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Английский для бизнеса

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Английский для бизнеса Выпуск 39. Office supplies



Выпуск 39

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В этом выпуске:

Тема: Office supplies - Офис: техника и канцелярские товары

Практика: Видео 'Make a Supply Shelf for a Home Office'

Блог: Озвученные слова каждую неделю



Office supplies

Office supplies is the generic term that refers to all supplies regularly used in offices by businesses and other organizations, from private citizens to governments, who work with the collection, refinement, and output of information (colloquially referred to as "paper work").The term includes small, expendable, daily use items such as 

paper clips, post-it notes, staplers, hole punchers, binders and laminators, writing utensils and paper, but also encompasses higher-cost equipment like computers, printers, fax machines, photocopiers and cash registers, as well as office furniture such as cubicles, filing cabinet, and armoire desks. Two very common medium-to-high-cost office equipment items before the advent of suitably priced word processing machines and PCs in the 1970s and 1980s were typewriters and adding machines. Many businesses in the office supply industry have recently expanded into related markets for businesses like copy centers, which facilitate the creation and printing of business collateral such as business cards and stationery, plus printing and binding of high quality, high volume business and engineering documents. Some businesses also provide services for shipping, including packaging and bulk mailing. In addition, many retail chains sell related supplies beyond businesses and regularly market their stores as a center for school supplies with August and early September being a major retail period for Back to school sales. The office supply industry was estimated to be worth US$ 225 billion in 1999 and is still growing. wikipedia.org

paper clip - скрепка, зажим для бумаги

post-it note - бумага для заметок

stapler - степлер

hole puncher - дырокол

binder - папка-регистратор, скоросшиватель

laminator - пластиковая папка

writing utensils - письменные принадлежности

cash register - кассовый аппарат

cubicle - кубикл, отгороженное рабочее место

filing cabinet - ящик с файлами

armoire desk - стол-конторка

typewriter - пишущая машинка

adding machine - счетная машинка

business card - визитная карточка 

stationery - канцелярские товары

Читать выпуск полностью www.english-2days.narod.ru/bis/39.html

Блог: По 20 активных слов и вокабуляра TOEFL каждую неделю

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