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Английский для бизнеса

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Английский для бизнеса Выпуск 29



Выпуск 29

рассылка сайта www.english-2days.narod.ru и www.timeforenglish.boom.ru


Выходит с 18.11.2004

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В этом выпуске:

Тема: Customers - Покупатели

Термин выпуска: Backorder

Полезные книги


<> Как написать письмо - жалобу




A customer, also client, buyer or purchaser is usually used to refer to a current or potential buyer or user of the products of an individual or organization, mostly called the supplier or seller. This is typically through purchasing or renting goods or services. However in certain contexts the term customer also includes by extension anyone who uses or experiences the services of another. A customer may also be a viewer of the product or goods in which are being sold. In this case, a customer can walk into a building intending to buy a product but is not satisfied with what he or she may find in the store, resulting in them leaving without a purchase.

The word derives from "custom," meaning "habit"; a customer was someone who frequented a particular shop, who made it a habit to purchase goods of the sort the shop sold there rather than elsewhere, and with whom the shopkeeper had to maintain a relationship to keep his or her "custom," meaning expected purchases in the future. The slogan "customer is king" or "customer is god" or "the customer is always right" indicate the importance of customers to businesses - although the last expression is sometimes used ironically.

Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. According to Turban et al. (2002), “Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation." Its importance varies by product, industry and customer; defective or broken merchandise can be exchanged, often only with a receipt and within a specified time frame. Retail stores will often have a desk or counter devoted to dealing with returns, exchanges and complaints, or will perform related functions at the point of sale.

Customer service may be provided by a person (e.g., sales and service representative), or by automated means called self-service. Examples of self service are Internet sites. The experience a customer has of a product also affect the total service experience, but this is more of a product direct feature than what is included in the definition of customer service.

Some have argued that the quality and level of customer service has decreased in recent years, and that this can be attributed to a lack of support or understanding at the executive and middle management levels of a corporation and/or a customer service policy. Others believe that providing a high level of customer service, which he refers to as Customer Love, is the only way to grow your business in these times.

Recently, many organizations have implemented feedback loops that allow them to capture feedback at the point of experience. For example, National Express, one of the UK's leading travel companies invites passengers to send text messages whilst riding the bus. This has been shown to be useful as it allows companies to improve their customer service before the customer defects, thus making it far more likely that the customer will return next time. wikipedia.org


customer - заказчик, покупатель

frequent [fri:`kwent] - часто посещать

shopkeeper - продавец, лавочник

slogan - лозунг
сustomer service
- обслуживание пок

return - возврат

exchange - обмен

complaint - жалоба

self-service - самообслуживание

lack of support - отсутствие поддержки
feedback loop - пункт обратной связи




(резервный заказ)

Customer order which cannot be filled now, and for which the customer is prepared to wait for some time.


Проверьте себя!

Какие предлоги нужно использовать в следующих предложениях?

Она пишет отчет уже нескольких часов в течение всего утра и закончит через полчаса в пределах 30-35 минут (4 разных предлога).

Спутник был запущен в 5 часов в субботу весной 2001 года (3 разных предлога).

Мы думаем, что все придут вовремя. Наш начальник обычно начинает совещание вовремя (2 разных предлога).

Мы приехали в Питербург в США (2 разных предлога).

Если вы сомневаетесь в том, что нашли правильные предлоги во всех предложениях, тогда, вероятно, вам нужна электронная книга

"120 английских предлогов". Читать подробнее http://www.english-2days.narod.ru/e_prepositions.html

Все полезные фразы, которые используются при подготовке различных типов деловых документов, можно найти в книге "Как правильно составить деловой документ на английском языке" (Московский Дом Книги  www.mdk-arbat.ru/bookcard_all4.aspx?book_id=6605760, Интернет магазин "Озон"  http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/4300938/?partner=bookpartners17)

Читать выпуск полностью (+ Составляем письмо-жалобу) - http://www.english-2days.narod.ru/bis29.html


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Использование материалов рассылки возможно только с активной ссылкой на сайт www.timeforenglish.boom.ru и www.english-2days.narod.ru.

До встречи в следующем выпуске.

Нина Григорьевна



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