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India's lower house of parliament (нижняя палата Парламента)
has 543 representatives (представитель). But only 79 of them are under the age (моложе) of 40. Business leaders and politicians (политики) say many more young and talented Indians would join the public sector (государственный сектор) if the system were fair (справедливый).
Speaking at a plenary session (пленарное заседание) of the India Economic Summit, opposition leader (лидер оппозиции) Arun Jaitley said that Indian politics doesn't offer enough incentives (меры поощрения), and in some cases fails to even let the good get on with the job. Major companies (крупные компании) operating in the private sector (частный сектор) agree that they offer an attractive alternative to those looking to make a difference. But Ben Verawaayen, Chief Executive Officer (генеральный директор) of telecommunications firm Alcatel-Lucent says a healthy public-private balance is the key (ключ) to India's future. “It is true that there are many entrepreneurial
(предприимчивый) people here who are seeking the opportunity (возможность) and want to form it in their own way and with their own views. And that is what you do in the private sector. Now I think the public sector will benefit from (приносить пользу) working together with the private sector in the execution phase
(фаза выполнения, реализации проекта). I don't think there is anything wrong with the target setting (постановка цели); I don't think there is anything wrong with the aspiration (стремление).” India has long
debated (обсуждать) the need for new, young leaders. But experts (эксперт, специалист) say it's not just about getting them into positions of power, but making sure they want to stay in it for the long term.
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