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Продвинутый English

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Продвинутый English

A warm welcome to all subscribers! Здравствуйте, уважаемые подписчики!
Выпуск #131
Электронный журнал для изучающих английский язык

Dear subscribers! We go on publishing the story "The Gratuity" by Otto Pfarrer. As you are the very first readers of the story in English, your feed-back is very welcome.

We'd like to thank those 75 subscribers who voted for the latest issue of our newsletter. Our huge thank-you goes to them all, especially to those 57 from 32,392 who decided it should be exactly '5'. Now we are sure the rest are all snowed under with too many other things.

GRAMMAR - Verbs in Time Clauses

Past time

A past 'when' clause may be used either with a past continuous action that is interrupted or with an action that has just been completed.

Past progressive
I was shopping downtown when I met an old friend.
He was getting ready for bed when the phone rang.
(The continuous action in the main clause is not completed).

Past perfect
He had just (already, no sooner) gone to bed when the phone rang.
She had barely (scarcely) recovered from one stroke when she suffered another.
(The action in the main clause has just been completed).

Exercises will be provided upon request.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Gratuity

-- By Otto Pfarrer --

Continuation (the first and the second parts of the story are in issues # 129,130):

But back to grandma. She was not only a lady, but a gifted literary person, too. Wrote articles, essays, short stories for newspapers and magazines. Had a real talent for story telling. We children listened to her stories with our mouths open. She told us, not once, nor twice, but many times that in the village in the mountains where she lived as a little girl in very cold winters the wolves came down from the woods in the mountains because they were hungry, so hungry that they went to the village sheep-folds and tore not only the sheep but many dogs too to pieces, and everybody was afraid of them, the wolves, but she, though quite young and small, was not in funk at all, took the biggest rifle hanging on the wall of her parents’ house, went out and bang! shot straight into that pack of beastly wolves, and they fled away, and everybody said look, how brave Ilonka was.

funk - общ. трус; паника; разг. испуг; страх; уныние; хандра

And she also said that once, at winter time again she somehow slipped on the bridge over the river and she bump fell into the river, and the water was cold, very very cold indeed (she never used ‘ugly’ words like ‘hell’ or ‘bloody’ because she was a Lady, and ladies never use ugly words she said, no joke, and just said ‘very, very’ instead), so she fell into the water, and people shouted help!, help!, and did not know what to do at all, but she did not lose her nerve and what she did was that she simply swam out to the bank although the river was full of ice-floes, but she just pushed them away and swam out, and that was what she did. Then she had stories about World War I, too. She told us that when she was quite young, the Enemy came as close to the country as their village, and the whole mountain side was black with the many soldiers thronging to the village, and yes they managed to take the village, and some of the officers even stayed for a couple of days in their house, and that they were not beastly at all, no, no, they were just as all the other people, quite nice indeed, but soon our soldiers launched a counterattack, and the Enemy had to retreat.

throng - толпиться; заполнять

And many similar stories she had in stock to tell, part of which she simply read in books because she was very fond of reading. There was always a book before her lying open. As she was reading, it frequently happened that she became absorbed in thoughts. There must have been a lot of things she could think about I guess. Her previous happy life, her husband, whom she loved so dearly and always looked up at, but who was far away and would never return perhaps, but still ‘where is life there is hope’, one must hope till one lived, what else one could do, she always said, and her children. Daughter died young, one of the sons went far away, and the other too was imprisoned, as her husband. Oh God, would she ever see them yet? If not all of them, then one of them at least. Our Father in Heaven, let it be as thou willst

To be continued.

Error reports spotting mistakes and relevant contributions to this newsletter are welcome at thankssomuch@mail15.com.
Please write in English.

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Автор рассылки Костенко Андрей Владимирович.
Этот выпуск подготовили Любовь Абрамова и Dr.Ortutay Peter.
Special thanks to Artyom Sergeev for proofreading.
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(c) 2003-2006 Ru-English Educational Project
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