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Английский для бизнеса

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Английский для бизнеса Выпуск 40.



Выпуск 40

рассылка сайта www.english-2days.narod.ru

Выходит с 18.11.2004

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В этом выпуске:

Тема: How to Write a Business Contract - 16 steps

Практика: Онлайн тест

Бесплатное скачивание: Электронный словарь и переводчик. Электронный редактор


Тема: How To Write A Business Contract – 16 steps

Can anyone imagine a business life without having a number of contracts in the folder? As businesspeople, we are tied with producers, deliverers, advertisers, customers, logistics services, etc… the list can be long enough. What is the best document to control the whole process and all commitments? No doubt – a contract - a written agreement between Sellers and Buyers. Typical contracts on buying/selling a product usually include 16 general articles, although they can be less or more. Let’s take 16 steps and face questions at each of them.

1. Subject of the contract. What are the terms of buying/selling? Does the contract have any attachments?

2. Price and total value. What is the currency the price and the amount fixed in? Does the price include the cost of tare, packing and marking? Who pay for the loading onto a ship, the stowage, the lighterage?

3. Quality of goods. What are the requirements? (the specification requirements, the international standards)

4. Guarantee of quality. How long does the period of guarantee last? What shall be done if the goods prove to be defective during this period?

5. Dates of delivery. How soon shall the shipment documents be submitted? Must the Buyers send a written consent? What date is considered as the date of delivery? (bill of lading, motor bill)

6. Delivery and acceptance of the goods. Is the quality proved by the Quality Certificate? Is the quantity proved by the Bill of Lading?

7. Notification of shipment. What is the time to notify the Buyers?

8. Packing and marking. What should the packing provide? (full security, no damage). How is each package to be marked?

9. Payment. How and what bank shall the payment be made?

10. Export license. Who will take care of and bear all the expenses?

11. Insurance. Who will take care and cover the expenses?

12. Claims. When can the claims as to the quality and quantity of goods be submitted?

13. Contingencies, force-majeure. What are the circumstances preventing the fulfillment of the commitments? How soon shall the party inform the counterpart? What authority shall confirm the facts?

14. Arbitration. What authority is to settle the disputes and differences?

15. Other conditions. What is important not mentioned above shall be included here?

16. Legal addresses of the parties.       

So, be sure to consider and include these points into the contract.



Онлайн тест по английским предлогам
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 Бесплатно скачать: Компьютерный словарь и переводчик "Babylon"

На сайте www.english-2days.narod.ru есть ссылка на бесплатное скачивание самого популярного в мире электронного словаря, которым уже пользуются более 60 000 000 человек. Функции Babylon: простота установки и использования, перевод на 75 языков, полный перевод веб-страниц, полный перевод документов (Word, PDF, Text), легкая интеграция с Майкрософт Офис, ведущие словари (Британника, Оксфорд, Википедия и др.). Русскоязычная версия.

 Бесплатно скачать:

Компьютерный редактор английского языка

Также на сайте www.english-2days.narod.ru можно найти ссылку на бесплатное скачивание лингвистического программного продукта для проверки английской грамматики и правописания. Комплексная версия с профессиональными шаблонами.


Блог: По 20 активных слов и вокабуляра TOEFL каждую неделю

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