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Продвинутый English

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Продвинутый English

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Выпуск #109
Еженедельный электронный журнал для изучающих английский язык

Повторим грамматику 108-го выпуска:
"Complete the sentences. Use the words in brackets in the correct order.
1) I'm afraid I .................... able to come to the party. (probably/be/won't)
2) Mark and Diane ................... in Manchester. (both/were/born)
3) I .................. you (probably, can't, help)"[1]

Men are confused. They're conflicted. They want a woman who's their intellectual equal, but they're afraid of women like that. They want a woman they can dominate, but then they hate her for being weak. It's an ambivalence that goes back to a man's relationship with his mother. Source of his life, center of his universe, object of both his fear and his love.
Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider, Northern Exposure, Cicely, 1992

ambivalence - метания; непоследовательность, двойственный подход ( к кому-л., чему-л. ), неуверенность, нерешительность

Подписчики "Продвинутого English" в 2002-2003, возможно, помнят, что в журнале был раздел "PUNS" (a pun - игра слов; каламбур), в котором мы рассказывали о каламбурах английского языка.
Вспоминая былую традицию, поговорим о "soul/sole mate" - выражении, в котором даже носители иногда путают слова и пишут "sole" вместо "soul". Звучат эти слова одинаково, транскрипция у "sole" и "soul" совпадает.

sole - подошва, ступня, подметка.
soul - одно из значений "душа"
soul mate - the person who is your natural and compatible mate.
Словарь "Мультитран" дает значения - задушевная подруга; подруга сердца; задушевный друг; милый друг (о любовнике); разг. единомышленник:
I thought Carson and I were soul mates, but we disagree a lot.

Еще примеры (Honey, I Can't Remember):

Max: Are you getting any recollection back, anything from the past few weeks or months?
recollection - одно из значений "воспоминание"
Liz: I can’t tell. Sometimes I see or hear something that seems familiar, but nothing specific. Except you Evans Max. I can’t remember specifics but you just seem so familiar to me, kind of like an old shoe.
Max: An old shoe?
Liz: You know what I mean. Just comfortable!
Max: Oh! You know; if Alex were here he’d say it’s because we’re sole mates.
(Max points to the bottom of his shoe. Liz smiles at the pun.)
Max: Liz, this is the second time I've done this and it doesn't get any easier.
Liz: Done what Max?
Max: Told you a secret about myself.
Liz: Like you said Max, everybody has secrets.
Max: If I tell you my biggest secret, will you be willing to tell me yours?
Liz: I…uh…maybe.
Max: No maybe. If you don't trust me, I don’t trust you.
Liz: It's not a matter of trust, Max. Maybe there are some things that are best kept secret.
Max: Even between "soul mates".
Liz: Is that what we are Max? Is that why I feel so absolutely calm and protected when I'm with you?
Max: If that's what we are, it makes my secret even more amazing. I used to think it couldn't be. But I changed my mind. The universe is big, Liz. But it's very small in many ways too.
Liz: So, are you going to tell me?

GRAMMAR - the position of enough
"Еnough goes after adjectives and adverbs:
He didn't get the job because he wasn't experienced enough. (not 'enough experienced')
You won't pass the examination if you don't work hard enough.
She shouldn't get married yet. She's not old enough.

Еnough normally goes before nouns:
He didn't get the job because he didn't have enough experience. (not 'experience enough')
I'd like to go away on holiday but I haven't got enough money.
Some of us had to sit on the floor because there weren't enough chairs.

You can also use enough alone (without a noun):
I'll lend you some money if you haven't got enough."[1]

Приведенный ниже пример, видимо, не относится к normally:
Solomon notes another obstacle to us enjoying our work:
"Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless"

1) I'm afraid I probably won't be able to come to the party.
2) Mark and Diane were both born in Manchester.
3) I probably can't help you."[1]


Вернемся к предыдущему выпуску, вернее, "interpersonal skill" Спасибо Леониду М, который прислал нам следующие комментарии:

Различие словосочетаний communicational skill ( перевод в словарях и в Интернет мною не найден ) и interpersonal skill (как, навыки межличностных отношений, умение общаться с людьми, психологическое мастерство) поясняется книге В.Д. Рыжкова Деловой английский язык: Менеджмент: Пособие по изучению англ. Яз. – Калининград: Янтарн. Сказ , 2002.
– 256 с . ( на стр .36):
A communicational skill is the ability of manager to share his ideas and opinions with other people both orally and in writing. This skill is a decisive factor of a manager’s success. Some investigations show that top managers and middle managers spend approximately 80% of their work time in communicating with each other.
Thus, a communication skill enables managers to hold meetings, write clear letters and explanatory notes, make reports, etc.

An interpersonal skill (psychological skill) is the ability to deal effectively with other people both inside and outside the organization. It is the ability to understand the needs and motives of other people. This skill is very important for a good psychological atmosphere for successful activity in the common work in future. If the interpersonal relations are good, a manager will be successful in getting a support in the development and implementation of organizational plans.

Читайте в еженедельникe Продвинутый English+

Теперь каждый выпуск еженедельника мы будем начинать цитатами от известных людей (QUOTE OF THE WEEK), а заканчивать пословицами и поговорками (SAYING OF THE WEEK). Будем учиться узнавать и правильно употреблять идиомы (IDIOMS OF THE WEEK). Основным становиться раздел (READING OF THE WEEK). Суть этого основного раздела в том, что он отражает материал, который по тем или иным причинам заставил нас обратить на себя внимание. Материал поставляется, главным образом, из реально прочитанных вещей. Читаем мы художественные книги, научные статьи и собственную корреспонденцию. Выбираем только то, что представляет интерес для себя самих. Это один из самых эффективных способов самообучения, чем мы с вами и занимаемся. Разница только в том, что вы получаете уже готовую выборку из всего прочитанного. Разделы (QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK), (GRAMMAR OF THE WEEK) и пр. будут появляться по мере накопления интересного материала.

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Архив рассылки находится здесь: АРХИВ

1. English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy.

Комментарии и дополнения ко всем статьям выпуска приветствуются на thankssomuch@mail15.com.

Автор рассылки Костенко Андрей Владимирович.
Этот выпуск подготовила Любовь Абрамова.

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