Улучшаем свой английский. Избавляемся от "Russian English".
Выпуск 61
Уважаемые подписчики! Перед вами новый выпуск рассылки "Улучшаем свой английский. Избавляемся от Russian English". Сегодня в разделе "Мысли, помогающие нам жить" - "Thoughts That Help Us Live" вас ожидают изречения на тему: "Ссора" (Quarrel).
1) "In quarreling the truth is always lost." (Syrus). - "В ссорах истина всегда теряется". (Сайрус). 2) "The apple of discord." (The Greek Mythology). - "Яблоко раздора". (Из греческой мифологии). 3) "Ask
me no question, and I'll tell you no lies." (Goldsmith). - "Не задавай мне вопросов, и я ни в чём не солгу тебе". (Голдсмит). 4) "No question is so difficult to answer as that to which the answer is obvious." (Shaw). -"Труднее всего отвечать на тот вопрос, ответ на который очевиден". (Шоу).
В прошлом выпуске мы предлагали вам найти правильное значение слова majority. Правильный ответ: more than half of the votes.
Сегодня предлагаем найти правильное значение слова duty free. 1) A scheduled trip by plane between designated airports. 2) National, not international within one country. 3) Not taxable; exempt from customs taxes.
Также вам было предложено найти объяснение сокращению. What does the abbreviation pd stand for? All these bills are pd (paid). Put them in another folder and get the ones that still need to be cancelled.
А теперь найдите, пожалуйста, правильное значение ещё для одного сокращения. What does the abbreviation PLC stand for?
Пример: After having worked for a PLC for 20 years, I decided to open my own little business. 1) Private Limited Corporation 2) Public Limited Company 3) Products Listed Confirmed
Мы уверены, что и с этими заданиями вы справитесь отлично!
В нашем сегодняшнем выпуске мы бы хотели поговорить с вами о собрании. Мы приготовили для вас немножко бизнес лексики с объяснениями на английском языке.
"A meeting is an event where minutes are taken and hours wasted."
Annual General Meeting / AGM - a meeting that happens once every year in which a company or other organization discusses the past year's activities and elects new officers board meeting - a meeting of the Board of directors of an organization lunch meeting - a meeting for lunch; usually to conduct business while eating stockholders meeting - a meeting at
which the management reports to the stockholders of a company summit meeting - a meeting of heads of state or other leaders work meetings - meetings which produce a product or intangible result such as a decision staff meeting - typically a meeting between a manager and those that report to the manager(possibly indirectly) team meeting - a meeting among colleagues working on
various aspects of a team project management meeting - a meeting among managers department meeting - departmental meeting one-to-one meeting - a meeting between two individuals meeting room - a room of various sizes that is used by companies to hold meetings
arrange, set up, fix a meeting = organize a meeting attend a meeting = go to a meeting miss a meeting = not go to a meeting run, chair a meeting = be in charge of a meeting cancel a meeting = not have a meeting after all bring a meeting forward = make a meeting earlier than originally decided postpone, put back a meeting = make a meeting later than originally planned
Предлагаем вам перевести данные выражения на русский язык, обращая внимание на объяснения данных выражений. Это будет вашим домашним заданием.