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English Speaking Club

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English Speaking Club Idioms connected with praise and criticism

English Speaking Club                    

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 Idioms connected with praise and criticism

Idioms connected with praise (похвала)

Saying people/things are better than the rest
Mary is head and shoulders above (на голову выше) the rest of the girls, or She's miles better than the other girls, [used usually of people]
When it comes to (касаться) technology, Japan is streets ahead of (опережать) most other countries, [can be used of people or things]
When it comes to exam passes, St John's school usually knocks spots off (легко победить) the other schools, [used of people or things]
That meal was just out of this world, [ потрясающий outstanding/superb; usually used of things]

Saying people are good at something
She's a dab-hand at (мастер) carpentry (плотничье дело), just like her father, [usually for manual skills]
She's a really first-rate / top notch (блестящий) administrator, the very best.
When it comes to grammar, she's really on the ball, [смышлёный knows a lot]
Bill has a way with (иметь подход) foreign students. The other teachers envy (завидовать) him.
Marjorie really has green fingers; (любить заниматься цветами) look at those flowers! [good at gardening]
Let him do the talking; he's got the gift of the gab. (он за словом в карман не полезет) [good at talking]

Idioms connected with criticism (критика, упрек)

She thinks she's the cat's whiskers усы / the bee's knees, [лучше всех, первый сорт thinks she's wonderful]
He was dressed up like a dog's dinner [вырядиться over-dressed in a showy way]
When it comes to time-keeping (хронометрия), he's the world's worst, [хуже всех no-one is worse]
I'm sorry, this essay (эссе) of yours is a dog's breakfast, [a mess / very badly done]

This group could be learned in association with 'food' words.

When it comes to unreliability, he really takes the biscuit, [превосходить все is the epitome / most striking example of some negative quality]
Mary wants to
have her cake and eat it! [хотеть все и сразу wants everything without any contribution (вклад) from her side]
I think he's just trying to butter me up. [умаслить, подлизываться give false praise in order to get something]
A pay-rise and a company car! You want jam on it, you do! [have totally unreasonable expectations/demands необоснованные, завышенные ожиданий / требований]
Why do you always have to pick holes (выискивать недостатки) in everything I say?


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       Расписание English Speaking Club

Суббота:    18.00-19.30

  В нашем центре мы обучаем разговорному английскому языку всех, кто хочет научиться говорить по-английски.

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