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План выхода Дотнет-курсов Microsoft в 2001 году
Сезонная скидка на курсы 23-28 июля

1. Microsoft .NET Courses in 2001: подумайте об апгрейте навыков
2. Воспользуйтесь скидкой на акселерированные вечерние курсы

*  *  *

Microsoft .NET Courses in 2001: подумайте об апгрейте навыков

XML Web Services Foundation Skills
These courses will help developers get up to speed on the basics of XML, XML Style Sheet Transformations (XSLT), and data access using established development environments.  
Course XML Web Services Foundation Skills Availability
Course 1905 Building XML-Based Web Applications
This course teaches developers how to structure and validate data in a document by using document type definitions (DTDs). Students also learn how to get data from a database using XML and how to present that data using XSL.

В "Звёзды и С" 20-24авг

Course 1913
Exchanging and Transforming Data Using XML and XSLT
This course will demonstrate techniques for exchanging and transforming data using XML and XSLT. The course will also describe best practices for using XML and XSLT by giving compelling examples of the best ways to solve real-world problems.

В "Звёзды и С" 27-31авг

Microsoft .NET Framework & System Services
The following courses are for developers who want to learn how to use the .NET Framework and Microsoft Windows® 2000 system services to build scalable, agile applications. There is also a course that teaches best practices for COM/COM+-based application development, which will help developers effectively evolve their current applications to a Web services model in the future.  
Course Microsoft .NET Framework & System Services Availability
Course 2063 Introduction to Microsoft ASP .NET
This course will expose students to the features of Microsoft ASP .NET and give them hands-on experience in applying its features in their own Web applications.
New Sample Course 2063 with a free training module.
Course 2099
Building Distributed Applications with COM+ Services and Microsoft Visual C++
This course provides developers experienced with Microsoft Visual C++® a solid grounding in COM+ programming techniques and best practices. It will prepare developers to take advantage of the Microsoft .NET platform by giving them a foundation for interoperating with the .NET environment.
Course 2349
Programming Microsoft .NET Framework with Microsoft Visual C#
This course will provide developers who use Microsoft Visual C#™ with a hands-on tour of the .NET Framework. An overview of the key concepts will be followed by in-depth tutorials about working with assemblies, deployment and versioning, the common type system, memory and resource management, file and network input/output (I/O), serialization, remoting, and Web services.
New Sample Course 2349 with a free training module.
Available July 2001
Course 2350
Securing and Deploying Microsoft .NET Assemblies
This course will provide developers with a solid understanding of how to develop and deploy private and shared assemblies, focusing on configuration, versioning, and security issues. Topics include types of assemblies, side-by-side versioning in the global assembly cache, deployment using Microsoft Windows® Installer and Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET deployment projects, strong-name signing, code access security, Microsoft .NET role-based security, and isolated storage. This course also includes an introduction to interoperability between .NET components and both Microsoft Win32® API and COM code.
New Sample Course 2350 with a free training module.
Available July 2001
Course 2415
Programming the Microsoft .NET Framework with Visual Basic .NET
This course will provide developers who are using or intending to use Microsoft Visual Basic® .NET with a hands-on tour of the .NET Framework. An overview of the key concepts will be followed by in-depth tutorials about working with assemblies, deployment and versioning, the common type system, memory and resource management, file and network I/O, serialization, remoting, and Web services.
Available October 2001
Course 2389
Developing ADO .NET Applications for Microsoft SQL Server 2000
This course provides developers with a solid understanding of how to develop connected and disconnected data-centric applications within the .NET Framework.
Available November 2001

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET is built from the ground up to make building and using Web services to be as straightforward as possible. These courses will introduce developers to these new tools, their capabilities, and recommended best practices.  
Course Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Availability
Course 2124 Introduction to Microsoft Visual C# Programming for the Microsoft .NET Platform
This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills that they need to develop applications with the Visual C# development systems for the .NET platform. The course will focus on C# program structure, language syntax, and implementation details.
New Sample Course 2124 with a free training module.
Course 2373 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to develop applications using Visual Basic .NET. The course also focuses on the new features and language enhancements of Visual Basic .NET as well as how to prepare existing applications for future upgrades.
Available November 2001
Additional courses will be added to this list over time.

Воспользуйтесь скидкой на акселерированные вечерние курсы

Приглашаем на вечерние курсы 23-28 июля:
курс 1313 Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 Accelerated Training ($325/$450)
курс 1560 Updating Support Skills from WinNT4.0 to Win2000 ($250/$375)

Оба курса акселерированные и рассчитаны на специалистов с серьезным опытом работы. Обязательно посмотрите программы курсов для сравнения своих навыков с предварительными требованиями.

Обратите внимание на скидки:
- для слушателей "Звёзды и С" скидка до 20%,
- для имеющих статус MCP скидка 10%.

За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь на www.stars-s.ru,
E-mail: katkov@stars-s.ru и тел. в Москве (095) 251-0633, 945-3502.
Ведущий рассылки Андрей Катков.

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