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English Speaking Club Collocations with Money

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(495) 585-37-05

  Мы приглашаем вас стать участником клуба English Speaking Club! Это великолепная возможность погрузиться в языковую среду, общаться с носителями английского языка, совершенствовать свой английский, поддерживать знания и речевые навыки в отличной форме.

 Collocations with Money

An important step to improving your vocabulary is to not only learn the appropriate terms, but to learn the words that commonly go together with those terms. These word combinations are often, adjective + noun, verb + noun, and noun + verb pairs. What's your attitude towards money. Tell your story using the words below.

Adjectives + "Money"

He thinks working in marketing is easy money (легко достающиеся деньги). I think he'll find it's quite a different story.

bonus, extra
If you complete the project before next Tuesday, there'll be some bonus money (премиальные).

The best way to feel good about any purchase (покупка) is if it's been made with hard-earned money (деньги, заработанные тяжёлым трудом).

government, public, taxpayers'
It's not right to waste taxpayers' money (деньги налогоплательщиков) on projects that benefit (приносить выгоду) those who are already wealthy.

pocket, spending
Would you like a little extra pocket money (карманные деньги) this weekend?

gas, lunch, petrol (деньги на бензин), rent, etc
Could you lend me some lunch money today?

prize, grant, scholarship  (грант, целевая денежная дотация на обучение)
They won a lot of grant money for their research into DNA.

stolen (украденные), dirty, bribe (взятка), ransom (выкуп)
I don't want your dirty money!

hush (деньги за молчание), protection (откупные деньги)
That gang (шайка) is demanding protection money from every store (магазин) on the street. It's scandalous!

pension, retirement
We plan to move to Hawaii with our retirement money (пенсионные деньги).

counterfeit, fake (фальшивые деньги)
The police discovered more than $2 million in fake money.

Verb + "Money"

coin  (чеканить), print (печатать)
The government printed a lot of money in 2001.

Let's count (считать) your money and see if you have enough to buy that.

bring in, earn, make, (получать, зарабатывать)
The company brought in more than $4 million.

Could I borrow (занимать) some money for this weekend?

I'll lend (одалживать) you some money until next month.

bank, deposit, pay in, pay into the bank, put in the bank (вносить, вкладывать)
I deposited a large amount (сумма, количество) of money last Friday.

draw out, get out, take out, withdraw (забирать деньги со счета)
She took $500 out of our account (счет).

pay out, shell out, spend (выплачивать, тратить)
They paid out more than $300 dollars for that lamp.

fritter away, squander, throw away (растрачивать по пустякам)
I hate it when you squander our savings (сбережения)!

hoard, save, set aside, stash away  (копить, накапливать)
They set aside $200 each week for savings.

contribute, donate, give (давать деньги, пожертвовать)
They donated more than $200,000 to charity (благотворительность) last year.

give back, pay back, refund, repay (возвращать, возмещать)
I'll pay you back the money by the end of next week.


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       Расписание English Speaking Club

Суббота:    18.00-19.30

  В нашем центре мы обучаем разговорному английскому языку всех, кто хочет научиться говорить по-английски.

    Оптимальное расписание

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г. Москва, ул. Свободы 29, 4-й этаж, офис 415.    

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