letter is where you discuss the purpose of the letter. The body begins two lines below the salutation. Usually the body paragraphs should be single spaced with two spaces between each paragraph. If the letter is very short, you may use double spaces between the sentences to give a balanced look to the letter.

Complimentary Close

The complimentary close is a courtesy signal at the end of each letter. It should be typed two lines below the body of the letter. Keep your complimentary close professional. Never close a business letter with Love, Your Friend or any other personal notation. Some good, professional choices are Sincerely, Cordially, Regards, and Respectfully.

Writer's name and title

The writer's name should be typed on the fourth line following the complimentary close. The writer's title should be on the line directly below the name. The space in between the complimentary close and the typed name, is to be used for the writer's signature.

Example: Jeremy Christopher

Vice President

123 Any Street
Anywhere, FL 33333
January 1, 2000
Dear Mrs. Pipes:
This is where you will begin the first paragraph of your business letter. Do not indent any spaces in a block format. Start each line at the left margin. When you are ready, you may go on to your second paragraph.
This is where you will begin your second paragraph of your business letter. Just as in the first letter, you will not indent the paragraph. You should leave one line between the two paragraphs. After you have finished writing your letter, you are almost done.
Rhonda Avery
Letter Writer

Some Practical Advices

  • State clearly your point. A good business letter supplies all information in a clear and concise manner. Pretend that you are on a limited budget and every word you use has a price tag.
  • Indicate the topic in the opening sentence. There are really not enough hours in the day for a busy person to read each letter slowly, word for word. It is also best to use active voice instead of passive voice.
  • Use a formal tone. It is important to write a letter that sounds natural, but remember that the tone of a business letter should be more formal. If you crowd too many ideas into one sentence, the reader may become lost in the words.
  • Correct spelling and grammatical errors. The most popular word-processing programs have writing tools such as spell checks, dictionaries, and grammar tips. Make sure these features are activated in your program and learn how to use them.
  • Reread your letter. Many people write an important letter, print it out and mail it. If possible, let your finished letter sit on the computer for an hour or two, then go back and reread it. Try to read it closely and you may be surprised at the number of simple mistakes you will find. It takes patience to write a good business letter.
  • Get a second opinion. If you have a competent friend who is willing to help you, it is a good idea to get a second opinion on both your letter content and structure.

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