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English Speaking Club Cinema


English Speaking Club                    

Общение с носителями английского языка! 



(495) 585-37-05


Мы приглашаем вас стать участником клуба English Speaking Club! Это великолепная возможность погрузиться в языковую среду, общаться с носителями английского языка, совершенствовать свой английский, поддерживать знания и речевые навыки в отличной форме.


Cinema vocabulary

Here is some vocabulary to describe different types of film and some people connected with the cinema.
Types of film, using the word 'film':

A horror film (ужастик): A film that scares you
A science fiction film (научная фантастика)(a sci-fi film): A film set in the future, or an imaginary world and time
An action film (боевик): A film with lots of chases (погони), violence (насилие) and strong heroes 

Types of film that don't need the word 'film' in the name:

A comedy: A film that makes you laugh.
A drama: A film about human relationships and life
A thriller: A film that keeps you excited (волноваться)

Detailed description of films using compound words:

A period drama: A drama set in a definite historical period
A romantic comedy (A rom com): A comedy that is also a love story
A psychological thriller: A thriller that has a lot of suspense (тревога) and fear

Compound words with 'film':

A film review: A report about a film, usually with opinion
A film critic: A person who writes film reviews
A film premiere: The first time a film is shown in a country
A film star: A famous actor from films 
A film-maker: A person who makes films: a film director
A film festival: A special event when many different films are shown
A film buff: (поклонник) Someone with a very detailed knowledge of films
A film-goer: Someone who regularly goes to the cinema


(That's/It's) not really my thing (informal): 
I don't like it. 
(Someone or something) doesn't do it for me (informal): 
I don't like him/her/it. Lots of people think Tom Cruise is fantastic but he doesn't really do it for me

Quiz – Cinema vocabulary
For each of the six questions choose the one correct answer.

1. If you watch a period comedy, the film…
a. is a love story that makes you laugh
b. is set in the past and makes you laugh
c. is violent and funny
d. is frightening
(пугающий) and funny

2. Which of these phrases is wrong?
a. a horror film
b. a thriller film
c. an action film
d. a period film

3. Someone who knows a lot about films and can tell you many different facts about them is…
a. a film-goer
b. a film buff
c. a filmster
d. a film knower

4. What do we call someone who writes his/her opinion of a film in a newspaper?
a. A film review
b. A film-goer
c. A film buff
d. A film critic

5. The first time that a film is shown is often a special event attended by many famous people who walk down the red carpet (красная дорожка). This is …
a. a film screening
b. a film premiere
c. a film fanatic
d. a film launch (запуск, начало)

6. A psychological thriller has a lot of…
a. suspense and fear
b. violence
c. frightening monsters
d. kissing and crying 


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       Расписание English Speaking Club

Суббота:    12.00-13.30

  В нашем центре мы обучаем разговорному английскому языку всех, кто хочет научиться говорить по-английски.

    Оптимальное расписание

  Запишитесь на бесплатный ознакомительный урок прямо сейчас по тел. (495) 585-37-05 или по e-mail study@esl-school.ru

Наш адрес:
г. Москва, ул. Свободы 29, 4-й этаж, офис 415.   

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