Добрый день, уважаемый читатель. Мы предлагаем вашему вниманию рассылку, цель которой - помочь специалистам
в различных областях использовать английский язык в своей повседневной профессиональной практике. В рассылке мы расскажем вам о том, как вести деловую переписку, оформлять e-mail, письма с запросом информации и многое другое. Мы покажем вам основные выражения, используемые при ведении бизнеса в англоязычных странах, правила составления резюме, а так же много другой интересной и полезной информации.
Business Vocabulary Exercise
Fill in (вставьте) the missing words in the sentences below using 12 of the vocabulary items.
interview, borrow (занимать), pay, expensive, plan, vehicle (транспортное средство), progress, telephone, income (доход), accountant (бухгалтер), staff (персонал), import, bank, calendar, overdraft (перерасход)
1. All of the ........................................ at
the hotel were polite and helpful.
2. Why has the cost of ........................................ calls fallen so much recently?
3. This country has made a lot of economic ........................................
in the last few years and most
of the people now enjoy a very good standard of living.
4. The thieves made their getaway (скрылись, сбежали) in
a stolen .........................................
5. I’m sorry but it’s impossible to meet you until next Friday because my ......................................... is
absolutely full
of appointments (встречи).
6. He will need to show his business ......................................... to the bank manager in order to get a
7. People on a higher ......................................... usually have to pay more tax.
8. Business class tickets are always much
more ......................................... than regular flights (регулярные рейсы).
9. A lot of people looking for employment need to attend (посещать, побывать) more than one .........................................
before they find a job.
10. Sales were very good last year and all of the staff were given a ......................................... increase (повышение) to reward their
hard work.
11. The ......................................... limit on my bank account (банковский счет) is 500 pounds. 12. Do you think it is safe to give your ......................................... details to people over the Internet?
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