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English Speaking Club

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English Speaking Club English Club 17 September 14.00. Topic:Cultural differences

                     Языковой Центр Lingvo Studio

Дорогие друзья!

17 сентября в 14.00 состоится встреча английского разговорного клуба в Языковом Центре Lingvo Studio.
Клуб ведет носитель английского языка из Калифорнии Alex Bardelmeier.

Тема: Cultural differences


Cultural differences

Cultural differences are the ways that different cultures live, their beliefs, what they eat, their religious beliefs and so forth. Cultural differences should never be underestimated in their importance. You can learn to speak a language, even fluently, but if you do not understand the culture that the language grew out of, you will never really be "fluent" in that language.

1. Is it better for people to stay in their own countries rather than to migrate to other ones?

2. Is it better to marry someone of the same cultural background?

3. How do you think Russian culture differs from American culture? 

Регистрация в клуб по телефону: +7 (495) 585-37-05

Стоимость занятия  - 500 рублей.

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