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Английский для бизнеса

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Английский для бизнеса Выпуск 14


Английский для бизнеса

 Выпуск  14

рассылка сайта www.timeforenglish.boom.ru

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В этом выпуске:

  • Новая книга
  • Учебные курсы
  • National economies - Switzerland 
  • Новая страница на сайте - о Троице в Англии


"Как правильно составить деловой документ на английском языке"

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From Wikipedia

Switzerland is a prosperous and stable modern market economy, with a per capita GDP that is higher than those of the big western European economies. For much of the 20th century, Switzerland was the wealthiest country in Europe by a considerable margin. However, since the early 1990s it has suffered from slow growth and, as of 2005, fell to fourth among European states with populations above one million in terms of Gross Domestic Product per capita at purchasing power parity, behind Ireland, Denmark and Norway. Switzerland is a member of the European Free Trade Association.

In recent years, the Swiss have brought their economic practices largely into conformity with those of the European Union, in an effort to enhance their international competitiveness, but this has not produced strong growth. Full EU membership is a long-term objective of the Swiss government, but there is considerable popular sentiment against this. To this end, it has established an Integration Office under the Department of Foreign and Economic Affairs. To minimise the negative consequences of Switzerland's isolation from the rest of Europe, Bern and Brussels signed seven agreements, called bilateral agreements, to further liberalise trade ties. These agreements were signed in 1999 and took effect in 2001. This first series of bilateral agreements included the free movement of persons. A second series covering nine areas was signed in 2004 and awaits ratification. The second series includes the Schengen treaty and the Dublin Convention. They continue to discuss further areas for cooperation. Preparatory discussions are being opened on four new areas: opening up the electricity market, participation in the European GPS system Galileo, cooperating with the European centre for disease prevention and recognising certificates of origin for food products. Switzerland voted against membership in the European Economic Area in December 1992 and has since maintained and developed its relationships with the European Union and European countries through bilateral agreements. A full report on the potential advantages and inconveniences of full EU membership is expected to be published in June 2006 by the Department of Foreign affairs. EU membership supporters hope this report could help reopen the internal debate, which has been dormant since March 2001, when the Swiss people refused in a popular vote to start accession negotiations with the EU.


GDP (Gross Domestic Product) - валовой внутренний продукт (ВВП)

GDP per capita - ВВП на душу населения

purchasing power parity - паритет покупательной силы

to bring smth into conformity with - привести что-л. в соответствие с

competitiveness - конкурентоспособность

bilateral agreements - двусторонние соглашения

to liberalise trade ties - либерализовать торговые обязательства (ограничения)

to take effect - вступить в силу

free movement of persons - свободное перемещение людей

electricity market - рынок электроэнергии

disease prevention - предотвращение заболеваний

recognising certificates of origin for food products - признавая свидетельства о происхождении продуктов питания

to vote against - голосовать против

advantages and inconveniences - преимущества и недостатки

to start accession negotiations - начать переговоры о вступлении


Answer the questions:

1. Why is Switzerland considered to have a stable market economy?

2. What steps have the Swiss been taking to bring the economy into conformity with the EU practices?

3. How has Switzerland tried to minimise the negative consequences of the economic isolation from the other European countries?

4. What made the Swiss people vote against the accession negotiations with the EU in 2001?




Вы можете прочитать о Троице и посмотреть традиционный танец на странице моего сайта по адресу http://www.timeforenglish.boom.ru/Whitsun.htm. 

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TimeforEnglish, 2004-2006

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