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English Speaking Club Words with interesting origins - people and places

English Speaking Club                    

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(495) 585-37-05

  Мы приглашаем вас стать участником клуба English Speaking Club! Это великолепная возможность погрузиться в языковую среду, общаться с носителями английского языка, совершенствовать свой английский, поддерживать знания и речевые навыки в отличной форме.

 Words with interesting origins - people and places

A number of words in English have originated from the names of people,
biro: [шариковая ручка ball-point pen] named after Laszlo Biro, its Hungarian inventor
boycott: [бойкот refuse (отказываться) to deal with (иметь с кем-то дело) or a refusal to deal with] after a landlord (землевладелец) in Ireland who 
made himself unpopular by his treatment of his tenants (арендатор) and was socially isolated
braille: [система чтения и письма для слепых name of a raised writing system used by blind people] from the name of its French inventor, Louis Braille
chauvinist: [человек, высокомерно относящийся к кому-л. strong belief that your country or race is superior (превосходящий другого) to others] after the 
Frenchman, Nicolas Chauvin, who was fanatically devoted to (всецело посвятить себя служению) Napoleon

hooligan: [хулиган a rough (невежливый, грубый), lawless youth] from the Irish family name, Hooligan
machiavellian: [хитроумный cunning, deceitful (вероломный), unscrupulous (беспринципный) in the pursuit of a goal (преследование целей)] from Niccolo 
Machiavelli, the Italian statesman who died in 1527
mentor: [воспитатель loyal (преданный) and wise adviser] from Mentor, friend to Odysseus
pamphlet: [памфлет a small leaflet] from a character Pamphilus, in a 12th century love poem
to pander: [потакать чьим-л. желаниям to indulge someone's desires] from Pandaros, a procurer or pimp in Ancient Greek mythology

saxophone: [musical instrument] invented by the Belgian, Adolphe Sax
tawdry: [безвкусный cheap and tasteless] from St Audrey, at whose annual fair (ежегодная ярмарка) in the town of Ely, near Cambridge, cheap gaudy (безвкусный; цветастый) scarves were sold 
watt: [ватт unit of power] from the 18th century Scottish inventor, James Watt 

A number of other words in English come from place names.
bedlam: [сумасшедший дом; бедлам chaos] from the name of a famous London mental hospital (психиатрическая больница) once situated where Liverpool Street Station now stands
[простой в своих привычках человек severely simple] from the ancient Greek city of Sparta, famed for its austerity (суровость; аскетизм)

canter: [кентер; лёгкий галоп movement of a horse, faster than a trot (рысь) but slower than a gallop] a shortening of Canterbury, a town in south-east England
gypsy: [цыгане member of a particular group of travelling people] These people were once thought to have come from Egypt, hence the name.

A number of names of different kinds of cloth originate from place names. The place of origin is shown in brackets ( ).

angora шерсть "ангора" (Ankara) cashmere кашемир (Kashmir)     damask узорчатая ткань (Damascus)
denim джинсовая ткань (Nimes, France)   gauze марля (Gaza) muslin муслин (Mosul, Iraq)
satin шёлковый атлас (Qingjiang, China)   suede ткань под замшу (Sweden) tweed твид (River Tweed, Scotland)


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       Расписание English Speaking Club

Суббота:    18.00-19.30

  В нашем центре мы обучаем разговорному английскому языку всех, кто хочет научиться говорить по-английски.

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