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Продвинутый English

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Продвинутый English Advanced English Newsletter #169

A warm welcome to all subscribers! Здравствуйте, уважаемые подписчики!
Выпуск #169
Электронные записки для изучающих английский язык
Dear subscribers!

Here are some tips on using Englsh.

  1. Make sure you know the difference between action verbs and stative verbs, for the latter are not usually used in continuous tenses. To complicate matters further, the same verb can be used as either action or stative verb with different meanings. This article provides more detail on this topic.
  2. Another interesting section of English grammar deals with verbs plus preposition constructions, including so-called phrasal verbs. The common advice here is simply to memorise the two parts together. Here is some material on this, with some examples of the most commonly used pairs.
  3. Knowing collocations is almost as important as knowing phrasal verbs. Collocations are just two or more words that frequently go together. One example would be to have room meaning to have enough space for something. Another one is an honest mistake. Here you can find more examples.
The links above are just to get you started in certain directions. You will readily find more quality resources on these topics, as they are both interesting and important. Best regards,
Andrey Kostenko
Автор рассылки: Andrey Kostenko  (c) 2001-2016  

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